Personal Reflection

Why is story telling important to creating digital content?

Story telling is important to creating digital content because now anyone with a computer or internet connection can instantly share their story with others and those individuals can share with others all over the world. 

This allows you to express your story which may be a brand, blog, service or product in the way you want to inspire, and motivate others. 

How will your content be guided by your story?

Your content has to be guided by your story in a way you want to express it. I know for my story my content has to be colourful, welcoming, and fun. You want moms, dads and others to feel safe and a place where they can ask you questions and you can answer them to the best of your ability.  

What kind of stories do you want to tell? 

I want to tell a real story, a story how life (my life) isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, life has its good and bad days. 

I want to be able to share my homemade baked goods and DIY’s. I want to be able to help people get through the bad days through meditation and yoga. 

My goal is to be a mom influencer, and a mom blogger that shares a bit of everything but shows the real and not the fake. 

Personal Branding

I am choosing the question who am I? and what do I do? 

I believe this is the foundation and you need to first ask yourself who you are? And what it is you do or what you want to do. After you answer those two questions you can start building your story. 

Who Am I?

My name is Cristina, I am 30 years old married with a beautiful daughter and another one on the way. I have graduated from York University with a bachelors in Humanities, I have graduated from centennial college with a paralegal certificate and I am licenses with the Law Society of Ontario. 

The past year I have been stuck in a bubble, trying to figure out what my strengths and weaknesses are and what I want to pursue in the near future. 

I love to cook and bake home made goods, it fills my heart and helps me get through some rough days.  I would love to be able to share my recipes with others and allow others not only to try those recipes out but if they want to swipe and order. 

Another thing I love to do is create events with DIY’s. I would love to not only share my ideas but help others out. Take the knowledge I have and share it with others. 

Lastly, I am currently enrolled in a yoga certificate program to teach. This I would love to offer a virtual service at the comfort of your home. Whomever has children knows that it is sometime hard to leave your house. 

This is my story. I need to now figure out how to put all this into play. I want to be a mom influencer that can offer each of my special.

Don’t forget to go follow – end of the month I will be having a contest.

My Personal Brand

I am currently trying to figure that out, but what my goal is to be mom influencer, a DIYer, and Yoga/ Meditation instructor. I want to somehow figure out how to bring all those together as one. 

I want to be able to show others how things can be done, a reflection of my personality. I want to be the go-to for mom for all things to do with the home, home cooked meals, baking, DIY’s, yoga and meditation. 

Garden Fresh Tomatoes, Basil, Onion , Garlic and Olive Oil- All ready for a fresh plate of Pasta!

I will make sure that I do things that keep my followers interested and wanting to come back. Maybe that can mean allowing your followers let me know what they are looking for, for example my mom and I currently love creating balloon garlands together – maybe I can have a live feed – get my audience involved, share some tips and tricks. Also, I would have a contest to get followers to follow and share your content. 

Currently because I am trying to let’s say “find myself” I do not have any colleagues but if I did, I am sure they would say that my best trait would be that I love trying new things and helping others in all types of situations. 


I have chosen Shop M Boutique. They are a clothing store for girls and women of all ages. They are using social media as a way to sell their product. 

Shop M posts pictures of their clothing on their models to show their followers how it looks on. This company is a market that is product-driven fashion. They use repetition and imagery to create brand identity. By doing this it makes consumers buy on desire and price. An example – WOW! That looks so good on her and she is sort of my body type and the price is right – I need that right NOW! Just with a click it will show you the price and take you to the product to purchase it. It is that simple. 

Their whole purpose is to convert their followers into buyers and they do that by posting pictures of what they have to sell and also offering a give-away. The last give away they have is a pair of Airpods. In order to win those Airpods you need to be following M, like the post, tag your bestie(s) and lastly repost on your story. I believe this is an attractive way to get people to follow you and from following you will get buyers. 

Shop M is also using tik tok to put videos together to show how to pair items of clothing and accessories together which is a fun way and it gets consumers attention. 

I believe their approach is working. Although, they are not active on twitter which I believe doesn’t have them engaging in conversations about their products. 

Twitter would allow them to connect and engage with customers directly but their last post was back in 2018. 

