Com 0014- Blog # 7 Personal Reflection

What I have learned during the course has surprised me. I have enjoyed writing blogs more than I thought I would and they have definitely become easier. My biggest takeaway is to not stress so much about content that has to be perfect. I think that is what always makes me hesitate to engage on social media because I over think it!

I definitely have a new respect for social media as well. It is not some fluffy aspect to a job. It is in fact a very important part to running a successful business. I still have much to learn but it doesn’t feel quite as daunting of a task anymore.

I think the big thing is, like anything in life if you don’t practice something on a regular basis then how are you ever going to improve? So I plan to keep writing, it’s fun to share my thoughts! I am not sure how many actually read what I wrote over the past 7 weeks but that’s ok. I will continue to share my stories and my photographs.

Do you feel the same way about blogging? Is it something you enjoy, are you a procrastinator, or do you still struggle to get your thoughts down? Leave a comment below, and let me know!


COM 0014- Blog # 6: Do People Know Your Story?

When I sat down to write today I wasn’t planning on sharing this story. It is something that I rarely talk about with anyone, mostly because many were not comfortable hearing it. It is my twin boys birth story. the memories cause my heart to ache, even to this day almost 11 years later.

I always remember a scene in the movie City Slickers where Billie Crystal asks the character Ed what his best day was, and then what his worst day was – (see the clip here) . Spoiler alert! It was the same day. I feel the same way. Even typing this makes me feel like the worst mother ever. My boys were born prematurely at 30 weeks, and it would be 2 1/2 months before I would be able to bring them both home.

I know I suffer from PTSD. The NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) was this alien world full of pods and hushed conversations. The alarms would constantly sound only to be broken up with the thin cries of our little ones. You gradually get into a routine, but you mourn the firsts that you miss. I didn’t get to pick out their first outfit. I missed E’s first bath, but made it for L’s. I waited over a week before holding E in my arms, L had to incubate some more before he could handle our touch. Breast feeding just never worked no matter how hard we all worked at it. There was no mommy and me groups, I was warned of the risk of exposing them to so many germs. My first year with them passed in a blur of Dr’s appointments and specialists.

If you are interested in catching just a little glimpse into what the NICU was like you can watch this video called Ward Miles- First Year. His father was a videographer and he was able to capture his families experience. I cry every time I watch it because it touches on everything that I went through.

I see them now, and they are thriving. Any past memory of them being preemies, is only mine to see. They are strong and fearless. Just like their peers.


We all have these pivotal moments that shape us into who we are. It’s what we do with those moments that count. Their birth and the year after really changed me as a person, and it plays a big part in my personal story. I didn’t realize how much resilience I had in me, until I had to go digging for it. I know this hasn’t been the most upbeat blog I have written so far, but sometimes we need to share the tough moments so that others can know they are not alone. You never know what kind of a day, or year a person is having. Please remember to be kind.

Have you had experiences in life that you are afraid to share? I will listen. If you want, comment below.

COMM0014-blog #5- Personal Brand

Why is it so hard to describe who we are? I have started this blog several times and each time I think, no one wants to hear this so I hit delete! Well here goes- What I think helps me stand apart is how I live both my personal and work life.

I am the same person whether I am at home curled up on my favourite couch with a book, or I am working with colleagues. If I sense someone is struggling, I ask if they are ok. I stop what I am doing to show them they matter and most importantly I listen. I have developed a very strong empathetic nature, and have a hard time ignoring distress. I was born an old soul with a very nurturing nature.

The picture below has many elements in it, that tell the viewer who I am. I recently had a company reach out to me because they liked my portfolio and website. This photo is the result of that inquiry.


©photographybyjenniferwalker- image taken for Hauser Company Stores

Every time I set out to create content for clients, this is the style I gravitate to. I love the warm rich wood elements, the texture of the cozy wool balls. I blend both new with old and almost always have a natural element in my work, as long as it makes sense.

