COM0015:Blog4- Out of the Box

As I have found multiple websites that organize posts, apps that enhance your photos, and ways to schedule out when to post and what hashtags to use, I still have a great fascination and appreciation for Influencers.

Influencers are one of the biggest game changers in the online marketing world. Influencers are working as moving, posting, followed advertisement for brands to use! They work all online, and are close to free! Creating content that suites the brand they are posing for, all on their own time!

Why do brands choose influencers? Yes, their cost is low, they create great content, but mainly; people trust people. When we see an influencer of our own liking post with a new, trendy, item, we often think “maybe I should try that?”. If the Influencer believes it to be good, then it should be! The trust Influencers have with their followers is incredible. Much like an older sibling/younger sibling viewpoint. We want what they have; we put trust in to what they are saying, and we enjoy watching what they do!

Influencers are the fastest growing online customer acquisition method at 28%. Which is no surprise, Instagram gets roughly 4.2 billion likes per day. As more brands use Influencers, the more likely their brand will stand out from the crowd, attract more audience members, and bring in more revenue.

Because brands can pick and choose the exact Influencer they want to represent their brand, based on their target audience, there is no reason a brand shouldn’t/wouldn’t use an Influencer for more appeal.

references: ,

COM0015: Assignment 5

The event I took part of was an online LIVE Digital/Social Media Training Session, called “Digital/Social Media Intro & Update for Small (and not so small) Businesses”. It was 6 sessions (an hour long) between 3 weeks (through YouTube), run by Lyle Wetsch.

I chose this because it highlighted to social media platforms I wanted to most updated knowledge on. It provided information for Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, and how to improve a businesses website. It also discussed how to refine strategies and tactical plans; such as how to have a website viewed more on google. Providing more knowledge on social media platforms, giving guidance and training to market a business, how to use each platform, and insight!

As this was online learning through Youtube, I did not get a chance to meet the 400+ people watching. The only communication was with Lyle Wetsch, the host. Lyle is an Associate Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and Digital & Social Media Instructor/Consultant. Although it was not as personal online, it gave me a great connection I can communicate with in the future if I ever have marketing questions!

Within the sessions, you learn how to acknowledge where your businesses digital activity lays. What platforms are you on, and do they go hand in hand with your target audience? Where are your competitors? Is your social media easy accessible for each platform? Meaning, if someone found your business’ Instagram page, could they easily find your Facebook, LinkedIn, Website, etc. The sessions also cover strategic planning, and why/how it should be perfected. Much like a puzzle, bridging the gap of strategic goals and tactics. Needing to see eye to eye within both, instead of doing something ‘fun’ with having no plan to maintain it.

I will definitely attend more lessons like this, especially with Lyle. It was very informative for each lesson topic he discussed. There was massive amounts of information in each lesson that will carry me through my own online marketing career. Doing more online marketing lessons definitely interests me, as I want the most amount of knowledge in order to have the best online marketing platforms.

COM0015:Blog3 Professional Networking

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

As I have learned more about online marketing, I found multiple ways to run a successful profile. As I look at the long list, 3 points stand out, that I use today, and in my future.

  • focus on peer engagement – Having help from those around you can make a huge difference in content. Asking for advice, and getting new ideas from outsiders (who are seeing the posts, but aren’t involved) can open up the social media page to new platforms. This allows me to ask questions such as: What do you want more of? What was your favourite posts? Does this relate to you as a viewer? I can ask members from within the company who have the company knowledge. I can ask steak holders. This will also bring me to collaborate with other companies (or people) for future posts.
  • Be focussed yet adventurous – It is important to stay focussed on what I am trying to sell, when on social media. If I am marketing for a fishing camp, using imagery that shows off the fish and the open water is what will attract people. Focussing on following, and targeting those people who would be interested in a fishing trip as well. BUT, being adventurous while I do it. Not being afraid to use creative fonts, using colour, and reaching out to collaborators. Posting a video on the best way to deep fry a fish, or a how to guide on hooking a fish on the reel. Being creative with each post, and not being afraid to stand out and try something new.
  • Consistency with posts – Making sure that I schedule posts. Having a calendar for each month, mapping out when I will post what image, what my caption will be, and what hashtags. When will I announce a contest, or do an Instagram poll? Who will I follow. Planning ahead so each day will come at ease! Being active online, and staying relevant! It is important that people remember each profile for the company! Not only being active on the company profiles, but being an active follower as well! Commenting on other posts, and sharing content!
Photo by Lukas from Pexels

