COMM0014 Blog #6: How to pick stuff up and put them down – but consistently

So you’ve come to me today hoping to figure out how to motivate yourself to workout? Or maybe not. Either way, you’re here now so you might as well stay because I’ve got some surefire ways to stay consistent with your workout goals.

Routine, routine, routine

They say that it takes around 66 days to establish and form a habit. Seriously, that’s what they say. Honestly, if you think 66 days is long it’s literally 18% of the year. That’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. If you can force yourself to pick up a new behaviour like going to the gym in two months it will become a new habit that is basically second nature to you. You won’t even remember the day you didn’t go the gym or workout.

Make it fun girl

Working out doesn’t have to be running on the treadmill until you feel like dying. It doesn’t have to be doing 100 push-ups in a row or burpees until you puke. There’s interval training, swimming, pilates and honestly whatever type of exercise tickles your fancy, can be made fun. Do you like lifting weights? Start lifting but this time crank the music. Maybe a little something like the song below?

Wondering how to?

Where to begin? Try this πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

  1. Establish a morning routine by setting a wake-up time
    Example: 5:00am to start working out for 5:30am
  2. Create a workout the day before if you’re working out from home or sign up for a workout class of your choice ahead of time
  3. Keep a calendar that has a check mark on the days you workout so you can visually see your consistency
  4. Grocery shop on Sunday to start the week right
    Meal prep a few meals for the week to keep dinner and lunches on track
  5. Remind yourself that any movement is positive and helpful to your body
    There’s no need to try running 10k everyday – remember it’s all about consistency

These are some of the things that I’ve found to help me stay consistent. Give yourself grace, rest and remember it’s all about keeping your body healthy. Before you know it you’ll be picking up stuff and putting it back down like a pro πŸ’ͺ🏼

COM0014 Blog #5- From scrubs to social

Tell me, what’s harder than writing about yourself? I sure can’t think of anything. Yet, here I am about to tell you all the ins and outs of me and essentially brag about myself. I’m not sure how one does that gracefully but one thing I do know about myself is I will always use humour to cover anything uncomfortable. So, from here on out this blog will consist of me using humour to uncomfortably brag about me.

A photo I was forced to take for work purposes or you wouldn’t catch me dead in front of a camera

Some cool characteristics

Well. Here I go. I guess I just dive right into it?
Aside from my ability to bring humour into any situation I’ve been told I excel at organization. Can’t relate? Let me paint you a picture. The desktop on your laptop has no loose documents. In fact, there are a few folders there but each one has more folders in it that are all labeled and easy to find. There’s no searching or confusion about where to find a document actually and it’s all alphabetized for you as well. To top it all off, all the items you’ve ever printed are neatly filed with strategic sticky notes on what needs completing or what needs to be reviewed. Obviously, everything is colour-coded to boot. Oh man I’m getting pumped about it as I’m typing this. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, how about a fully organized pantry with fancy jars that are all labelled? If that does nothing for you then I suggest therapy.
I’ve also been told that I’m a caring individual. I usually like to go above and beyond for people when it comes to helping which may be why I initially ended up in health care. Often I would stay long hours making sure all loose ends were tied up and spent extra time talking with patients or doing activities with them to pass the time. I’m the kind of person who would take a stray dog in with no questions asked or drop dinner off at your house if you were sick. I’ve also been known to drop everything I’m doing to make sure you’re okay before myself. I may have overdone it a bit and this could be why I quit the scrubs and took up social media.
Hey, it’s never too late to start over or start something new. Which I applaud myself for doing. Quietly though because we humble brag over here.

You said humble brag?

Ugh I know, I’m still going on about myself. I’ll wrap it up though.
I’d say it’s kind of crazy to quit a full-time job with a guaranteed future since health care isn’t going anywhere. But, here I am, living proof that crazy people like me do exist. Doesn’t that make me stand out though? I’m willing to take risks to push myself towards a better future. (Yes, I had to include what makes me stand out per the assignment instructions- but it’s kind of gutsy right?)
I also have this incessant need to compete. I like to give 100% effort into everything I start and try to do whatever that thing is the best. I want to be in the top 1%. I want to get as close to perfect on my work as possible. I would also like to be a top athlete but I don’t see what happening anytime soon either. Point is, I work hard at anything. So hard that I’ll stop at nothing to make sure I’m always improving and learning to one-up my competition.
Okay okay, I’m seriously wrapping it up though.