Words that I know describe me best, are friendly, hard working, dependable and honest. If I commit to something, I will make it happen. I love expressing myself through art in all forms, and am grateful everyday to be able to make a living as a creative.

What I love the most about who I am is that both colleagues and friends know that if they need to talk- they just need to ask ‘hey, do you have time for a coffee?’ …Yes I do, always!

Tell me a little about yourself? What does your brand say about you? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear!

COM0014- B2C Case Study- Studio McGee

I decided to do a deep dive into how the company Studio McGee handles their socials. I have recently started working with a new local company who wants to emulate Studio McGees’ style, so what better way to get to know a company than to see what they are up to on a daily basis.

Studio McGee has a lot of moving parts. Their website explains that they are not only a husband and wife interior design firm, they are an editorial platform and have a decor company that compliments the interior design called McGee & Co

They got their start by documenting a remodel and design of a house, gaining a following that has grown since 2014- their current Instagram account has 3.9M followers. Why I think they are so successful is because they have consistent posts that often have Shea- the wife in videos or photos talking about what she is up to. People love to see the human element in posts. It helps to make them feel more connected and in turn more invested in using the products or services that the B2C is offering. Their instagram grid is beautiful and has a consistent look and feel to it.

Studio McGee also does a lot of consistent you tube It again predominantly showcases the wife Shea in the videos as she goes through projects that they are working on. Their you tube channel has 442K subscribers. They have a mix of promotional videos and personal get to know you videos. I think it is a good blend to welcome potential clients.

Studio McGee is also on Facebook, TikTok and Pinterest. I found that Facebook was their weakest with only 273K followers, which is still a significant number. I noticed that on both instagram and you tube- the interactions when people left comments was higher and more consistent. They had a wider audience, so the posts and videos are seen and liked more as well. On Facebook, the responses and likes were a lot lower.

I think Instagram is where this company shines, and they have a constant approach to the look and how often they post which helps to keep people invested in following them.

Check out Studio McGee if you are at all interested in home decor and interior design. You won’t be disappointed, I promise!

Comm0014- blog # 3- I only need a few photos…

I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard “It costs how much? I only need you to do a few photos. It should only take you a couple of hours.” All my fellow Commercial Product Photographers out there- Can you feel my pain?

I recently had a fairly large furniture company reach out asking for a quote for what they felt was only a quick couple of hours of work. The quote I sent went unanswered mostly because I quoted for a full day of production-not the 2 hours of work they had in mind. So I figured we were too expensive and moved on with my life, sort of. I am not going to get into the self doubt that happens when pricing your work, that is a whole other blog to be honest. If you want to know more, check out a photographer by the name of Emma Rose who wrote about how to deal with negative pricing concerns.

It got me thinking though. How can I help people understand why I charge what I do? Any guesses on how long the photo below took?

No guesses! Okay, I will break it down for you. I started off by researching the company we were shooting for and coming up with concepts. I then decided on a concept and developed a shot list. This photo is what they call a composite- so I took a photo of the can on a white backdrop first with studio lighting- it was then cleaned up in photoshop to remove any imperfections on the can. I then went shopping for some lemons, and put them on sticks to photograph, this too was cleaned up in photoshop. The final addition to the photo was getting the perfect splash- no lemons were hurt in the making of this photo, only my very wet clothing! The shoot day consisted of one photographer and a stylist.

Prep time was 1 hour. Gathering props plus setting up and tear down of the set was 1.5 hours. The actual photo took 3 hours in total to capture all 3 different parts to the photo. The editing took another 1.5 hours to put it all together. So in total, this photo took 7 hours from concept to finish, as well as involving a photographer and a food stylist!

Did you come close with your guess? I hope this helps to understand why sometimes something that looks fairly simple, can involve so much more behind the scenes.

Leave your guesses below. Better yet, share your own experiences when offering a service- You don’t have to be a photographer to share your own stories!

COM0014 Blog #2 A Gen Xer working in a Zillenial world!

I just need to start with…I love my job working for a media company! I get along with my co workers and would do anything for them, but lately I have felt my age.I am a Gen Xer working in a Zillenial dominated company!

Stay in the loop and discover what a zillenial is by clicking here. .

I always knew in the back of my mind that when I made the decision to head back to school for Photography and Videography at the age of 45, that I would be at the top end of the age scale! It didn’t bother me, in fact I made some amazing connections and friendships. So when I began my new career with a media company, I felt no reservations that most of my co workers were half my age. The creative industry as a whole is driven by the young. Trends and socials are constantly changing, you need to keep on top of your S*&^%- this is what I struggle with them most.

Me and 2 co workers at the ticat game,

I am on the right!

©Caitlyn Spero

I didn’t grow up with Facebook, social media was not a thing. Smart phones had not been invented yet (I am still on the fence as to whether they deserve the name smart phone though). So the challenge for me is that none of it comes naturally. For Zillenials- they grew up surrounded by technology, something they take for granted because it has always been there.

I think the one big difference is communication. So often slack, text or informal emails are the go to way for talking back and forth with each other. As a Gen Xer I prefer a more direct route. If I am texting someone for more than 5 minutes and feel like the conversation is going no where, I call:) It’s quicker and more direct, but man does it ever freak some of them out. They may be a whiz on the computer but give them a live person to talk to, and the struggle is real.

For my first year I thought I had to dress younger and talk younger. But you know what, the 80’s will always remain a part of who I am- pinned jeans, bangs that would have lit on fire at the slightest spark and a little MTV. So a year and a half into the job I have decided that I am who I am- I crack my corny jokes and pull the mum card occasionally, but you know what…I respect and am respected by my co workers.

Is there any fellow Gen Xers out there who feel the same way as me?

We have fun at work! ©Jennifer Walker

COM0014-Blog # 1 Solo Travels with 10 year-old-Explorers


Have you wondered what it was like to travel alone with kids? I survived and can now share my tale!


Why-To visit the sister in law for a short 5 day getaway (the kids are now 10, so can be trusted to not destroy their Aunts house…At least that was my hope.)

Setting out on a 500km solo journey with my kiddos had me a bit nervous, but I had a solid plan. Packed with snacks, water, games and books, we hit the road after a good night’s sleep and pre-packing the car. Choosing a route with frequent rest stops was crucial, knowing it would take longer than the GPS estimate. Along the way, we made memories at beautiful rest stops, including a lakeside break where one of my little darlings took an unexpected tumble into the water!


If you are looking for some more tips on travelling solo with kids check out this article by Travel Mad Mum (

Once in Ottawa there was no shortage of things to do and see.

Our first stop was the Canada Science and Technology Museum (, and it exceeded our expectations. So many interactive displays that kept both the kids and adults engaged. I also think it was a sneaky way to throw in some educational elements to the trip!


Crossing over into Quebec, we decided to “spruce” things up with some tree top trekking and zip-lining. It was hard to tell what excited the boys more – the idea of exploring a new province or the thrill of dangling from the trees! With perfect weather on our side, the guides, fluent in both English and French, made sure we understood every safety instruction. As our family motto goes, “safety first,” it’s always a top priority, especially when trying out new adventures. I have pics of us on solid ground, but was too busy trying not to fall to catch any aerial feats! For any of you wanting to check out firsthand this fun experience go visit Arbraska Lafleche ( They have more than one park that offers fun experiences.


I would have felt very unpatriotic if we had not visited the Parliament. We navigated the lock system, saw the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Here is a link if you would like to check out the Parliament and the tours they offer, ( My one kiddos favourite part of visiting the parliament was returning in the evening and watching the laser light show called Northern Lights Sound and Light Show. It is unfortunately not being run anymore, but was a really cool way to see the history of our country


I would highly recommend visiting our Nations Capital if you get the chance. Here is a link for you to check out more of what Ottawa has to offer ( )

Are you thinking of heading out solo this year with your kiddos? 

You should!!! Don’t let fear hold you back, go explore!