In my future social media efforts, I plan to run a few social media platforms for 2 different companies. One being for a Northern Saskatchewan (year-round) Resort (including fishing, canoeing, biking, snow shoeing, swimming, etc.) This will be extremely valuable as there are so many activities to do while vacationing, I will need to highlight each one, depending on the time of year.

The second company I will be working with is a private commercial flight company. As they fly anyone to any destination privately, everyone involved not mentioned. No faces (other than staff) are shown. People can send in photos of the destinations they have flown with this company, the experience they had, and can take video from their flight. This will all be shared, but guests are anonymous. The point of the social media page is to recruit new (and recurring) flyers! Showing customers a new way of travel!

While working with these companies, I will also be a part of webinars, and social media/online marketing lessons. Learning more about how to market online, how to attract a key audience, and new strategies. It is extremely important to keep building my skills, knowledge, and learn more about the online world in order to be more successful, and have my profiles grow.

Blog#2 – Strong and Weak Organizations

When starting a social media presence, every business starts from the bottom, and has to learn all the key steps in order to be successful and become a great platform.


One business that has always stood out as being impecable is Sephora. With being a popular makeup company around the world, they have acknowledged the importance of having a high standard social media presence. As a world wide company, they have made it obvious that they focus on high quality content, and spend a great amount of time coming up with eye catching content for their followers.

Sephora has used all the right networks where their audience is, and using it to their advantage. Instagram is their top platform. They engage their audience with creating quality content. Not only is it great products in the images, but it is high quality photography and videos. Using colourful images, posting make up tutorials, being active on IGTV, and showing a variety of products that relate to their followers. As they know their audience, they know what content will most attract them. Posting eye catching imagery, which is not only promotional. Posting gift ideas under certain prices around christmas, gifts for a valentine, best skin care for sensitive skin, and new releases! As they are always bringing in new product, they always come up with new marketing ideas to share with their followers. Maintaining a great presence online!

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Frank and Oak

As I scrolled through different social media platforms, I had noticed that it was the smaller businesses that were laking the high quality expertise in their presence. Although they are on the right direction to being great, they have to take more steps in order to be exceptional.

As Frank and Oak is on many different platforms such as: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, I will be focussing on their Instagram page.

I have noticed that they are inconsistent. They do not have a set colour pallet, which makes a big difference when looking on their page. Not having it more organized with what will look good, colouring, fonts, and editing style. This goes along side having more professional imagery. Videos and photos are not as high quality as highly known businesses. Using a photographer to snapshot professional photos and videos. This expresses the of effort put in to their platform and how they want to be perceived. As being a fashion brand, they want their followers to use Instagram as an ongoing brand ad. Sharing more on IGTV with outfit ideas, how to style each piece, and how they are made (as it is environmentally friendly). This will encourage the followers to stay engaged and wanting to learn more.

Ways they can have a stronger presence is acknowledging their inconsistencies, and setting goals. Goals that can include: higher following, stronger image content, and paying more attention to what they post, when they post, and watching their colours. Being more promotional with their posts, and focussing more on their social presence.

References: To see the difference in social media presence, I recommend looking at each social media page! Frank and Oak Sephora

Instagram for Business: 30 Tips to Grow Your Audience and Stand Out on Instagram10 WAYS SMALL BUSINESSES CAN IMPROVE THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE

COM0015-Blog 1- Best Tools!

In my experience with monitoring/listening on social media, there have been obvious challenges with attracting your key audience, keeping them focussed on what is being posted, and tracking the progress of each post. Many websites don’t quite do everything you need. In this blog I will be talking about what 2 websites worked for me!

