COM0012 – Learning To Swim In The Social Media Pool

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Blog #4 – Where did my friends go?

Before the Internet, it was easy to find your friends. We were outside from dawn to dusk, biking, playing ball, and hanging out at the local park or community center. I joined Facebook in 2008 to stay connected to friends and family while moving across the country. I created my little community, sharing photos, stories, and things happening in our lives. Now, when I look at Facebook, it is a jumble of random ads and sponsored posts. To find any posts from my friends, I need to search for them. This makes keeping in touch with the people who matter in your life much more difficult.

Photo courtesy of The Princeton Herald

What is going on

According to The New York Times: The Future of Social Media is a Lot Less Social. (Chen, 2023) Social Media is not providing the social connections it used to. Their focus has shifted to connecting people to paid brand placement ads. As many users seek other ways to connect, they find smaller community-oriented sites and apps devoted to specific hobbies and issues.

Social Media Sites – Mark Dubois Weblog

Here are a few reasons why friend’s posts might not be showing up:

News Feed Algorithm: Facebook uses an algorithm to determine what content to show on your news feed. If you don’t frequently interact with your friends’ posts, Facebook may prioritize other content over theirs.

Privacy Settings: Your friends might have privacy settings that limit who can see their posts. Please make sure you are on their friends list and that they haven’t restricted specific posts from certain people.

Unfollowed: Did you accidentally unfollow or mute your friend? Check your friend list to confirm this.

Group Settings: If your friends post in groups, you may only see their posts if you are a group member.

Technical Issues: Occasionally, technical glitches or issues with your Facebook account or app can cause problems with seeing posts.

You should contact Facebook support for assistance if none of these reasons apply.

My possible future with Facebook

With all these additional sites and apps, you are more likely to find new friends than old ones unless you have common interests. Then, there is the chore of keeping up with these new sites. This might be too much work; I will either continue to search for posts from my current friends or leave Facebook altogether. As I am getting ready to post this blog, I see a few more posts from my friends showing up; I think Facebook senses my displeasure. 

Are you having trouble finding your friends on Facebook?


Chen, Brian X. (April 19, 2023). The Future Of Social Media Is A Lot Less Social.

Facebook: What is happening with Facebook? Only seeing ads on Facebook? Have you lost your friend circle?

Instagram: What is happening with Facebook? #wherearemyfriends  #toomanyads

Facebook Marketplace – Friend or Foe?

Scammers have been around for a long time! Did you know that the first reported scam happened in 300BC? Hegestratos and Zenosthemis, two Greek sea merchants, attempted to commit insurance fraud by sinking their cargo ship. They were caught in the act, Hegestratos lost his life trying to escape, and Zenostemis was left to face the Athenian courts. Today’s scammers are more savvy, from Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff, who were able to amass millions, to the Facebook Marketplace scammer who sits quietly on your computer, and you might not even be aware they are there. 

Spotting a Scammer

There are some subtle ways to spot a Marketplace scammer. They will use a new profile with very little information and few friends. These accounts are often made with stolen photos. They are selling items at a deep discount, way overpriced, or extremely hard to get. Recently, thousands of reports of scammers selling Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour tickets online took unsuspecting fans for hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is no need to provide a Marketplace seller with your personal information. It is best to meet a Marketplace seller at a public location to exchange goods. Inspect any item before sending money; if the seller is looking for a deposit, it might be a scam!

photo capture by Claire Lambert

Ways to avoid the scam

To avoid Facebook Marketplace scams, check their profile page, see if anyone else has dealt with this buyer before, never send money before receiving a product, and ask questions about the item before agreeing to purchase it. It is essential to trust your gut instincts; if something seems too good to be true or communications with the seller feel off, run, don’t walk away. If you suspect someone of being a scammer, report them! This is the only way we all stay safe!


The History and Evolution of Fraud. (n.d.)

James, M & Trejos, S. (Oct 27,2023). 18 Facebook Marketplace Scams and How to Avoid Becoming a Victim.

Facebook:  Worried about that great deal on Facebook marketplace? Here are some quick tips to keep yourself safe.

ed about getting scammed on marketplace? #AvoidTheScammer, #SpotTheScam

How Social Media rekindled my love of sewing

I have been a crocheter, knitter and quilter for a number of years, sometimes working non-stop on projects and sometimes nothing for long periods of time.  I always have a yarn project on the go however the sewing machine was being neglected.  During COVID I struggled with the effects of being isolated from co-workers and friends.  It was at this time that I stumbled upon a couple of Facebook groups dedicated to crocheting, knitting, and quilting.  While watching YouTube videos and Reels I was once again seeking the familiar hum of the sewing machine, thus rekindling my love of sewing.

My journey:

While living in Ontario, I was lucky enough to have a dedicated space, the corner of the dining room, where I could go to create.  This space was a shared space, so did require tidying up during projects, but thankfully my spouse is very supportive of my hobbies.  Upon moving to British Columbia, the house we were living in did not initially have space for a dedicated sewing space.  I again used a corner of the dining room and continued to create as time permitted.  Since moving to a larger home and our daughter moving into the attached suite, I now have a dedicated sewing room where I can make a mess and close the door. 

Crafting and Mental Health:

During COVID, when getting together with others was restricted, many people struggled to maintain good mental health.  Studies have shown that crafting in any capacity can help with mental health.  Professionals also suggest that crocheting and knitting are great ways to help maintain fine motor skills and battle the effects of deteriorating brains in older adults.  The sense of accomplishment when completing a project also boosts the mood and creates better mental health. 

Some of my more recent projects. Photos by me (Claire Lambert)

Rekindling my love of sewing:

Social Media, specifically Facebook, has allowed me to connect with like-minded people from all over the world who also quilt. These groups encourage people to share their struggles and successes and, as a result, support others.  YouTube and Reel videos also allow the sharing of patterns and skills at any time of the day or night, making them easy to access and utilize.  A couple of my favourite Facebook pages:  Quilting for Beginners  and Quilt Along with Pat Sloan.


Healthy Quilting


Is your sewing machine sitting idle?  Follow me on my journey back to my sewing machine and better mental health. Follow my blog here:


Is your sewing machine sitting idle?  Follow me on my journey back to my sewing machine and better mental health. Follow my blog here: