Why did people give to Humboldt Broncos GoFundMe Campaigns?

Bronchos GoFund Me

Photo from Facebook

We all have heard about this tragic accident that killed 16 people from the Humboldt Broncho hockey team and the gofundme campaign for the families  via traditional media; TV, radio as well as on social media; news feeds, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We have viewed the YouTube tribute videos by Smitty Kingston and Paul Brant to the  Broncos. And we have read where the hockey stars and hockey owners had contributed to this gofundme fund.

I work with many clients who have limited incomes, yet in the last 2 weeks many have given donations to the Humboldt Broncos gofundme campaign. Some have pooled their funds together and had given a donation, others had given and then wondered how they were to manage to live for the rest of the month but felt compelled to give. The thing that resonated with me was how proud they are to have had made a contribution to help these hockey families who had such a huge loss and to have helped make history of raising of over 15 million dollars.

So why did these people give? Was it to be a part of what was happening and have a connection in some way with families or the hockey community. Or was it due to empathy or sympathy and feeling compelled to express their condolences by donating to the fund and have some connection to these families. Even though many individuals had no personal relationship with the victims or the families this tragedy appears to have affected them emotionally in some way.

I have a sister who knows one of the families involved in this tragedy. She and the majority of the hockey families in her circle contributed to the fund as they felt it was a way to support their friend and the other families who had lost a loved one.

I did not donate to the campaign but after talking to my clients and my sister I was pondering should I have.

Where you one of the 142,023 people who gave? What where you reasons to  give?

Please leave a comment.

Facebook: Humbolt Broncos gofundme Campaign what emotions motivated you to donate?

Twitter: What were you feeling to donate to Humbolt Broncos gofundme Campaign? #emotionsHumboltStrong,#emotionsHumboltbroncos


Wanda Doyle





Here’s how to ensure laws protect your social media data.

Photo justice-law-justice-law-canada-law Courtesy of Pixabay by (Monam) Tootoonchinia, M


On April 4, 2018, Ben Scott was interviewed by Robyn Bresnahan on Ottawa Morning discussing social media and privacy concerns.
You can listen to the interview here:


After listening to the interview I felt compelled to examine what laws are in place to protect my privacy and data in social media and how I can ensure I am protected.

These are our responsibilities to ensure our laws protect us:

  • To be informed users and to be aware of the data and privacy laws.
  • Ensure that the policy makers and politicians are protecting us with the laws in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in regards to social media.
  • To be informed and aware of advertising laws concerning social media. Ensure that policy makers and politicians are reviewing the Advertising Standards of Canada Code, Competition Act (Federal), the Electronic Transactions Act / Electronic Commerce Acts (Provincial) laws to confirm they are current and include all social media.
  • Ensure that our core democratic principles are upheld.
  • To be vocal and engage our politicians at all levels of government, informing them of our expectations regarding the laws that protect our data and privacy.
  • Inform federal lawmakers of our expectations of the Criminal Code (Federal), that the law provides criminal sanctions for threatening behavior on social media.
  • Ensuring advertisers are made to be transparent, explaining how they got the data to target us with their ad and who had shared this data with them. Also, require website owners disclose their uses of tracking cookies. Presently this is not happening.
  • Ensure that violators of any breaches will be held accountable and punished.
  • We need to be informed, follow the issues and monitor what is going on in social media throughout the world.

I agree with Mr. Scott that Canadians can and will be instrumental in changing the laws regarding social media and the uses of our data. Unfortunately, it took a breach to bring the issue to the forefront. The wheels have been set into motion with the investigation into Facebook by Daniel Therrien, our privacy commissioner.

Will you be ensuring the politicians are protecting your social media data? Please leave a comment.

Need more information on the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)?


Want a list of laws that govern social media?



Facebook: Are the laws protecting your social media data? Know your responsibilities

Twitter: Ensure the laws protect your social media data #socialmedialaws


       Tootoonchinia, M (Photographer). (2014). 4590741 [Photograph]. Retrieved from    https://pixabay.com/en/justice-law-justice-law-canada-law-423487/
       von Scheel, E. (2018 March 24). CBC News.Facebook breach a sign Canadian laws need revamp: privacy commissioner Retrieved 16 April 2018 from   http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/facebook-breach-privacy-commissioner-1.4590741
Waddell, P. (Executive Producer).  2018 April 04, 09:54) Ottawa Morning [Audio podcast].         Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/listen/shows/ottawa-morning/segment/15534915








COM0011- Blog #2 Saw the Video, Bought the House!

Saw the Video, Bought the House!

Would you buy a house with a price tag of $600,000 only having seen the video of the home and property?! The majority of us wouldn’t, we would visit it a least once and possibly twice before making an offer.

In May my former co-worker is moving back to Toronto from Washington, DC. She was tasked with looking for an agent and a potential home for her family. When browsing a real estate agent’s webpage, a listing of a house caught her eye. After watching the 3D video twice and having her husband watch it once they called the agent and made an offer. They took ownership of the house 5 days later never having stepped into the home. Excited about her new home, she emailed us the link to her new home. Curious about what others would do, I took a poll of co-workers, 7 out of 8 would never even consider putting an offer on the home until we had physically seen it.

