My Favourite Social Media Campaign

This week in class we are doing case studies of successful social media campaigns. So I thought I would share my favourite campaign.

If you have not heard of the Bing – Jay-Z Campaign please watch the below video, because it will blow your mind. This campaign took on Google, the biggest competitor possible. Google runs the world right now. Literally, have you seen google maps? They’re watching you all the time.

Bing teamed up with Jay-Z’s release of his book De-Coded and splashed it all over the world. Pages of his book could be found in different places, and on several different mediums. Consumers could interact and find the pages on bing’s site and enter a contest as they did it. The amount of detail that went into this campaign is insane.

A couple years ago, my entire advertising class traveled to New York to visit agencies and we toured the agency that came up with this campaign. During the tour we were brought to the agencies bar. Yes they have a bar in their office. It had been a long trip with quite a bit of drinking so we were leaning on a pool table trying to stay awake. All of a sudden the tour guide stops talking and says oh by the way thats the pool table for the Bing campaign. We all look down and see the words of Jay-Z’s book sprawled out on this pool table. It was one of the coolest moments of the trip.

I personally love this campaign and I think its completely underrated.

COM0011 – Lesson 4 : My voice has meaning

This weeks lesson talks about the discussions going on about brands and how you can measure it. Usually I say very little about brands, the most you will get from me is a #hashtag on an Instagram post. However this week something disturbing happened to my family with a local company and for once I realized the power I now have to do something about it.

My family has a loveable golden doodle named Lily. I’m sure everyone says this about their dog but she is really the greatest dog on the planet. You can not ruin this dog day (or so I thought).  The small city I live in has a local dog groomer that has been open for a while. We have brought Lily to many groomers as she is a giant fluff ball and needs constant attention in that department, but thought we would try this company since it was so close to home. When we picked her up after her first haircut there, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. However when I brought her back for her second visit she was terrified to go in. I had to drag her through the door and a really bad feeling came over me. So when I picked her up a couple hours later I asked them how she is and why she seems so scared. They assured me it was the hair dryer that scared her. After telling her my experience my mom decided to take her to see for herself. She had the same experience and bad feeling so we decided to look for another groomer.

This week Lily went to a new groomer, a small place that used to groomer our old dog. When we picked her up they asked to speak to us. They said that although lily is a very friendly and happy dog as soon as they went near her to groom her she panicked and was terrified (except for the hairdryer that was the only part she liked). They believe somewhere a long the lines she has been abused. As a family we are devastated that anyone would hurt her, but with no proof what could we do about it?

This is when I realized the great power I have. I took to every single network I could to tell my story. I have been on 411, yellowpages, Facebook, twitter etc. My bad review is now the number one thing you see about this small business. Most of the networks had no reviews about them yet, so my review is the only one people will see. If you were to measure the discussion going on about this brand at the moment they have 0 = good and 1= bad. 100% bad.

This can not change what has happened to my amazing dog, but it can hopefully stop other owners from putting their pets through the same thing.


We put the FUN in DysFUNctional.

My family has never quite fit the cookie cutter definition of normal. Especially when it comes to Holidays. 

My parents have been divorced since I was little and both have moved on with new partners. Most of the time this just means a busier Christmas, but when it comes to Father’s Day things get a little complicated. 

I have a father but I also have a sort of step father. My mom isn’t mar

ried how ever she has been with him for over 15 years. He has never wanted to be a replacement father but over the years he has fallen into that category. 

Every year when I go to buy presents for this holiday I am always stuck at the greeting card store staring at the Happy Fathers Day cards. There are no cards for sort of fathers. There’s nothing that says “I know yo

u’re not my dad but hey thanks for cooking me dinner and teaching me about baseball.” 

I know I can not be the only one with this problem, as almost of marriages these days end in divorce. So why has the holiday industry not caught up with the blended family world.  

I think they should start a line of greeting cards for dysfunctional families. Something that takes the taboo out of the subject and turns it into the norm. 

My dysfunctional family is a part of 

who I am. I would love to walk into a store, open up Facebook, or see a commercial on TV that shows my family as normal. Because to me and many others it is normal. 