Target Audience


If you are not aware, assessing your target audience is the first step in designing any communication strategy. 

Assessing your target audience will allow you to understand your target audience. 

For me, I would love to be a mom blogger, who is able to share my DIY’s and home recipes that I cook for my family. 

Specifically, for my target audience demographics are parents of either gender, and not really age specific. For individual’s wo are interested in DIYS’s and homemade recipes. 

I specifically look at mom communities, there are so many of them. They are located all around the world. I like to see what moms and dads are up to all over the world. 

Once I get the hand of how to promote myself, I would love to be a mom influence and maybe partner up with some other moms. 

If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to them.  

Some ways I can maybe communicate with my target audience is have some polls for them in what they are interested, maybe partner up with other mom bloggers to try have contests. 

I cannot wait to start this journey. 

Com0014-Blog 2

History of Storytelling


People have shared their life experiences, dreams, and reality through stories for many decades. It is a way we communicate. 

Stories can be told in a various of ways, they can be told orally, through a narrative, through music, through dance and pretty much in any form of art. 

Those are the more traditional ways of telling our story. Now as times change, the way we tell our story has changed through social media. You can now share your story all over the world. You are able to share your story with others and others can share their story with you over the web. 

It is amazing how the primitive people shared their stories. Even without the web the primitive people were able to share their story. 

Stories is a means to bring people together. Through social media there are different communities. An example for that is moms, there are so many mom groups that share their story and share what their likes and dislikes are in relation to products or other things of interest. 

Through our stories we need to ensure that we are clear and we want people to not lose interest, we want our audience to be interested and either share our profile to others or to come back for more.

Ensuring proper grammar is another important factor. You also need to talk in an active voice because it will allow you to gain more interest. 

This will not come in a day, just like anything else practice makes perfect. 

The goal with storytelling is you want others to engage in your story. I for myself know that if I were to become a mommy blogger, I would want others to engage with me in way that I will also learn from them. 

COM0014- Blog #1-Summer of 17

Ah- quite embarrassing but my last vacation was back in August 2017, my honeymoon. 

I got married August 12, 2017 and a few days later we were supposed to go to Negril, Jamaica for two long beautiful weeks but unfortunately life took a bad turn. My father in law was passing away. We had to change are plans, we were unsure if we should have changed our plans or not.

Anyways, we canceled our Negril, Jamaica trip and we ended up in Domincan Republic, Punta Cana for a week. 

We stayed at the Majestic Mirage Adults only. 

Have any of you traveled to Punta Cana? or have you stayed here?

I would totally go again.

Click here to see the Majestic Mirage Hotel.

It was not the honey moon I thought I was going to have, neither it was not that enjoyable because we were both scared that we would get a phone call. 

Anyways, thankfully we did not get a phone call and we sort of got to enjoy each other and the nice weather. 

That is where all the magic happened.

The most interesting and funniest thing that happened was we ALMOST missed our flight. Luckily, we got in a taxi and made it to the airport but that was the scariest ride ever.

Anyways, I am totally up for another vacation – but I have a 1.5 year old and another baby on the way. Therefore the vacation MODE is put on hold.

Doesn’t even matter COVID-19 has everyone putting their vacations on HOLD.

Stay SAFE!

Back to the future with Social Media!

Let’s Look Back…

All or most of the above social media platforms were being used for interactions between friends, family that are living a distance away.

Those were the good old days…RIGHT?

Loss of Human Interaction

When social media became a “HIT”. I think we lost all face-to-face interaction with our family, friends, clients, and many more.

I did not really enjoy this part, I like talking to people face to face. You get see facial expressions for both happy and sad moments.

We lost all of human interactions.

As we know social media has changed from communicating with long lost family and friends to something that is literally attached to us…it is like WE NEED IT TO SURVIVE…. I guess.

Postive VS. Negative

Does it help us improve our everyday lifestyle? our memory? MAYBE. I know for me I will look at pictures of a friend on Instagram, in their pictures maybe they have a friend or cousin who I see walking in the mall or down the street and a light bulb goes off. Hmm… I think I may know that person… or is it just my memory.

A little stalkerish…. don’t you think? aha

Addicted yet?

I think I am… ARE YOU?

It is an addiction I think. I love seeing what is going on and who is posting what.

