Is Social Media Encouraging Gambling Addictions?

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Picture this. You’re scrolling through Facebook when all of a sudden you see an ad for a slot machine game that you can play right on your phone and win real money! You click on the ad, enter all of your information in, deposit some money and start spinning that wheel from that super cool game that you saw. Woah! You hit the bonus! Obviously, you keep spinning until next thing you know, you’re out of money. That $50 that you just deposited is gone and you’re sitting there debating if you should be depositing more money or walking away from the game.

Has this been you? Because I’ve been there.

Pre-Covid, my husband and I would have date nights and one of the places that we would go to, is a Casino about an hour away from us. Casino’s just have the best atmosphere; the games look super engaging and the food is great. We would always take out $100 each and say when it’s gone, it’s gone. I was always the one getting really into the games and next thing you know, my $100 was gone and I was debating taking out more. Why though? I’d always lose. Thankfully, my husband had a head on his shoulders and would always convince me that it wasn’t worth it.

Fast-forward to Covid times. Here I am, scrolling Facebook, when I see an ad about an online casino. Hmm, interesting. First thing I did was Google it to see if it was legit. After doing some research and finding out that it is legitimate, I deposit some money and start playing. A few spins in and I win $600. How excited was I! Playing it smart, I withdrew it immediately. A few weeks later, again I find another online casino ad while scrolling Instagram. This time it was the OLG so I knew it was legit, but now I have another online casino that I really shouldn’t be using. Thankfully, I know when it’s time to stop. I won’t gamble unless I have the money to gamble and even then, I’m careful. What about the people who face gambling addictions?

I came across this interesting fact while reading How Do Gambling Companies Use Social Media For Marketing? “Announcing customer wins is a particularly effective tactic for gambling companies to use if they want to win people over to their services since social media can allow them to share the news of big wins that take place on their sites,” Admin, Veloce. Imagine someone with a gambling addiction (who have been staying away from casinos and other gambling venues), scrolling their social media and coming across one of these ads. They now have it in their heads that they can win too. What’s stopping them from easily accessing an online casino and depositing money?

My question to all of you is this:


Gambling Addictions: Is social media playing a factor in this?

#Gambling #Addictions


Do you have thoughts as to if social media plays a part in contributing to gambling addictions? Check out this blog:

Keeping up with the trends: Home Edition

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Let’s face it. You’re scrolling through Instagram pictures and come across the most amazing, aesthetically-pleasing photos of someone’s home. Your first thoughts? I can tell you mine. “I need this,” “I want to make that,” or “I need a bigger house.” Don’t get me wrong; my house is a very decent size for a family of four. We purchased our house in 2019 after finding out that we were expecting baby #2. It was a little outdated for my taste, so we’ve done some renovations along the way. We’ve torn out our kitchen completely and started from scratch, same for our bathroom. While we aren’t finished with certain things (let’s be real, there is literally always something to do), home photos that I find on social media somehow result in me adding more on my to-do list.

It’s late one night and you’re scrolling TikTok when you come across a DIY coffee bar so you pull up your Amazon app and start searching for different tiered trays, coffee syrups and perfect, little mason jars to hold your syrups. Next thing you know, you have $150 worth in your cart. Do you pull the plunge and order now or do you wait because in a few days, you’ll forget about it? That’s the thing. All of these aesthetically-pleasing photos of other people’s homes are beautiful, but do you want to create these things because you love them or are you just trying to keep up with the trends? I’ll be honest. I fell into the coffee bar hole. I ordered a new cabinet, tray, fancy clear coffee mugs, skinny syrups, the whole shebang. Is it pretty? Of course, it is! Was it necessary? Not at all.

I cannot tell you how many times that I have shopped for a new bed or couch (not purchasing any of them, by the way), but each one ends up being a different style. What do I even like? If any of these beautiful home pictures has taught me anything, it’s taught me that I have no idea what I want my home to look like because I like it all. Also, can we normalize the fact that furniture/décor are crazy pricey? I’ve seen tons of videos similar to, “How to make your house look expensive on a budget,” but how does everyone just find the time to go thrift shopping or create all of these home DIY’s? Between working full time, taking online classes and raising two kids, putting that much more energy into decorating my home to keep up with trends doesn’t seem very worth it. I wish I had the energy or a crafty husband, but that’s just not always the reality. Now, have I been sucked into majority of these organizational tricks or tips? You bet! Did I purchase a ton of drawers and bins to organize underneath my kitchen sink? Yup! But finding the time to add wood to a wall and re-paint it (especially considering it was all painted 3 years ago), doesn’t seem worth it for me.

I’m curious. Do you keep up with all of the home trends and decorate your home often? Or, are you okay with your older furniture and minor changes here and there?


Decorating your house to keep up with the newest trend? Check out this blog:

#DIYProjects #TrendyHomes


Have you been drooling over a new cabinet to create a coffee bar with? Do you decorate your home to keep up with the current trends? Then check out this blog post!

TikTok Spending?

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Let’s be real here. How many times have you been scrolling TikTok aimlessly and have come across someone using a new product that caught your eye and you said, “I have to have that!” I can definitely relate.

Baby Dash? Totally bought it to make pickles and crispy cheese in it. Fluffy headband to keep my hair out of my face for when I give myself a facial once a year? Bought that too. The famous Scrub Daddy sponges? 100% guilty. The one thing that I have yet to get my hands on is the Pink Stuff. (P.S. if you have this, let me know how it is 😉)

Social media platforms are making it more and more easy to be able to purchase items directly from their platforms. Creators on different platforms are advertising various products, whether it be a brand-deal or just a product they love that they want to recommend. The viewers see these videos and immediately want the item. Most platforms have a biography section where creators can link the item that they are showcasing. A common link that I’ve seen is an Amazon affiliate link, which means that when you purchase something from this link, the creator receives a percentage from the purchase.  

During the pandemic, Rachel Meaders – a TikTok creator, started a series called, “Things you didn’t know you needed off Amazon.” These videos gained a lot of views and soon enough, her channel took off. She currently has a following of 2 million subscribers and still posts frequently. You are able to go to her Instagram, YouTube or Amazon affiliate link directly from her TikTok bio, making it convenient for her audience to purchase her recommendations.  

Rachel Meaders, TikTok

In 2021, TikTok partnered with Shopify to offer influencers TikTok Shopping. “With this powerful new tool, Shopify store owners can add subtle product links within their videos,” Nicolette Kier, Merchant Maverick.

Do you think that this new feature will mean that more and more people will be on social media platforms for bigger chunks of their day?

I’m sure we have all purchased at least one item because we’ve seen an ad about it somewhere on social media or we’ve come across a video of a raving review. What is the most pointless item that you have purchased because of social media?


Spending money because of TikTok? Check out this blog:

#TikTok #SocialMediaShopping


Can you say that you’re guilty of purchasing items because of TikTok or any other social media platform for that matter? Check out this blog:

Social Media and Disney: A Good Mix?

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Did someone say Disney? I can smell the Main Street Bakery now. Mickey-shaped waffles, freshly popped popcorn, that distinct water smell from the Pirate’s of the Caribbean ride.

Disney World is my home away from home. Naturally, I am planning trips every week. Do I book all of these trips? Of course not. Do I enjoy “fake” planning them? Duh – I can’t be the only one who does this.

The best thing about planning all of these trips is that Disney has made it so much easier to do from the comfort of your own home. Does anyone really like leaving the house these days when you can plan a trip in your pajamas while sitting on the couch?

“So, where do I begin?”

My Disney Experience is the best tool to get you started when looking to book a trip to the happiest place on earth. This can be done using your browser or downloading the app to your mobile device. This tool includes a place to search resorts, theme park tickets, park reservations, and so much more. Want to browse the menu for Cinderella’s Royal Table? Easy!

While this tool is definitely key to your trip planning, one of the best resources for more knowledgeable tips and tricks are social media influencers. Do you want to know more about the best eats in Disney World? Go to YouTube and check out DFBGuide. Interested in more of a family-oriented Disney channel? TheTimTracker is my go-to. What about interesting and helpful tips to help plan your trip? Serena over at Living By Disney is one of the best!

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The power of social media is growing quickly and Disney is being smart about it. They have created a Disney Creators Lab which include “20 emerging influencers with diverse backgrounds who also are brand fans to launch the Disney Creators Lab, and they will be schooled by the brand to create content to engage TikTok, YouTube and Instagram users. None of the influencers are being paid, but they will receive a trip to Walt Disney World and on a Disney Cruise Line next year,” Garett Sloane, Ad Age Digital News. Still a pretty sweet deal, don’t you think?

Whether you’re more of a blog person, a vlog person, or just a regular TikTok addict, there is a variety of Disney content for everyone on various social media platforms. Now to find the one that suits you best.


Planning your next visit to the Happiest Place on Earth? Check out these social media influencers for the best tips and tricks! Social Media and Disney: A Good Mix?

#Disney #VacationPlanning


Eager to plan a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth, but not sure where to start? Check out these social media influencers for the best tips and tricks! Social Media and Disney: A Good Mix?