Impacts of Social Media..



In any corner of the world one can connect to the social media. No matter where you are even in Dubai, China or somewhere else you can contact easily with anyone who is living so many seas far. This thing has positive effects but on the other hand it has negative effects too.

Positive Effects:

Communication: The first good thing for using social media site is that it is allowing you to contact or communicate with family, friends and even overseas person who one want to contact. This has given big opportunity for business person to grow their business.

Writers and Bloggers: They are offering the social networking sites opportunity for them to connect with customers to share articles and products. The article posted on social networking sites can be shared by the people and may help to increase your followers.

Bring people together: This is the platform where we can unite people together having same interest. This thing helps to bring positivity among the people. It helps to increase the contacts business to business.



Negative effects

Addiction: Today most of the people are getting addicted to the social networking. There are spending countless hours on these sites especially our youth. This results in bad impact on health, student education etc. It is diverting the student mind from education to social network sites.

Decreasing Personal contacts: we used to see so many children in the parks playing around but now you will rarely see children playing outdoor games. Everybody is getting indulge into this trap which results decreasing personal contacts. They are being introduced to the social sites at very early stage which is having bad impacts.

Facebook: social media sites impacting the society.

Twitter:  Pros and Cons of Social Media.  #socialmediaimpacts #Prosandcons







This is era of advance technology and social media which put a great impact on our day to day activities. If we talk about education system, it is totally differ from last few years. It has increased the trend of smart classes in every schools, college and universities throughout the world. It has changed the way to gather information and knowledge about studies, business and social network.

Social Network Social Media People Meeting Communication Concept


social media has changed the way of interacting with each other. Students used to meet face to face to have discussion about their projects or assignments which results into wastage of travelling time and more efforts. Nowadays, they can contact easily and quickly as they can send documents or files easily through social media sites such as Facebook (Creating a group). They can have conversation through messages, call, and video conference calls.


If study network is divided into group mind that will save time and effort. These days, students are using google hangouts or google drive to work on projects or assignments by sitting at home which is very efficient and time saving method. Student can have access to class lecture or even test without physical presence in the class. If someone missed the lecture, he/she can contact professor through emails or other platforms. Students are increasing familiarity with electronic devices or computers by spending so much time working with new technology.


User can upload their pictures, videos or stories which can result in popularity of their creative work on social media. One can immediately get feedback of their story from their friends and even unknown people. After study students can easily apply to job position according to their education field by sending online resumes and by online interview and test.

What do you think there are more positive or negative impacts on students?

FACEBOOK: Social media totally changed the education system.

TWITTER: Great impact of social media in today’s education. #todaystrend #newtechnology #education






Social media changed the view of newspaper consumption…



As we all know social media is getting attracted by so many people in these days. Social is getting more and more attention by so many people and with the businessmen too. Even people are doing business on social media and most of them have grown up to big scale. Along with these things, if social media is growing up in business it has major impact on some other businesses too. Some business gone bankrupt because of this and some of they have less sale now.


Technology has a huge impact over the whole world. Advancement in technology can be seen in every corner of the world. It has replaced the paper media. It affects people both in the positive and negative ways. Positivity can be seen in the form of employment opportunities. Adapting to the new technological changes is essential. Moreover, the way of advertising is done through the electronic media.







In 2012, there were 2.4 billion people who were using internet and 1.4 billion were using social media. But in past couple of year’s social media users has increased up to so much. People are using social media or official sites to get their news instead of going to the stores and get it. People can see the latest news online without going out and wasting their time and money.


It can be concluded from the article that the technology has the impacts that could be used in either way. Despite of all these things, social media is very beneficial to us in our daily lives too. What do you think?


Do we have any choice over social media?


Facebook: How social media impact on newspaper companies?


Twitter: News is read more online on social media not on hardcopies. #awareness #socialmedia #grownup #money










Is Social is Positive or a Negative aspect in our life?


Creating, Exchanging, sharing of information to participate in the social networking through forms of electronic communications such as websites or applications ( Facebook, Instagram) is known as social media. These are different stages where the people can make their personal profile share pictures, content and update to their friends, family and other people through out the world.

The key feature of using social media is to be in contact with your loved ones. This is the platform where one can find and make a connection either with one of your college roommate, professor in high school or entirely new people within or international. Social media can help one in various ways such as finding someone for date, people with common interest, doing business, makes you feel comfortable.

dog computer


In this modern era, social media is having lot of importance in the field of business. As there is one best example, People used to spend 1-4 bucks for newspaper and go around to store to get it. The newspapers companies made a a lot of money through advertisement. But because of social media it has been totally changed as most of the people started reading news online and watching adds Online(In 1987 Newspaper companies were having profit of 40 million but because of change in environment in 2011 social media news started making more than 50 million leaving the companies behind at profit of 10 million).   According to the survey people are more happy to read online without going outside especially the old people. Its big opportunity for the business people as they have been able to contact with the customer and provide their products and services by increasing contacts with use of social media.

Connecting to the people through the social media is not only starting new relationships but results into ruining other relationships. It is very easy to communicate and share the information through these social sites but apart from this we are having a major disadvantage of having less contacts in real life. People used to meet each other but now they are so much busy in their own life and they started using these websites in order to make contacts with the people. Social media is becoming addiction to the people which is distracting from almost every field like jobs, studies etc. Is this the way how people are using their expressions through emoji?

This use of social media has changed everybody’s life. What do you think is it Merit or Demerit?

facebook-logo-png-transparent-background-llch-300x225Demerits and merits of social media.

twitterbird_rgb  What do you think Is social media more benefits or limitations?