Actually wrapping it up

End of the day, I’m proud of myself for taking a risk and switching careers after 6 years. I’m proud of myself for working through the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m proud of myself for always pushing myself and my team to strive to be the best even if we think we’ve already reached the top. I’m proud that I’ve changed my mindset to be able to confidently say I can do anything I put my mind to. And most of all, I’m proud of myself for keeping the sappy stuff short and ending this blog with my favourite kind of humour, self-deprecating. Take it away Sherlock ⬇️

I’m not a psychopath, Anderson. I’m a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research.

Sherlock Holmes

COM0014 Blog #4: Ikea to Consumers

Affordable. Style. Relatable. It’s Ikea ladies and gentlemen.

Photo by Alexander Isreb on

Social media

I don’t think Ikea needs much of an introduction. So if you haven’t heard of Ikea you should crawl out from under that rock. To show you these guys are the real deal let me tell you about their following on social media. They have 32 million followers on Facebook and 1.5 million followers on Instagram. Not too bad if they do say so themselves. How are they so successful? Let’s touch on a few points πŸ‘‡πŸ»


It’s no secret that as Canadians, the cost of living is out of this world. Don’t stress though, Ikea is here to help bring us all back down to Earth. Of course, we all want to be able to afford nice things without breaking the bank and Ikea hears this. When it comes to Canadians, Ikea didn’t mess around when they heard our struggles. They said, no worries Canada, we got your back and decided to cut prices on thousands of products. Ikea outdid themselves on this one, my friends. Not only did they show they’re listening to what consumers need but they showed they truly care. It brings a tear to my eye really.

Pure style

Ikea makes us feel like we can achieve that luxurious home you see in a magazine. They produce products that say ‘yeah, I bought this living room decor with old money’. They let you design a full kitchen at a fraction of the cost, revamp an entire closet so it’s unrecognizable and offer more containers than you ever knew you needed for storage. Who doesn’t want a pantry that looks like it’s been organized by Martha Stewart herself? It all sounds like it should come with a hefty price tag but as long as you were paying attention before, don’t forget, it’s affordable to boot.

To the Consumer

Ikea has this funny way of knowing what consumers need. With this in mind, they appeal to the average person. Their target market isn’t A-list celebrities. They want us normal everyday people to purchase their products. Their social media shows just how easily they achieve this by showing regular people building their furniture in their average homes. They show how you can style the items and how they can turn your spaces into a modern, expensive vibe. Ikea wants you to see how simple and cost-effective it can be to transform your spaces. They even created an app that lets you virtually see what their products would look like in your own home. Ikea wants your house to serve looks and they won’t stop until you’ve stopped by your nearest Ikea store to eat their famous meatballs.

Comment down below what your favourite Ikea purchase is!

(Don’t be shy, I know you have oneπŸ˜‰)

COM0014 – Blog #3: The Binge: Netflix edition

Okay, so I’m supposed to write about a hobby, who says it can’t involve Netflix? I’m really good at grabbing something to drink, bundling up in my favourite blanket and making sure I’m staying up to date on all the latest Netflix shows. Isn’t finishing the new Love is Blind series in a weekend the same as knitting a pair of socks?

Photo by Roberto Nickson on

You already know that looks cozy ^ so let me inspire your next hobby as we take a look and see if you fit into Netflix’s target audience.


It’s hard to pinpoint an exact demographic mostly because it’s so diverse. You could argue that its featured audience is Gen Z to Millennials since most of us grew up with Netflix instead of cable. We can’t discount Gen X and Boomers though, we know everyone and their mother uses Netflix these days. To sum it up in a more theatrical way, Netflix’s demographic is like a mixed bag of nuts.


We’re talking about the people who want convenience, flexibility, variety and on-demand options! These are the people who look at their binge-watching buddy and say ‘just one more episode’ even though it’s 3am. Waiting for their scheduled program isn’t acceptable. In fact, it’s a crime. These people rely on online streaming and wouldn’t survive having to wait until next week to find out what happens next. Netflix appeals to those who, like me, enjoy a good Romcom. Oh, and documentaries, dramas, action and comedies. They’re pretty good at targeting those who are interested in any movie or show genre. No one gets left behind here. Whether you’re a trendsetter or a follower, Netflix creates shows that create viral chatter online. They basically turn you into their social media marketing manager the more you engage with the contect. And you even do it for free.

Engagement with Communities

Speaking of you working for Netflix for free, the more you talk about Netflix and the content they also create on its platform, the easier it is for them to get a grasp of how it aligns with viewers’ interests, preferences and desires. They use social media chatter as research for what viewers think and the positive and negative chatter about the company. The viewing parties you have, the many accounts you have under your account just help to grow the Netflix community. Sorry, you’ll have to take the lack of pay up with HR πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Your task for the night: Grab a hot tea, beer or pop. Find the nearest blanket. Put on your comfiest sweats. Sit your butt on the couch and open Netflix. Don’t forget to comment below so I know what we’re binge-watching next.

COM0014- Blog #2: Did this grab your attention?🚨

I won’t bore you with the definitions or other articles that will essentially tell you the same thing in a different way. Instead, let’s get into the meat and bones of it all, becoming a digital storyteller but with examples.

Are you hooked yet?

Photo by Vadim B on

Does it sound like you to open an article, blog post or website thinking you’re interested in what you just clicked on but end up exiting the page after a few minutes of reading? Well, this is ultimately because the writer or author didn’t capture your attention. Likely I’ve probably already blabbed on too much here so let’s bring your attention back, shall we? Either take a look at the picture of this adorable kitten or press play below to listen to an artist you may have never heard of before.

The point is, nowadays with social media and quick access to information, readers often skim through content. Despite how phenomenal you think your content is written, it doesn’t matter if you can’t keep the attention of your readers along the way. This means keeping visuals in mind, like our cute little kitten above. It also means calls to action like prompting your readers by asking thoughtful questions or getting more traffic on your social media by asking readers to share your content. It can even be a prompt to keep readers engaged enough to continue to read your content, like say maybe music playing to enhance the vibe (see what I did there).

The takeaway

Capture your audience:
1) Creative title with maybe even the use of an emoji πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ, photos and visuals help. Hey, so does music here and there!

Get to the point:
2) Don’t beat around the bush, tell your audience what they’re about to dive into (refer to the first paragraph of this blog)

Detail placement:
3) Even though readers skim content, you can still include detail! You just have to keep in mind where to place it aka the middle of this blog.

Keep your writers hooked:
4) Remember to keep things concise! You could even try numbering main points at the end of your blog (for example of course πŸ˜‰)

Being a digital storyteller doesn’t have to be complicated or complex. But hey this is just advice from one digital storyteller to the next.

COM0014 – Blog #1: Came for the beer stayed for the culture

Photo taken by Aislinn Jones

I’ve been bitten! And it’s by the travel bug. My husband and I love to travel to new places and immerse ourselves in different cultures. This time around we made the 8 hour flight over to Germany. 8 hours might not seem like a big deal when it comes to flying but for someone who dreads this part of travel, you can bet I had my ears and eyes covered for as much of the flight as possible.

The initial travel scaries passed quickly after I realized I would finally get to try my first German delicacy. The pretzel. Fresh, warm from the oven, sprinkled with salt and slathered in butter, you bet I shovelled that in my mouth quicker than you can say “zwei bier, bitte” (that’s German for two beers please). Don’t worry it wasn’t like when they told you to never meet your idol. This pretzel was everything I could have ever imagined. So my husband and I did what any sane person would do and we ate pretzels every morning for breakfast like the champions we are. Now, go ahead and enjoy a photo of me eating a pretzel πŸ‘‰πŸΌ

Photo taken by Ramsay Jones
Photo taken by Aislinn Jones

Once we recovered from our pretzel comas, we made our way over to try our first German beer. We both got wheat beers, a German classic of course. Let me tell you we earned those beers considering we spoke little to no German and our server spoke little to no English. With a little help from the menu and our fingers, we pointed to what we wanted and the server returned with our beloved beers. Oh, you don’t like beer you say? Well trust me, you would of liked this beer!

Photo taken by Aislinn Jones

Aside from the food and drinks though, the architecture was incredible. The vibes were Cinderella’s castle meets Shreks Village (in the best way). We wandered the city of Munich and stopped along the way to visit churches, palaces and local shopping areas. All of which were equally as beautiful as the next. The locals were extremely kind and would stop to help take photos of my husband and I along the way.

Photo taken by Aislinn Jones

We travelled to Germany during their colder months which meant fewer travellers and many of their more scenic destinations were completely empty and free for us to explore without crowds. We stopped at Eibsee Lake which is literally indescribable. We were the only ones there and had the entire lake to ourselves. It was quiet and so peaceful. With the mountains surrounding you, it felt like you were in a snow globe with how it muffled any nearby noise. Beside Eibsee Lake was Zugspitze which is the highest peak in Germany. Needless to say, I won’t be providing any photos of me on top of Zugspitze to save myself the embarrassment since you can see the pure terror on my face in every photo.

Photo taken by Aislinn Jones

We ended our two-week trip with more food, an exploration of many palaces, pop-up art exhibits and tours of concentration camps. It was single-handedly the best trip I have ever taken. If you’re not convinced to travel to Germany yet, feel free to take a look below as I photo-bomb you.

TikTok trends that make us cringe (but we can’t stop watching)

You’ve seen it, I know you have. It’s unavoidable. It’s the one, the only, TikTok trends. Sure some of them are cringey and sometimes it gives us secondhand embarrassment. There’s no denying though, that they bring the ultimate entertainment and might even bring out your inner creative. So pull out your phone, open TikTok and swipe up with me as we look at some iconic TikTok trends.



Delulu or manifesting ✨ #tubegirl shoutout to @In Print We Trust for the v cute tee πŸ₯Ή

♬ original sound – habz.fx

Let’s quite literally take a ride into the first trend. Music is blasting, wind is blowing, people are staring and you’re the star of your own music video. Sabrina Bahsoon started the trend of posting content in the London subway. There’s a twist though. Sabrina doesn’t just use the subway for commuting, she uses it as a gateway to inspire women worldwide to boldly claim their space in public. She pretends she’s right in the middle of a music video while on the subway. Opening her TikTok app to blast music with the wind blowing in her hair she shows that nothing is embarrassing if you just let your confidence shine. Her TikToks show bystanders on the train watching her as she remains unshaken and dances like no one’s watching. You have to give it to her though, this takes some major guts and is a huge win for women! As much as I love watching this trend unfold, you won’t catch me on the train making my own music video.

Who is the imposter?

Looking for a way to pass the time with your family? ‘Who is the imposter’ trend adds a dash of competition and a pinch of embarrassment to your next family gathering. Everyone puts on their own set of headphones and dances to the same song, except for one, the imposter. Let’s paint you a better picture. Imagine you’re the imposter and everyone is dancing to Mamma Mia by ABBA and the song playing through your headphones is My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. You better bet it’s time to read the room and break out your most convincing disco finger dance moves before you’re caught. As much as I think I would crush this trend, that doesn’t excite me to try it, except when I picture my mom trying to keep up with me and my siblings. Sorry mom.

Roman Empire


β€œtheres so much to think about!” 🫠 #romanempire

♬ original sound – Kira Kosarin

Maybe you’ve wondered what’s running across your partner’s mind all day? Or maybe you’d rather not know. The Roman Empire trend has cracked this case wide open and it might not be what you expected. This trend has women asking their spouses how often they think about the Roman Empire. The answers don’t fall short either. Most answers range from once a month minimum and some even multiple times a day. So take a look at your partner sitting over there with a blank stare and ask them how often they think about the Roman Empire. If they’re anything like my husband, the answer might shock you and if you’re really lucky you might find yourself in an hour-long history lesson. I have to admit though after realizing what the Roman Empire has done for modern times, these men might be onto something.

Your turn

Will you take the leap and join in on the TikTok trends or will you be sitting back and watching? Either way, TikTok trends are a way to connect people, learn new things and share a laugh with friends. They bring joy to everyday life and life is just too short not to join in on the fun. So, join me in giving our TikTok trendsetters a round of applause below for their creativity, confidence and being the innovators of our next content inspiration.

Will you be joining the TikTok trends or sitting back and watching? What’s your favourite TikTok trend?

