What does the future hold? Your business and Social Media

Does your business currently use social media to promote or advertise?

If you are using it, what do you predict it will be like in 5-10 years?


Will you have a social media specialist to manage your networks?

Social Media Networks:

  • 88% of 18- to 29-year-olds indicated that they use any form of social media. That share falls to 78% among those ages 30 to 49, to 64% among those ages 50 to 64 and to 37% among Americans 65 and older.
  • Facebook and YouTube dominate the social media landscape, as notable majorities of U.S. adults use each of these sites.
  • 35% of U.S. adults now say they use Instagram, an increase of seven percent from the 28% who said they did in 2016.
  • Roughly three-quarters of Facebook users ­– and around six-in-ten Snapchat and Instagram users – visit each site daily

Depending on the size of your business it could cost a lot to hire someone to monitor the social media networks. It takes a lot of time and consistency to manage multiple networks.

According to Social Media Today, 43% small business spend 6 or more hours a week on social media.


Want to promote your brand or business and want to get attention fast?!

Influencers are another way to grow your business and this trend is on the rise, and fast! From YouTube videos and ads on Facebook you see celebrities and famous people promoting brands everywhere!

By 2020 influencer marketing is on target to become a 10 billion dollar industry. The rise in influencers across all social networks, but especially YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat highlight how the millennial and Gen Z generations are embracing influencers wholeheartedly. 

What will be next? Will there be a new network that is just for influencers advertising for businesses?

What do your predict… What will your business be doing?


3 Trends Defining the Future of Social Media for Business https://bit.ly/2J4H

Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com

8 Ways to grow your business with Social Media https://bit.ly/31ScnDi

Flip Phone vs Smart Phone

ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZ… Click once, click two times, click three times and another 67 times to get your one sentence text out to your friend…

How did we do it! Well we did, we just didn’t have lengthy conversations, at that time we still picked up the phone to talk to our friends. If a friend ‘calls’ me now I automatically think something is wrong.

What did we do with our time before smart phones? We didn’t have multiple apps on our phone to keep us occupied while we sat waiting at the doctor’s office or while we laid in bed at night. Did we actually have conversations with others or read books more often?

Flip Phone and Smart Phone https://bit.ly/2XF7jjm

Could we go a day without our smart phone?

What would we be lost without the most?

  • Calendar
  • GPS
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • SnapChat
  • Banking app
  • Music streaming app
  • Kids games

We are all addicted to our smartphones, would we be better off without them? Would we be more or less organized? If you needed to write something down would you have a pen and paper handy? How many photos would we actually have? I know I have way too many random photos of my kids, my dog and screenshots! Screenshots, that’s like our brain storing information for us all in one spot so we can edit and send to someone else whenever we needed. Do you own an actual camera or alarm clock anymore? There are so many things that have now been compacted into our smartphones.

We would be bored…

A good bored, we could actually go out for dinner with friends and not all have our eye’s glued to our phones to see what we have missed since we left for dinner. I get so annoyed when I am trying to have a conversation with someone and they completely don’t hear me or acknowledge that I am even speaking to them. The world isn’t going to end if you don’t check Facebook every 20 minutes.

Take a Break

Put the phone down, pick up a book or have a coffee date with a friend. Take in the day and be present with ourselves and the people around us. Enjoy our hobbies and give our full attention to what we are focusing on at that time. We always multi-tasking doing multiple things at once, between our phones, work, getting kids ready for the day and keeping track of our day.

Limit yourself each day, cut back and focus on the important things in life.

What are some limits you set with your phone? No phones at dinner? Do you leave your phone in another room at night?

Let me know how you manage your love with your phone and would you go back to a flip phone?

Flip Phone vs Smart Phone https://bit.ly/2ZyLp1R

Would you go back to Flip Phone? https://bit.ly/2ZyL

References: Image: https://bit.ly/2Rh4lPu

Drugstore Beauty Aisle to Social Media Aisle

We thought going to the drugstore to shop for products was over whelming, then came Sephora, other outlets in malls and personal shopping. Now we have Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Youtube to overwhelm us with endless options of our beauty products. Maybe the drugstore wasn’t so bad after all.

How Often are you wearing make up?

“Four out of five American women wear makeup every day, spending about 20 minutes a day on the application process. Perhaps that is because 50 percent of women believe it helps them in their career and allows them to feel more in control”.

Planned or Unplanned Purchase?

I know that I wear less make up as I have gotten older, maybe it’s the less time I have to spend on it, or just accepted my natural look and don’t have the time to fuss watching a Youtube video on how to “contour”.

When I do purchase make up or beauty product that I do use, I find I do my research, and look at the reviews online and see what the popular products are out there. I don’t mind spending a little extra money on the products that I do use on a regular basis. If it makes me feel good, then it’s worth it!

Shopping for products

“45 percent of beauty consumers prefer to search for product information in-store on their mobile device rather than ask for assistance from a sales associate.”Mintel

Getting the sales pitch from the beauty associate can be overwhelming, all the different questions, and how much are you looking to spend, and are they telling the truth when “this is the best product”. We’ll never know. Consumers would rather see the results on someone from a Youtube video, or try something their friend loves, or what a celebrity is branding certain products, because if they have it, it must be great right?!

Then we go online and we have nothing better to do than browse at what else there is when we are buying our usual products, then something is on sale, or spend $100 and you get free shipping, well now we have boughten more then we came online too.

Social Media Influencers

Every day when we turn to social media to see what’s happening in the live’s of our followers, we come across either a follower talking about a product or there is an ad for a recent new product on the market from a new makeup line, to trending hair tools, to skin care to look your best.


Bloggers and celebrities that have their own Youtube channels that are always trying out the latest products and giving reviews to their followers on their channels. This can all be overwhelming and stressful on us women, to feel like we always have the best products and look 100% like Barbie all the time.

Don’t sweat it, literally… We all our human we all want to look our best, but not break the bank on the never ending product asile!

Drug Store Aile to Social Media Aisle- https://bit.ly/2YUkkWv

Drug Store Aisle on YouTube https://bit.ly/2YUkkWv


Image- Mintel, (February 10 2016). https://bit.ly/2YY0pWt

Quote-Mintel,(February10 2016). https://bit.ly/2Qz9YIr

Quote- Quora Reece, Julia.(December, 27 2017). https://bit.ly/2YY41b0

Social Media and Children’s Behavior

As a mom to young children, I always find myself torn between “Do I let my kids have the IPad, or don’t I.” That’s the ongoing question, or should I say argument…

When I was kid, I was told, “Turn the tv off and go play outside!” It wasn’t turn the Ipad / Youtube/ T.V/ Videogames controllers/ Cell Phone.. The options are endless these days on where we need to plug our mind to. What happened to using our imagination? Going outside and being adventurous?

We need to encourage our kids to put the technology

Positive Effects

Yes, I suppose there is some positive to it all… Technology and social media are growing at a rapid rate, our children must be educated properly on the positive impacts of  social media and how to navigate their ways through all the cluster.

-Students are able to have more options to classes, by taking courses online and being able to communicate through discussions and chat groups to engage and share ideas with larger audiences. Online classes also benefit kids that are physically unable to get to a class room on a regular basis or at all, but still being able to continue their education.

-Social Media platforms that allow kids to connect with others that have the same interests or hobbies.

-Connecting with others, especially family and friends all over the globe. From emails and chat rooms, to photos and videos and Skype and Facetime. We can stay in touch so easily now, no matter where you live.

Negative Effects

This is where my spouse and I constantly have the battle, where he thinks it’s all negative, but with control and guidance it’s important to educate, so social media doesn’t cause negative effects.

Addiction, its real. We all know as adults how easily we can be wrapped up in swiping and searching and maybe creeping (we all do it, just admit it).

Addiction gets in the way of relationships, school, and activities. Not only is it wasting a lot of time, but also causing mental health issues, and effecting social skills by not being able to put the phones down and live in the moment. I have seen many times at events or family dinners where they are videoing or taking photos throughout the entire time. Instead savour the moments with family or that Awesome concert you’re going to, yes take a photo or two for memories, but be there with your own eyes, not through the lens of your phone.

-Selfies, “let’s take a selfie”. Especially in girls, who are always conscious of their looks. Editing photos and tracking to see how many ‘likes’ they get on their photos becomes an obsession and they are selfie addicts.

-Cyber Bullying, not just bullying anymore. It’s easier to be mean through the screen then it is in person. Children can also become targets for stalking as well. It’s important to teach our children not to post to much private information online.

What can we do to help our kids?

As parents we always want what’s best for our kids, we need to educate them, and beware of what they are doing.

  • Monitor how much time they are spending on social media platforms
  • For young children, restricting them to sites that are appropriate for their age group, and set time limits for how long they are on screens.
  • Explain the importance of still having social interactions with friends not just chatting online and commenting on each other’s posts.
  • Suggest platforms that could enhance their learning or communicate with others of similar interests.

Social Media is growing at a fast rate, and it’s difficult to keep up, but we need to educate our children to monitor how much time they are spending online, and what they are doing to make sure they are managing their time appropriately, to still incorporate other things in their day like socializing with friends doing other activities, or maybe having a family conversation over dinner and asking how everyone’s’ day was?! What are your families thoughts on social media and phones during family time?

– “Your kids and social media” http://kirkcameron.com/kids- social-media/


References: Mrunal.(2018, May 4).”Impact of Social Media on Children”.https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/impact-of-social-media-on-children/