Before and After Social Media

People living in what we call the “information era” have long since embraced the importance of social media in their everyday life. Many have browsed over and over on their favorite videos, consulted Wikipedia, and much more. Reader, has anyone ever thought of how life was when all the stuff we now usually do did not exist?

What was life before social media:

Before social media we used to actually speak to people of the phone.

Before social media
Photo by KoolShooters on Pexel
After social media
Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on

Recall the days when we used to know best friend’s phone number by heart, now we would be lucky to remember one person’s mobile phone number. So let us remember when we would pick up the phone and talk for hours where we would have things to tell each other because we had not lived our daily lives with them on social media.

Whereas now we know our friends’ day-to-day lives through social media, where we do not even need to remember phone numbers and do not even need to talk on the phone. All thanks to text messages, social media, and voice memos.

We had to date the old-school way

Photo by fauxels on Pexel

Before the use of social media, we had to meet people the old fashion way. There was no sliding into someone’s DM or swiping left or right on Tinder. People had to approach someone they fancied and speak to them. Live and direct!

Let us not forgot date night! There was courtship, and dinner and dancing. People used to get excited when their old rotary phone rang in their kitchens. Individuals would wait all week to see each other again, and it would take years to get serious as it would take time to learn about one another as the only way to find out anything was to invest face to face time. We would not be able to stalk other people on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Reddit.

We actually had to go to the shops

Photo by Sunyu Kim on Pexel

Honestly, what did we do without Amazon? If someone wanted something, they would have to venture out to the shops. We use to have to gamble that the price of the item we found was the best. People used to have to interact with people to get the thing they needed as well, to enjoy the pleasure of browsing around and trying on stuff. But let be realistic, there is something to be said for the convivence of internet shopping of being able to search for whatever we may need to add it to our carts and then purchase. There is no need to leave our house, no need to interact, and no need even to get ready. We can be in pajamas while shopping. The only downside is now we are taking a gamble on that the item we order fits, or that it arrives on time, and that it doesn’t get lost.

People were real back then. Life was captivating and intriguing, but now we live in a completely different era where we connect at all times. Were we having access to the entire world right at the tip of our fingertips? Thanks to this, people no longer have to live in the real world. They live their life through social media.

Promotional post:

Twitter: Life before social media #beforesocialmedia-

Facebook: Social Media is not real life-


Comparison of Life Before Social Media and Today. (2013, April 7). Retrieved from GETASOCIALBUZZ:

Sauter, E. A. (2019, January 21). What Was Life Like Before Social Media? Retrieved from Medium:

What was life like before social media? (2019, March 2019). Retrieved from Venture Abroad:

Social Media in Destination Promotion

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Now reader, here is my question to you!

Has social media benefited tourism?      

Social media platforms have found a way to support the tourism industry and travel businesses. How they did this is through the effective and extensive use of advertising and marketing.

The Rise of Blogging and Picture-Sharing Platforms Means A Wider Audience Reach

Woman Using Smartphone and Laptop

Photo by Plann from Pexels

Thanks to the rise of blogging and picture-sharing platforms, they can now reach a wider audience. Something as simple as a share of a photo of the place and a little description can or will spark the interest of many first-time travelers, travel enthusiasts, and other induvial or families that are looking for a good vacation spot.

Many hotel, restaurants, and other tourist commercials designations will pay bloggers and social media personalities to post about their establishment. The reason being that this technique is recognized to transfer an interest in subject place from the said social media personality to their followers. They do not even have to be a well-influenced personality, as everyone on these online platforms has their social network. Why well no matter how small their network is, every group has a connecting relation. Yes, this might take more time compared to a more significant influencer, but in the end, both ways will have a significant impact on the subject place/destination.

Reshaping travel agencies

Man in Red Long-sleeved Shirt

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Social media had a significant impact on the travel agency model. The accessibility of information and the effortlessness of self-booking have forced many travel agencies to adapt from having a brick-and-mortar model to having a digital one. Travel agencies are certainly not outdated as they are still responsible for 55% of all airline booking, 77% of cruise booking, and 73% of package bookings. That said, many agencies have now shifted their focus from in-person to online experiences, all to adapt to new technology and market trends.

Many travel agencies have already partnered with group-buying sites and online hosting. They provide the whole online community with a starting avenue to turn their interest in a particular destination spot into a reality. The purpose of this is to boost the tourism industry of the featured place and turn people that may be interested into agencies paying customers.