Pixabay via Pexels

Google Alert is a great way to track the keywords you have set up for your business. Whether it be a misspelling of your own business, the category the business falls under, etc. Once you have chosen which words best fit for your business, Google Alert will guide you to success. It is important to use creative wording, avoiding common words (ex. Clothing, Shopping, Fishing) Choose words that are specific, and describe your business as a whole.

Whether it be alerting you when you receive a negative comment, keeping you in the loop with the latest trends, or sending new websites that you can contribute to! And it is all delivered right to your email, as frequently as you would like!

This can be very useful for any business, whether it be a start up, or a long time running business navigating through social media. As an easy way to track your business’ progress, receiving updates on new trends, and monitoring reviews, mentions, experiences; Google Alert is beneficial to any company wanting to get ahead of the social media world!

Photo by OVAN from Pexels

As social media is becoming more relevant in more business’ around the world, it can be hard to manage multiple platforms at one time. From blogs, to Twitter, Facebook, review sites; having creative posts organized can be a challenge! Hootsuite is an amazing website that takes that weight off of our shoulders. While helping to keep track of each profile, managing each account, it also allows you to monitor what viewers are saying about your business, and allows you to react quickly to those comments.

As you are able to connect to multiple accounts, whether it be Twitter or WordPress, organized to post different content on each platform, you can also combine more than one post on multiple channels!

If the help of organization was not enough, Hootsuite also will send a weekly analytics report straight to your email! In the email summary it will…

  1. Number of clicks per day
  2. Geographical information on the people clicking through
  3. Top referrers
  4. Most popular links

This information is extremely useful to any business person wanting to achieve a solid social media presence. With this information, we can see what people are more interested to click on, where their interest lays (with links, post information), and where your key audience is located!

With both of these websites, they come with different strengths that will help a business achieve success in their social media! Although keeping it updated with relevant content, new posts, and staying on track with trends, there is still work to do! These websites are more of a helping hand to get you where you want to be!

If you would like to learn more about setting up an account, I have a link for each site that will guide you through what to do! How To: Hootsuite How To: Google Alerts

COM0014: Blog 7: Reflection

Photo by Canva Studio from Pexels

There are many aspects to social media, and how to market a company through the different platforms. Many people think they have the hang of it, just from what they know running their personal accounts. What they don’t know is all the steps it takes in order to make a company account successful. Finding the target audience, listening, and portraying what the values are of the company, and what that means as a follower.

Target Audience

Photo by Anton Belitskiy from Pexels

Not every company will appeal to every single age, gender, etc., nor should they. When a company is ready to market out to customers, one of the first steps is finding a target audience. The target audience is who you are trying to sell to. Who is interested in the product, is the #1 customer to be buying it, and will be most convinced with the marketing and advertising. Once you have figured out this audience (whether it is 18-35 year old females with a medium income, or 40-55 year old males with high income) creating content will become easier for a creator, and will bring in who the company seeks. Creating posts that use colour, slang that fit this audience, and are posting on platforms most used, and at reasonable time for the audience to be logged on.

Without having a target audience would be like fishing with no lure, because you are interested in every fish. Which would result in 0 fish being caught. Having the specific group of people will narrow down the search for what platform to use, what slang to use, and creativity of each post. This will also help when reaching out to influencers to sponsor a product, because a company can choose someone who is most relative to this genre of people.


Photo by Burst from Pexels

Listening on social media is more important than many companies realize. This can be the factor of major success, or become a failed starter. Listening on social media is much like the quote “Think before you speak” (unknown). Or in better words, think before you post!

“You need to listen to your audience. What issues do they care about? How can you help solve their problems?”

Heather Malec

A company must listen to their audience in order to be able to connect with them. Listening goes along side the target audience; if a company listens to what the group enjoys, what is popularized between them, and are able to live through the mind of the group, they will have a more successful time on social media. Being able to listen on what is trending, or happening in the groups world, and how a company’s post can relate to that.

Listening can help companies answer the 5 W’s with their target audience. Rather than relying on hashtags, shares, and who is following. It is also important to see what is being commented, good and bad. How can us as a company receive the negative review, and turn it in to something positive? How can the company perfect their customer service, and marketing tactics to help please more followers? Listening can not only help the company see where they can improve, but may also give them inspiration for their next great idea!

Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels

As I worked through this course, it has gained my knowledge on not only creating a successful social media platform, but how to listen to trends, and tell your story through the platform. How you want to show off to the world, and what we can do to show that vision.


COM0012- Wintours Way!

Anna Wintour is one of the top most respected women in the fashion industry. As the Vogue editor, with her distinct short hair and wide glasses, what Wintour says, people follow.

In a recent article called ‘Love your clothes and pass them on, says Vogue supremo Wintour’ by Michele Kambas (Posted: Nov 28, 2019, CBC News), it is explained that Wintour is noticing a fault in the fashion industry. More businesses are throwing away ‘damaged’ clothing. With things as little as makeup marks, or a loose button. These clothing items worth thousands of dollars are put in to bins to get cut up and thrown in the trash. With no chance of an after life on the shelf, these close to perfect clothing items have a long life cut short. Literally.

“I think for all of us it means an attention more on craft, on creativity, and less on the idea of clothes that are instantly disposable, things that you will throw away just after one reading,”

Anna Wintour

As there used to be a high stigma against previously ‘loved’ clothing, and purchasing items from stores like Value Village, that is quickly fading. From personal experience, when my friends and I need clothing for costumes, festivals, or everyday life, buying reused clothing is an easy and affordable option. People are forgetting that re-wearing clothing, or buying reused clothing is not only not noticeable to anyone, but is a much more appreciated/respected story to tell.

Much like the roles reversing, when we are getting rid of our clothes, donating them to shelters, Salvation Army, and organizations that can bring these clothes to people in need. It is better for the people taking them, and is not waste for the planet.

I think it is a major benefit to the fashion community, and entire world that Wintour has taken the initiative to step up and speak out what we have all been thinking.

Enough with wasting perfectly good clothing because of small marks. It is time to start resourcing new use for them. Donating, reusing fabric for new merchandise, and becoming more environmentally and economically friendly with our used clothing.

COM0014:Blog 6: My Super Fan!

Photo Via Personal Library

As I think about my own life, and the children I will have, I look forward to having a kid that is just like me. Same humour, same energy, and a kid that is my right-hand-man. This is the exact relationship between my dad and I. Ever since I was young, my dad and I did everything together, and still do! Trips to Home Depot for his next project, trips to Michael’s for MY next project, and trips to Starbucks for our own enjoyment. There is no one in the world I would trust more than my dad.

My dad grew up in a family owned chemical distribution and manufacturing business. Since 1978, the business grew to now a highly successful investment company! As he grew up during the big transition, he learned to have tough skin, become an amazing leader not just at work but in everyday life, and that to be a good leader you have to guide and listen, not control! These are all the skills he has instilled in me.

Although he is constantly working, my dad does an excellent job in splitting his work life and home life. Always making sure he attended Christmas concerts, sport competitions, and even brought me a soda when I forgot it on ‘National Soda Day’ in Grade 2! Through all of this he has remained my biggest fan.

Photo Via Personal Library of Dad and I posing in India as my mom said “LOOK NICE!”

When I was asking the question “Who is your super fan?” my answer immediately popped in to my head.

As a dad, I rarely hear criticism, but rather gives me new ideas, and creates other strategies to help me. My dad would never take over a project from me, or tell me exactly what to do. He will always guide me to success. Letting me know what worked for him, or tell me the tools I will need. Then he sits back and watches me achieve it. Instead of making me feel inferior, this actually makes me feel more successful, and is a better learning lesson.

My dad loves to see me achieve anything I set my mind to. There is no control over my life. If I love it and want it bad enough, he encourages me to pursue it, and be the best I can. I always know he is rooting for me, whether a small situation, or big opportunity. He will always push me to be in a leadership position, because he knows I can handle it. Seeing my strengths and guiding me to where I shine.

All of these features about my dad is a clear sign that he wants me to achieve as high as I can, and have independent success. Without leaning on him for everything, so I can say I did it, rather than he did it and I held the flashlight.

I know I can count on him to explain any topic, answer any question, and give me any guidance in every aspect of my life.

Photo of my dad in 2014 at my Cheerleading competition wearing a ‘Cheer Dad’ shirt with my face on it… He still wears in to this day.

Whether he be wearing his Cheer Dad shirt, buying every ‘Algonquin College Dad’ merchandise, or listening to my crazy boy drama, I know my dad loves me with his whole heart, and is proud of all my success. Looking forward to where I go in life, and reminding me of my strengths. I will always pick up the phone when I see the ‘Dad’ caller ID, because in my eyes, we are each others super fan.

COM0014:Personal Brand: Personally Me!

Photo via Personal Library

When I was thinking of my own personal brand, and how I define it, I decided to reach out to my closest friends, asking them what words they use to describe me. The answers flooded in with different words. Enthusiastic, determined, out-going, creative… Everyone had mixed replies, except one word that was mentioned by everyone…

I am HIGHLY extroverted.

Being an extrovert has helped me throughout my life. Socially, work wise, and creating friendships. It has also brought me to one of my biggest passions of work… Sales & Marketing. Having an enthusiastic and positive outlook on life makes connecting with people more comfortable and easy. Having determination when selling a product, while thinking of creative ways to show off the features helps customers make their final decision to purchase, and ultimately gives them more reason to buy.

While talking may be considered a specialty of mine, knowing when to zip the lips and learn is key to anyone wanting to expand their chatty expertise.

While socializing is something I enjoy, I also love to learn. Learning is not only class room, but creating job shadowing opportunities in fields that I have a high interest for. Both can go hand in hand. While going to school to expand my knowledge, I make sure to crate a work/student lifestyle to fuel both needs!

Life is not all about jobs. Remembering to make time for things I love, like travelling. It has always been a huge part of my life; creating memories with people all over the world, being shown new cultures, learning different types of living, and being exposed to some incredible lives. Learning this from travelling is something people remember, and carry on in to their everyday life back home. Remembering how they work, their traditions, and ideas on different topics.

As school, work, and travel are all massive parts of who I have become, going back to my roots in Saskatchewan has taught me great, valuable lessons. Especially growing up in a family business, and being shown what hard work is. Being taught that ‘everything is in my job description’, and witnessing all sorts of different career options, that I can look forward to in my future!

Photo via Personal Library

From learning all there is in different career options, to keeping up with a memorable a social life, throwing parties with my friends, and using creativity as an outlet, creating masterpieces via Pinterest, it is never a dull moment in my life.

With work, and travel being a priority to me, my personal brand is how I am perceived by others. From what I do, how I show off myself, and who I am. Creating a life I enjoy, remaining the real me, and showing the world that I am in fact an extrovert that just likes to have fun! And yes, I would love to talk about it!

COM0014 – Blog 4 – Branding Beauty.

As a major make up source for all beauty guru’s, Sephora is a one-stop-shop for make up, fragrance, and skincare. As a huge company that provides endless products, their marketing must be creative, and very thought out.

Sephora is mainly marketed online, using social media. They are active on Instagram, and post on Twitter frequently. Because they have so many different brands, they always do a great job at spreading out what they are posting, and how.

As you see from the photo provided, Sephora uses their platform to encourage customers to buy their products by giving useful reasons. Showing people the great secret santa gifts they could buy, for under certain amount of dollars. Providing a link to how to find the products, and the list of great choices.

Sephora is also very good at being interactive with their followers. Posting on their story what products they like best, asking questions, and replying/posting responses. This lets their customers know that Sephora cares, appreciates them, and is listening to them. As a brand, it is important to be active with their customers. Then Sephora can understand where their customers stand, empathize with them, and it will be easier to find their target audience.

Sephora knows that creating content that relates to their viewers, adding fun colours, and showing off more than one certain brand with resonate with everyone. Using attractive ads, having stickers and using strategic wording to inspire customers to buy their products.

Sephora as a brand is creative, and thoughtful about their marketing. Having Facebook ads, using multiple social media outlets, and creating an email string for their customers; they focus on empowering the beauty community to feel good, and look good.

references: Sephora – Instagram, Sephora – Twitter