I know it is my way of being a private investigator.

I also enjoy seeing when people click on “LIKE” photo, gives you a sense that people are part of your life. Or if someone does not comment on your IG video story or doe not like your picture.. doesn’t that angry you? because you know for sure they saw it.

This all messes with your head.. like an addiction. It is rotting your brain according to Alan Scarpa.

Y’all addicted yet? No judgment here.

Social Media to The Future

Maybe we all need a break from social media before we enter the future of social media.

Or maybe the future of social media will be different?

More privacy and less fake.

Those are things that I hope for. It is exhausting seeing individuals looking so perfect when LIFE is not perfect.

How is social media affecting you, are you addicted. Copy and paste to find out if I am…

Twitter: #addictedtosocialmedia#socialmedia#tothefuture.

How to keep on top of your customers/followers through social media.

Know Your Audience – Interaction Is KEY!

The 5 W’s
Here is a video on youtube I found interesting. It talks about how marketing changed from the 4 P’s to the 5 W’s by Randall-Reilly.

Let me know if he is on point in relation to how marketing has transitioned.

1. WHO- who are your followers, who are their followers. This allows you not only to see who is saying what about your brand but how far the message in going. Communication and conversation is important.

2. WHAT- what are people saying. This I feel is most important. You may think one thing but others may think something else. Here is where you need to correct anything that may be misleading or untrue, again communication and conversation is key.

3. WHERE- where are the conversations taking place. On what social networks ?

4. WHEN- when are these conversations taking place. When are your followers online. Keep track.

4. WHY- why are you showing the things you are showing.

I am stuck on they WHY? anyone else? HELP!

Engage With Your Followers

Engage, engage, engage!

Dependant on what your brand is ensure you are always engaging with your followers on a regular basis.

If your brand allows you to have contests, HAVE THEM! You will not only profit by them but you will get more exposure and you will attract a lot more individuals. Also, who does not like getting rewarded with prizes?. Doing this will motivate your followers and have them support you more. Have give-aways, if your brand allows you to it will get you the exposure you want as well.

Although, I do think some might just follow you for that reason.. the give-away and then they just don’t care anymore.

How can we change that? IDEAS?

Educate your followers.

Let your followers see HOW you do things. For me I love cooking and doing DIY’s, especially for kids birthdays.

Maybe I can post some recipes? and some DIY’s that I loved doing.

Have your followers ASK YOU questions. This all goes back to communication, conversations, and engagement.

Photo by ME! Homemade Pasta!
1. 400 Grams -Flour (I use a little Semolina)
2. 4 Eggs
Click here for the instructions.

Click here to see why we should interact, communicate, and educate our audience.

staying on top of your followers. #5w’s#communicate#engage#contesttime

How To Gain Clients Through Social Media Platforms For Your Law Firm.

Through social media law firms are able to connect with the industry while also connecting with clients and prospective clients.  Click on the link and take a look at how each unique firm uses a social network platform to market their firm.

Photo by Mconnors from Morguefile

What Social Media Platforms To Use?


Twitter is one of many social networks platforms you can use as a means of marketing. You need to ensure the law firm is tweeting every couple hours or 3 to 10 times per day to engage in communication with your followers, clients, and prospective clients.


Facebook is another social network platform that is good way to promote your law firm and to get all the content you want our there. Ensure you are posting 1 to 2 times per day and make sure you follow Facebook protocol for example adding links. 


LinkedIn is also another social network platform. It is more designed for career opportunities. A place where you can connect with people who can be helpful to you maybe in job searching or to advance yourself in your career. You should be posting 1 to 2 times per week. 

Can you guys help me think of any other platforms that may work well for a law firm that I may have missed? 

How To Ensure All Your Social Media Platforms Being Used Are Appealing?

Ensure you keep content always up to date and have a strategic plan in place, such a content calendar. Use different types of media, images, GIFS, polls, videos, podcasts, and live videos. I think by using all the aforementioned will get you the followers you want and which will lead you to gaining business with your law firm. 

You guys think that there is one better than the other? Or all forms are equally good?  

Why is Facebook and twitter both appropriate social network platforms for law firms. Click her to find out why.

Social media and law firms #law#lawfirmmarketing.