This is a prime example of how social media has changed how people are buying a home. According to the US National Association of REALTORS, Real Estate in a Digital Age 2017 Report 83% of all buys will use the internet to search for a home and boomers born between 1946-1964. – The report also found that online video sites were used by Boomers compared to other demographics. (Lautz, J., Dunn, M., Snowden, B., Riggs, A., Horowitz, B., 2017, p.7)

The bloggers and real estate agency sites are promoting video as the newest tool to use for real estate sales They all are giving tips on how to use social media for real estate sales. One site; suggests a company Facebook page, a realtor Facebook, YouTube video tours, local Pinterest boards, Twitter, blogs and emails.

Watch this video to see what I am talking about.

With this technology real estate will need social media as its vehicle to the public.

Would you buy a house you only saw on-line video?


Visit my Facebook page Saw the Video, Bought the House!


Twitter #sawthevideoboughtthehouse https://bit.ly/2J87Ljk



(Lautz, J., Dunn, M., Snowden, B., Riggs, A., Horowitz, B. Real estate in digital age in 2017. (2017 March10). [PDF]. Retrieved from https://www.nar.realtor/sites/default/files/reports/2017/2017-real-estate-in-a-digital-age-03-10-2017.pdf

Selling a house in 2017: new trends in real estate marketing, (2017 August 15). [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://ideas.nationalbank.ca/new-trends-in-real-estate-marketing/

Teaser Videos for your Matterport Space. (2018 March 02). [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://support.matterport.com/hc/en-us/articles/115008048207-Teaser-Videos-for-your-Matterport-Space

Adams, R., (2017March 9). The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets:

Is this the future of real estate marketing? [Blog Post]. Retrieved from


Savage , J. (2016 March 17). Real estate video marketing statistics for 2016.                         [+ INFOGRAPHIC][Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertadams/2017/03/09/is-this-the-future-of-real-estate-marketing/#4f6450083782

COM0011 Blog #1 – Help to Butt Out




What you need to know to help you stop smoking!

You would think in 2018 there would be a magic formula I could just give you, sending you home to quit smoking in a just few days. Unfortunately, it is not that simple! I am a smoking cessation coach in a large teaching hospital and I assure you quitting smoking is a complex thing to do. First, it requires you to understand that there are 2 key components involved in smoking.

First component: The addiction

Smokers are addicted to the nicotine in the cigarette. When you smoke, first you inhale the nicotine in your lungs, it is then absorbed into the bloodstream and is carried via the blood to the brain. Once in the brain, the nicotine increases levels of the chemical messenger dopamine. Dopamine affects the receptors of the brain that control the reward and pleasure centres. When someone smokes they get a pleasurable sensation and that feeling is what they become addicted to and they crave the sensation. Studies suggest that tobacco smoke contains chemicals such as acetaldehyde that can enhance nicotine’s effects on the brain.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19389462. At first, that drag on a cigarette makes you feel good and relaxed, with more exposure your brain adjusts to the stimulation, so in time you need more nicotine to get the same feeling and eventually you need nicotine to feel normal. This is the physical addiction to nicotine. Clients have commented nicotine is a harder addiction to kick then a heroin addiction.

Signs you have a nicotine addiction:

You smoke even when you’re sick.
You go outside to smoke even if it’s freezing or raining.
You find it difficult to smoke in places you shouldn’t, like a church, library, school, movie theater, or hospital.

Want to know more about how your brain works on nicotine?                   Check out this video  – Dr. Pipe – How the Brain Reacts to Nicotine

Second component: The habit and routine

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines habit as an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.  So what do I mean by habit when it comes to smoking? After you have smoked for a while you will have developed a routine. You have a habit of smoking a cigarette at certain times of the day, in certain places, with certain people. You have certain situations that you associate with smoking a cigarette. These also are called routines or triggers. Being in these places or noticing these times of day prompt you to go have a cigarette.

Preparing to quit smoking can help you to quit.

Some great tips to help you prepare to quit smoking, such as;

  • Keep a journal for a few days to evaluate when you smoke.  Documenting when, where, what is going on,  the locations, how you are feeling and if you are carving the cigarette or not.

  • Try to associate your habits or the routines or triggers with things that make you reach for a cigarette. Understanding these will help you to change your behavior when it comes to smoking.

  • Inform yourself. Determine if you want to quit cold turkey or do you want to use medications?

  • Talk to your family doctor or nurse practitioner

  • Make plan

  • Set a quit date

  • Let your friends and family know you are planning to quit.

  • Be kind to yourself! If you have a bad day and have a cigarette don’t despair. Remember tomorrow is a new day and a new smoke-free day!

Want to learn more?

Facebook: Help to Butt Out- tips to quit smoking

Twitter:Need tips how to quit smoking? Visit http://bit.ly/2pj1Lv5 #HelptoButtOut,#quitsmoking






Photo: http://www.stuboutthehabit.com//wpcontent/uploads/2011/04/istock_000005595862