Trendsetter? πŸ“£ Did I just call your name? Read this blog to find out what the latest TikTok trends are so you can stay on top of them and increase your followers ⚠️ #whoistheimposter #RomanEmpire

Are you a trendsetter? Find out how TikTok can make you famous by clicking the link: πŸ“Έ

OMG?! He just slid into my DM’s

Swipe right, or left if you want. Either way it’s determining the fate of your next partner. Social media has changed modern dating so brace yourself because we’re about to hop on the virtual rollercoaster of love where messaging is a craft, photos are not what they seem and first dates are on Zoom.

The DMs

Of course we all know romance can be a swipe away now instead of a rom com meet cute at the grocery store or being set up with a mutual friend. Social media has taken it a step further and we can now message people we think are cute directly, allowing us to think about our opening lines like ‘did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’ or ‘well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?”. There’s a fine line between coming off too strong and crafting the perfect message. The first DM can be the beginning of your forever or end up getting you ghosted feeling like you may be single for the rest of your life.


Everyone’s going to put their best foot forward, expecially when it comes to dating. Why wouldn’t you post your most flattering photos online that show off your good side? You wouldn’t want to post a photo of you just waking up and crawling out of bed. You assume everyone’s doing the same thing and wouldn’t think twice about someones Instagram photos being too good to be true. See the issue with online dating is it takes away the aspect of knowing what someone actually looks like. You only get to see what the person wants you to. This means the potential of the person looking nothing like they do in their photos when you meet them in person or the person you meet isn’t the person you’ve been talking to this whole time. You think you’re talking to Blake Lively but you’ve somehow ended up with Marge Simpson. So be careful, it’s a cat eat cat world out there.

Zoom Dates

It might seem unorthodox but zoom dates can be fun and ultimately safer. Let’s face it you’ve never met the person you’re talking to before so what better way to do it than in the comfort of your own home where if the date gets weird, you can just turn off your computer. Besides ensuring your safety they can be fun and connect those who may not even be from the same country let alone the same city. So try it out, have a paint night, play a board game or watch Netflix together. The real benefit though is wearing those trusty pair of sweat pants without your date even knowing.

The One

Although dating has changed drastically from social media I believe that people can still meet organically. There’s no right or wrong way to meet someone as long as you feel that spark. As someone who met my now husband at a university party, I can attest that coincidence and chance are not lost in the age of social media. Go ahead, take that chance and you might end up with your Say Anything moment.

Photo of my wedding day

Do you know anyone who has met through social media? Do you think you would ever consider reaching out to someone online to ask them out on a date?

From DM’s to destiny, find love in the digital age with the latest blog: πŸ’• #YourSayAnythingMoment

Climb aboard the rollercoaster of love for a journey through the digital jungle that is online dating. You might be navigating your next DM, deciding if you’re being catfished or figuring out ideas for your next Zoom date but regardless there’s no right way to find love in the latest blog: #GoingdownintheDM’s #youvebeencatfished πŸ’žπŸŽ’ πŸ’ž

Social media platforms if they were at your family reunion

You’ve been invited! It’s time. The dreaded family reunion where you meet your third cousin twice removed. Not to mention the chance to engage in some small talk about ‘how grown up you’re looking these days’ while getting interviewed about what you’ve been up to lately.

Family reunions are like a real-life game of survivor. Who will be granted immunity from the enevitable awkward conversations, which alliance will get you at the table closest to the food and who will get the ultimate win of leaving early.

Join me as we take a look at how social media platforms are just like your favourite members of your next family reunion.

Facebook: Great Uncle Mike

Ah – Facebook. We do love you so don’t take what’s coming next too personally but you are the great uncle of the family. He wants to stay relevant and can’t help but blurt out wild conspiracy theories and what we know is only ‘fake news‘ supported by his own Facebook algorithm. Not to mention his specialty is oversharing in the wrong spaces. When you finally decide to add your uncle on Facebook, what should be a private message about an embarrassing story when you were younger, is now posted on your wall. Come on Uncle Mike!

Instagram: Fashionable cousin

The most hip family member. They’re always showing up looking like they rolled out of bed fabulous. Just like Instagram, your cousin is THE aesthetic. Meticulously choosing the right angle for the group photo and making sure everyone was dressed in the colour scheme that was provided in the invite. They’re a walking filter of perfection and you just can’t wrap your head around how they always seem so put together. They’ve easily defined their own personal brand and before you know it you have Amazon open on your phone and you’re buying a label maker they recommended to you. Slay queen!

