I Bought a YouTuber’s Nail Polish

Over 6 years ago, I was browsing YouTube for new videos to help pass the time. I discovered a video about “polish mountain.” This video has millions of views and the idea of the video was a mountain of layers of nail polish on this person’s hand. It was this video that hooked me on Simply Nailogical aka Cristine.

Screenshot of Simply Nailogical’s YouTube Video via YouTube.

Who Are They?

Cristine is a Canadian YouTuber, crime statistics analyst and business owner. Their channel is mainly about nail art, nail polish, make up and experiments. She also has multiple YouTube channels including a vlog and podcast channels. When I discovered Cristine, I thought she was funny, creative, and wholesome. She seemed very genuine and sincere in her videos and nothing felt scripted. In 2019, she created her own nail polish business called Holo Taco and I was obsessed from the first launch.

What Do I Think of Holo Taco?

In the past, I’ve enjoyed painting my nails but never cared to get them professionally done or ensured the polish was anything fancy. When Holo Taco initially launched, I loved the variety that came in the limited edition box. It featured three top coats with different holo sparkles, which seemed very on brand for Simply Nailogical (who was always into holo and top coats). It was amazing to see Cristine create something she had so much passion for. The brand has created over 50 colours since and still going. There’s so much variety and the colours are gorgeous. I’ve bought multiple products since that initial launch.

Screenshot of the Holo Taco website via Holo Taco.

Would I Have Bought Holo Taco if It Weren’t for Simply Nailogical?

When I think about it, I probably would not have bought Holo Taco products if they weren’t Cristine’s product line or if I didn’t know they were made by her. I think it’s my history with Simply Nailogical and my love for the channel that gave me the urge to make these purchases. I’ve been watching her content for years, and there have been days where I’m looking forward to the newest video to release. Knowing my purchase supports Cristine and her passion also makes me confident in my purchases as well. I definitely bought Holo Taco because of the connection to Simply Nailogical.

Have you ever bought a product created by a YouTuber or influencer? If not, have you ever bought a product they endorsed? I’d love to hear your experiences!

Facebook: I bought a #YouTubers nail polish. Should you buy it too? https://wp.me/p3QRy0-yXH

X: I bought #SimplyNailogical’s business product. Is it worth it? #beauty https://wp.me/p3QRy0-yXH

How Lush Cosmetics Told Me to Leave Social Media 

In 2019, Lush Cosmetics’ bath bombs inspired me to create an Instagram profile all about their products. My page was colourful and filled with bath art that these balls of baking soda created as they fizzed away in water. Since then, I’ve been heavily involved in the Lush community on Instagram and followed the Lush North American page, Lush UK page and numerous store and fan pages. Two years later, the Lush stores’ Instagram pages disappeared. The Lush North American, UK and other countries pages also changed. All that was left on the official Lush Instagram profiles were images that read “Be Somewhere Else.”

Picture of bath art that I captured

What Happened?

Back in November 2021, Lush Cosmetics left numerous social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. Lush believed these platforms were not a good place for themselves, and anyone else, especially for one’s mental health. Fast forward to November 2023, Lush has decided to temporarily come back to these platforms to update their message. This social media marketing campaign is called The Big Tech Rebellion. They believe Big Tech companies, Meta in particular, are not managing our data responsibly and that they are creating addictive algorithms that are not good for our mental health. Lush wants to be a part of communities (online and in person) that are an “oasis of kindness.” Therefore, until these social media platforms produce a space like this, they don’t want to be very involved with them.

Image created by Lush Cosmetics on weare.Lush.com

What Do I Think?

On the surface level, I like the concept of this social media campaign. It’s great to see a company care about the people they interact with online. On the other hand, I’m not sure how practical this is. It’s been two years between the two campaigns, and I have found other platforms to engage in. There are times where people are frustrated that it’s difficult to communicate with Lush. I find that customers and employees are having to help each other through other platforms, such as Reddit, before trying to get a hold of customer service. It’s also interesting how Lush is encouraging people to get off social media through the use of social media. This tells me that the company knows the power of it and had to use it as a tool for this campaign. It’s a bit ironic to say the least.

Does This Campaign Make Me Want to Leave or Stay?

At this point of my life, I do not plan on leaving social media like Lush. I have set my own boundaries that I’m comfortable with, such as having timers on apps and only getting involved in communities that bring me happiness. As time goes on, I may change my stance depending on how these social media platforms change. The fact that Lush came back to social media tells me that it’s still important and relevant to this day, even to the people trying to fight to make it better. I do hope that these Big Tech companies take responsibility for the effects social media has on people and do something to help their users. 

Would you leave social media if one of your favourite companies or influencers left it? If not, can you ever see yourself not using social media platforms for other reasons? I’d love to hear your opinions!

Facebook: #LushCosmetics left social media. Find out why they logged out for good! https://wp.me/p3QRy0-yWC

X: #LushCosmetics is leaving social media until #BigTech companies change. Should you log off too? https://wp.me/p3QRy0-yWC

My Instagram Explore Page Created a Part of My Skincare Routine

In the past few years, I’ve been taking my skincare routine more seriously. Instead of simply washing my face and putting lotion on, I began to do research on which products would benefit my skin. I was open to trying something new in order to perfect my routine. One day I started noticing skincare posts on my Instagram Explore Page. Soon enough, almost every 3-5 posts were beauty product related and that’s how I discovered snail mucin essence.

What is it?

The specific snail mucin I was consistently seeing was the CORSX Advanced 96 Mucin Power Essence. This essence was included in the majority of these Instagram product line ups, which caused my interest to peek. CORSX describes their product as a “light-weight essence which absorbs into the skin fast to give skin a natural glow…” and it can help moisturize your skin. A fast working moisturizer? I needed this. Eventually I was convinced by my Explore Page that I had to give this a try. I decided to take the plunge and found it at my local department store.

Image of Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence created by COSRX.

My Initial Thoughts

When I first tried the essence, I thought it had an interesting texture. I’m not sure if my mind was tricking me because I knew it had snail secretion or if it truly felt like something new to me. It feels slimy but still feels similar to other serums I’ve used in the past. The product felt nice on my skin and it seemed like my skin liked it as well. I noticed my skin felt nice and hydrated the morning after using it for the first time. I also didn’t experience any irritation. I decided to incorporate it into my routine and start using it more often over time.

Image of Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence created by Sukoshi Mart.

Is it Worth the Hype?

Personally, I think this product is worth the hype. I can see why it was featured so often in my Instagram Explore Page and other platforms. It’s within my price range, easy to find in store (when it’s in stock), and my skin was enjoying it. There haven’t been any issues to this day but time will tell if it’s beneficial to my skin long term. Sometimes I wish I found this product sooner! I also can’t imagine taking it out of my routine any time soon.

Have you ever tried a product with snail mucin? If not, have you ever been persuaded to buy something you found on your Instagram Explore Page? What did you think?

Facebook: Snail mucin skin products are all over my Instagram Explore Page and why they should be on yours too! #beauty https://wp.me/p3QRy0-yUt

X: Instagram is loving #snailmucin products and now I understand the hype! #skincareroutine https://wp.me/p3QRy0-yUt

How a Trend is Helping Me Get in Shape in the Comfort of My Own Home

It’s the beginning of winter and it’s -10 degrees outside. The thought of getting out of my toasty bed and hauling myself to a busy gym doesn’t seem appealing. I don’t even want to think about, let alone consider, an outdoor workout. As I’m in bed dreading my morning gym session, I find myself scrolling through my TikTok ForYou page and discover this trend called cozy cardio. Now I’m wondering what it is and whether it’s right for me (and you may be wondering the same thing).

What Does Cozy Cardio Mean?

If you’ve never heard of cozy cardio, there’s multiple meanings to this new TikTok trend. The creator of this movement, Hope Zuckerbrow, has given her own definition to her audience. Hope says that “cozy cardio looks different for everyone.” She describes her version as a mixture of ambiance, lighting, candles, coffee, or a show she’s watching. She takes these elements and applies them to exercise. Furthermore, it’s turned into a form of self love for her and many of those who have implemented it. Zuckerbrow says cozy cardio not only helps you enjoy movement, but also reminds you that you and your body deserve effort and time to be taken care of. A reminder that we all need from time to time.

Are you in need of inspiration? Here’s a video from the creator Hope Zuckerbrow going through one of their morning cozy cardio routines.

Video by Hope Zuckerbrow via TikTok

Why Do I Like Cozy Cardio?

When I first heard of cozy cardio, it sounded very familiar. During the pandemic, I consistently spun on my stationary bike with my Nintendo Switch playing Animal Crossing. Zuckerbrow just happened to coin a term for it and created the trend.

Cozy cardio has a number of benefits for me and they may be pros for you as well. One them is that it’s convenient. I’ve completed my cozy movement in my bedroom, outside by the lake, and even the mall with my favourite Starbucks drink. This has helped remove any mental roadblocks and has made pressing “Start” on my workout even easier. Because of this benefit, it’s also allowed me to stack multiple tasks and activities while doing my workout. As mentioned before, I’ve played video games and read books while on my stationary bike. It’s also allowed me to socialize while circling the mall for an hour to get my steps in. The best benefit has been the boost in my happiness levels. Who wouldn’t want a convenient and cozy way to raise their happiness levels? It’s allowed me to reap the benefits of exercise while doing a physical activity I actually enjoy. I can gain happiness through exercise and in my pajamas? Sign me up.

No walking pad? Here Lucy Wyndham-Read giving a rundown on what Cozy Cardio is and some examples of what you can do at home that require no equipment.


The recent social media fitness trend is ” COZY CARDIO” so let me explain why this is now so popular. And if you like the idea of doing a workout in your PJs at home 🏡 with not a single burpee in sight 🎉🙏🏻🎉 Then head to my YouTube Channel 📺 as I have created a FREE Playlist with over 20 Cozy Cardio Home Workouts on my YouTube Channel. All you need to do is add the fairy lights 🧚🏻‍♀️ #cozycardio #cozyathome

♬ Viva La Vida – Coldplay
Video Created by Lucy Wyndham-Read via TikTok

How You Can Find the Community 

Cozy cardio doesn’t have to be done alone. One positive aspect to trends is that they build community. There’s various ways in which you can be involved if you’re looking for like-minded individuals (like myself). One method I’ve used to join this community was to follow and engage in the cozy cardio hashtags on different social media platforms. There are plenty of TikTok videos with the cozy cardio key words. It’s been great seeing other people implement this type of movement in their daily lives and it’s given me inspiration in my own routines. I’ve also joined forums on related topics. I’ve looked at running and strength training forums to see how others are tackling their journeys. Seeing these posts by other people has made me feel calm knowing others are in a similar boat as me.

Is cozy cardio something you’ve done without realizing it or is it something you’d like to implement in your routine now? Whatever your preference may be, there’s thousands of people incorporating self care and exercise just like you and me!

Facebook: Need a break from the gym? Here’s how a TikTok trend is helping others get in shape in the comfort of their own homes. Immerse yourself in the cozy cardio movement.

X: Need a new warm and comfy way to get your exercise in? Hope Zuckerbrow reveals how she gets her movement in. And it’s all #cozy! https://wp.me/p3QRy0-ySA