Is your name on Russia list! Regulations to social media ? YES /NO?

There are times I think and I feel that there is a law for anything … really anything but nowadays and because of the exponential rate of changes and innovations, legislators cannot keep the same speed.

The most important innovations affecting the entire world is the social media which continue to reveal more and more applications thanks also to the unprecedented computing capabilities companies can access and have today.

Marketing through social media revealed extremely efficient tool compared with older methods and marketing techniques also open the door to a different category of services and customers which first interest is access to data.

DATA is not a sub-product of social media, it is the MAIN product which social media receives free and commercializes for some money.

Photo from REUTERS – Der Tagesspiegel

Recently the big scandal about Cambridge Analytica having access to Facebook data and providing services to other parties interested with the purpose to design influencing strategies.

What I consider is really new here is that the information taking away by creating over 120 fake Facebook pages was not really stolen, and the information was not hackers as usually, but a regular company who open the fakes account to manipulate the user in Trump election to influence users. No information was stolen has credit card numbers or passwords but personal data.

What is also new and different is to understand who were the customers of Cambridge Analytica: US actual president for 2016 campaign, Russians?

All this situation is triggering a lot of questions:

– What kind of information was collected?

– Did Facebook give or sell the information or has been hack?

– Who did benefit from the information and how?

– Which reports have been generated based on the data?

Given all the above it is being proposed a Social media regulation does it make sense what do you think? What will Facebook propose to all the users


Mark Zuckerberg: March 21, 2018

The OCR register


Can we make a difference in terms of regulation between the internet and more specifically the social media? This is being debated in the US, but of course is of world-wide interest.

Should we support a regulation with the risk of killing an industry?

Should we constrain software industries to provide alternatives to the sharing of our data or only a part as excluded the medical data

What about governments accessing our personal data?

Do you LIKE?

Social Media regulation proposal

or do you DISLIKE?

 Is your name on Russia list! with Facebook

  Russia operating #Fakes #Facebook account  @ @facebook

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Analytics & Success in Social Media

We are pretty sure that a successful social media item will have a good analytic, but how much success will bring the pushing such to have a good analytic?

We have several examples out of the social media world and I will remind one to clarify the concept: The restaurant Italian!



This photo is from Facebook – The beautifully carved romantic restaurant

The restaurant owner or the customers?

The restaurant could be any other thematic as Indian, Japanese. There are many things which can make a good Italian restaurant in Canada, however, the question is if the restaurant is considered good because satisfy the expectations of the customers or because is proposing something which is well appreciated by the customers? Who is driving? The restaurant owner or the customers!

I think that the truth is in the middle. Once a dialog is established owner and customer influence each other like in discussion or a negotiation. That is why monitoring the analytics is so important for an owner. It is a way to understand how much “the owner” can influence the customers or a way to understand that there is a controversy …

They are a lot of positive Websites and negative too

The bottom line here is actions about analytics could be considered

– You drive and You take and keep ownership of Your business / social media / etc.

– You get the information about who/what/where/when/why (the 5-W). Note that the understanding of the 5-W may not be an easy task.

– You need to be aware of the possible failure of the analytics methodology and the reasons behind.

– You need to make decisions and take action as consequence of the analytics interpretation.

Let us assume that this restaurant prepares a traditional dish which requires a lot of effort and from the analytics, you see that most customers just don’t know about it or dislike it. What should the owner do?

Now assume that the same controversial dish product is so important that removing it from the menu would affect the brand … what would you suggest to do?

A success/Failure method for analytics:  oy you have Top 5 reasons why analytics projects fail that I found in Forbes



twitter_PNG32Twitter: Stay always in contact

facebook_logos_PNG19761Facebook: The Extreme caved restaurant



Blog #2: Teenangers Risks in the Social Media Age.

Real Consequences that occur because of Social Media with benefits and some risks.

One day, from nowhere internet pop-out and changed all the habit of our teenager and your vision as a mom of raising teenagers in the digital age. They can even not imagine the life without the internet it is like an extension of the body with lots of gadgets. Approximately 90% of teens go online daily. They want to share as many videos, be interesting on contents, photos and liked by others.

Social media in some occurrences can help you learn on different school topics, which may expand a child’s knowledge if they are interested in the topic that they are learning about. Social media may also be a positive environment because when a teenager has absolutely nothing to do, they can just look at social media for entertainment.


Teens and Social Media the ability to manage risks

Have you been Catfishing? 

As parents, we are more concern about The Catfishing “A person who pretends to be someone else”. They are a lot catfishing on the internet that tries to impersonate people they are not so that they can trick teenagers into anything they may want them to do and can end up by kidnapping.

The fear of flunking a message to another person may cause the young person to gain more anxiety and this may also disturb their sleep. Some teens wake up during the night and consult their social networks waiting for a reaction posted on Instagram and Snapchat. The social media platforms who seem to cause this frustration on the teens are Instagram and Snapchat.

Addictions may start to come in the more a teenager uses social media because every time a teenager gets a notification they have a release in dopamine in their brain, thus making them want more of it as if it were a drug. This may all end up affecting a child’s school work, and their ability to pay attention to people they should pay attention to such as their parents, guardians, or teachers.

   Facebook: Teenagers in the digital age – Risks in Social Media

   Twitter: #Digitalrisks for #teens @alexandrabokij


Design: by Laureen Mendizza

Kids hands a Toy Phone, You Parents Answer… Only One Step apart to the real One! (blog #1, N Mendizza )

In today era Audio-Visual products and toys aiming to young kids have the shape of the electronics devices of their parents preparing them for the “next phase” using tablets and smartphones. We have technology all around I don’t think is bad it is an amazing resource right on your finger you see the world. However, is negative for the kids in the early development. and it may affect their brains growth.

I looked in the past, 15 years ago, and I remember! how infants and children between the age of 0-11 years were different. How parents interacted and contributed to their growth and development as they start thinking and speaking. The importance to develop the emotional and social. The ability to interact is very important. The only source that we lay out as parents were the library, the magazine, and outdoor activities, and now what happens! Does the technology affect our children emotionally? or are they addicted already at the age of 2 years old, or younger!.

How does my child under 11 years interact with others?” using a Tablets or a Smartphone







Survey Tablets/Smartphones effects –

Canadian Market today recent around 4 Million infants and children they are more directly targeted by the media than in the past with all the product. Children get used to repetition and grabbing the attention. Who will be affected at the end. Yes, our children some parents fall in the parenthood, make face two incompatible or contrasting realities: work and family. We have this very important job to finish by tomorrow and your kid is crying, of course, we put the game he/she loves on the tablet or the phone and it will give some freedom. Each of those realities demands for time and this is, in my opinion, the origin of so many troubles because we don’t have the time or however not enough, we may pass too much time on our smartphone or social media and don’t realize how times flies and we miss the development of the kids.

According to the New York Time before of the age of 2 years old “children should not be exposed to any electronic media, because a child’s brain develops rapidly during these first years and children learn better by interacting with people.” and older should only spend two hours a day.

The CNN study said letting a baby play on a tablet as an iPad might lead to speech delays.

Twiter: Did you know that #BillGates and #SteveJobs “Have Raised Their Kids With Minimal Technology”?

FaceBook: What age did your kids start playing with your smartphone?




The Canadian Paediatric Society:

Survey Tablets/Smartphones effects –

The New York Time:

The CNN study: