Supporting Local: Covid Style

This year has brought many challenges to small business owners, the biggest being many store closures due to Covid-19. While not all might be closing it still is not an easy position to be in, with everyday bringing in new concerns. One of the most important things we can do right now is help out our small local businesses, in anyway possible. These businesses need our help and every little bit counts to keep our economy alive and thriving.×320.jpg

Here is are a few ways we can all support local businesses during Covid:

  • Use the power of social media – Like, comment tag friends and share posts and/or stories from local businesses and artisans social media pages
  • Shop local – from small businesses owned by locals
  • Order take-out or delivery from local restaurateurs
  • Buy gift cards from local shops, spas, hair salons, movie theaters, restaurants
  • Give a donation

Being the manager of a small business in a small town, I have first handedly seen the effects Covid-19 has had on our downtown sector. While residents of our town seem to be coming out and supporting locally more, we as business owners, also need to do our part in making everything available and easily accessible to those who cannot easily get out and about.

Let’s remember though supporting local doesn’t always have to mean spending money, one of the greatest things we can do to help small businesses is spreading positive words about them. Letting other people know our experiences and showing our community just how lucky we are to have a these local entrepreneurs in our cities and towns. What steps will or have you taken to show support to your community during Covid-19?

Facebook: Now is the time Local Businesses need us the most! Check out how you can help

Instagram: A list of ways to support local businesses during Covid

Dating in 2020: The Dilemma

Just as I thought I was starting to get comfortable with the idea of possibly taking the plunge into the dating world again, we go into a worldwide pandemic. Was this a sign? Or just a cruel joke?

Dating at the ripe age of 40 is not easy on it’s own, let alone during a crisis like this. Now don’t get me wrong there are more important things but this was going to be MY year! With numerous concerts planned, tickets bought, travel plans made…road trips, vacations etc. I just knew dating would have to be a success as well, right?

Social Media & Dating

It’s at our fingertips. With the swipe of a finger we have access to unlimited amounts of profiles – with apps like Tinder, Bumble, Zoosk and POF just to name a few – and there are some real, honest people just looking for the one…but others not so much. How do we tell the difference? How do we know these people are who they really say they are? In my experience, and I am by no means an expert – we have to be very selective (and I mean VERY selective) with who we even choose to talk to. So we weed out the bad and start having regular conversations, and really liking what this person has to offer, then what do you do? You like this person but you can’t meet them…

The Real In-Person Date

Sure right now we can still go out to restaurants, go for walks or perhaps a hike, maybe even go to a park but in all honestly where do you go from there? We are not exactly supposed to be opening up our “bubble” to outsiders. Is the dating world non-existent right now until this is all over or do we need to discover new ways of dating?