Best company use of Social Media!

One of the best uses of social media I have seen recently is the recruiting for Budweisers new position “Chief Hockey Officer” which they pay you to drink their beer and watch hockey. Which immediately caught the eyes and ears of every hockey fan alive. Whether you drink beer or not, when they tell you they are going to pay you $50,000 to watch your favourite hockey team play and drink unlimited beer, your going to be excited.

But what put this over the top with greatest was their “lead recruiter” Paul “Biznasty” Bissonnette.

Bissonnette is well known for his time in the NHL as a fighter and his “comedy” over social media.

To apply for this position you need to create a video and submit it over social media, which creates loads of interaction with their pages.

Part 2:

One of my favourite fast food restaurants and social media accounts!

Social media for businesses is great for advertising. It helps increase brand awareness, drive extra traffic to your website, generate leads, boost sales and best of all promote your content to your consumer organically.

But after awhile, for say a fast food restaurant like Wendy’s, McDonald’s and any fast food restaurant honestly, advertising the same old burger, fries and milkshake can get stale real quick (except for maybe McDonald’s where we have seen videos of their food not going bad even after a year of sitting outside.. barf).

So, realizing this, Wendy’s chose to change their style they promote on Twitter. While they still promote their Menu, they have been for awhile “roasting” people, which has been absolutely genius.

Wendy’s roasts people, companies and funniest of all, their competitors, which even if you are not a fan of Wendy’s their social media leaves a funny lasting impression on you.

Here is a great read on the success of this roasting campaign for Wendy’s Twitter account