TikTok: The woke Niece

Your niece is constantly full of energy and seems to never have an off switch. You can’t help but watch her as she flies through the family reunion bringing entertainment and fun to every group she approaches. Never short of showing off her new dance moves no matter how embarrassing it might look. She knows all the trends and uses phrases like oh I just got ‘the ick’ and ‘he’s got serious rizz’. She’s sure to have the generations fighting about which decade was the best in a battle of Gen Z vs Millennials vs Boomers.

Time to say goodbye..

As the family reunion comes to an end, social media continues on. The entertainment and chaos of family are just like your favourite platforms. They connect us, encourage different opinions, provide entertainment and teach us valuable lessons. Who knows the next time you open TikTok you might see Uncle Mike going viral.

Do you have a social media platform that reminds you of a member of your family? What strategies do you use to manage the chaos and entertainment of both family gatherings and social media?

Social media platforms have #enteredthechat at your next family reunionπŸ’¬ How? Click the link:

πŸ“ŒSocial media platforms if they were at your family reunion πŸ“Œ
It’s that time of the year, family reunion time! Find out how you can take social media with you even if your mom told you to stay off your phone πŸ˜’ Now brace yourself as your Uncle Mike goes viral:

What?! I can’t hear what you’re writing!

You’ve just walked out of a lecture where your professor has talked to you for three hours on a topic. Or better yet, you’ve been tasked with reading pages upon pages of research. Are you picturing it? Have you zoned out already? Don’t worry, it’s not just you.

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t lose focus or wasn’t able to absorb information because it wasn’t presented to me in my preferred learning style. I mean, how can someone actually just sit there and be expected to retain information without a little pizzazz? I’ll say it louder for the people in the back, I need a little visual here people! (Yeah yeah I get it, not everyone who is on social media is an expert providing accurate information, but neither is every author either)

Photo by Thought Catalog on

I’m a strong believer that learning has always been directed toward those who can retain information via writing or lectures. That leaves the question, what about those who learn visually? That’s where I believe the use of social media can fill that void. Let’s dive into types of social media platforms that aid in learning in a non-traditional way.


The ultimate ‘How To’ when it comes to literally showing you how to do anything. YouTube videos can teach you how to do a variety of tasks from how to curl your hair to changing the oil in your car. I don’t think there’s something YouTube isn’t able to show you. It’s the perfect way to explain what writing can’t. It provides a visual experience for those who need to be shown a new skill set rather than told how to do that skill.


You didn’t think TikTok was going to be a platform I brought into learning, did you? Well, let me explain. TikTok is constantly throwing information at you and quickly I might add. There are all different types of people creating content of stories that happened to them as a way to teach you how to learn from their own experiences. Not only that but professionals from all different practices such as Doctors, Psychologists, Teachers, Dentists and Pilots are all using the platform to show users their day-to-day lives and teach us a thing or two along the way.

Live Streaming

There’s no real limit to the amount social media platforms that use Live Streaming. Instagram, LinkedIn, X and Facebook to name a few, all have this feature available to users. Live Streaming is an easy way to engage users to learn. How? Well, picture this; you’re learning how to debate in class and your professor instructs you to read a specific debate word for word in your textbook. Did you sigh heavily? How about instead you get to watch a debate live-streamed in real time where you can physically experience people arguing with a fiery wrath. Does it get more engaging?

Is she serious?

She is. So, where do we go from here? As we adapt to individualism in today’s society I hope that we continue to recognize that learning cannot appeal to one learning style. As social media has become mainstream we need to leverage the power of visuals, storytelling and interactivity to change the narrative around how education is presented. It’s time we take traditional learning methods and immerse them with individuals’ preferred learning styles. Let’s embrace the future of learning so everyone can hear what’s being written.

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

Albert Einstein

As you consider how education can be presented, do you think your educational experience has matched your learning style? Can social media really help us learn?

Did you hear #TikTok is the new textbook? πŸ€” Find out how:

Tired of traditional learning? It’s time to unlock your learning potential with Social Media πŸ“’ Click the link below and lets’ revolutionize the way you learn: #LearningUnlocked πŸ”“ #PhoneyLearning πŸ“±