Enhanced customer service

Free stock photo of advertising, background, bright

Photo by: Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels

Customer service and satisfaction have transformed as a result of social media? So many companies are using a social media presence that they can become aware of and, when necessary, provide help to an unsatisfied or confused customer. In addition, companies that respond to complaints sincerely and genuinely can develop a strong reputation among current and potential customers.

Additionally, customer success representatives should always be deliberate with their company’s social media interactions. Why? Social media can help serve as a social listening tool that can help find information about their guest. Example finding out why they are visiting is it for an anniversary or a special occasion? Agencies can listen to customers through social media to help them create an exceptional experience that makes their guests happy.

Promotional Post

Twitter: Social Media in Destination Promotion:

Facebook: Social Media in Destination Promotion:


Bechte, A. (2020, March 5). How to Use Social Media for Destination Marketing. Retrieved from REGIONDO:
Carnoy, J. (2017, March 3). 5 Ways Social Media Has Transformed Tourism Marketing. Retrieved from Entrepreneur:,travel%20agencies.%20…%205%20Changing%20loyalty%20programs.%20
ISEDSO34. (2018, August 17). The Benefits Of Social Media In Promoting Tourism . Retrieved from ISED SOLUTIONS:

Addiction to Social Media

From google search

What is social media addiction:

You may be wondering how can social media addiction be a real thing. Sadly, it is an addiction that can be to anything, as if you are showing a lack of the ability to control your impulses, excessively using something, such as social media, it will be considered an impulse control addiction disorder.

 Signs of social media addiction

  • Lying about your social media use
  • Depend on social media to change your moods
  • Using social media regardless of damaging consequences
  • Lack of interest in life activities
  • Failing at limiting social media use
  •  Experiencing social media withdrawal
  • Unnatural preoccupation with social media sites
  • Spending an excessive amount of time on these sites than intended.


The effect of social media addiction

Here is a list of some effects that you can experience from social media addiction:

It causes a lack of focus:


Having a social media addiction can lead to you losing your focus. You will develop a habit of ranking the importance of going online over completing a task, which means that being online is more significant than taking care of a vital task. For example, instead of focusing on a job, you would much rather be making a post or scrolling through TikTok, or even checking to see how many likes your post got.

You become an introvert or anti-social.

(Google image)

Most people with an addiction tend to overindulge, and it is usually on their own time. If you find most of your time is used up online and spending little to no time for anything or anyone else. Therefore, all this virtual engagement will impact your emotional intelligence, and you will become less sensitive to people around you.

It causes psychological Harm:


There can be relatively a few psychological implications that might arise because of social media usage. One of the main matters that has taken on a national focus is the effect on the suicide rate in teens, which is CYBERBULLYING! The reason being that offenders can hide behind a computer screen or a phone screen. As the internet is open and can be very difficult to trace, people can get away with it. Which makes them feel powerful and untouchable, and they will continue to cyberbully.

Now my reader here’s some’s question for you!

  • Do you feel the need to spend a lot of time thanking about social media or planning to use social media?
  • Do you use social media to forget about personal problems?
  • Do you use social media so much that it has had a negative impact of your studies or job?

If you answer yes to most of those question I want you to ask yourself do you have a social media addiction?


C0M0011 Teens and Social Media Pros and Cons

Source: Adobe Stock “Friends on social media” by

The impacts of social media on teenagers can be both positive and negative. Social Media can have a positive impact by allowing teens to connect and socialize with friends and express their creativity (CBC News, 2004). These positives also have a negative side if teens aren’t taught the dangers of social media. Social Media can lead to issues with online bullying (Ehmke, n.d.), and negative body image issues (Dove, n.d.).

Social Media can help teens keep in contact with friends and family that they do not see on a daily basis or have moved to another city. It offers a place that teens can seek support on issues or talk about problems that they may be going through (, n.d.). 

Social Media also allows teens to express themselves by writing stories, creating digital performances and sharing these works with a wide audience (Knorr, 2018). Youth can use their platforms to show off their achievements and talents to help them later in life. There are examples of teenagers such as Matthew Morris who runs the Matty B Youtube Channel and Sophia Grace Brownlee who performs covers of pop songs and even published a picture book (O’Conner, 2017).

While Social Media can be positive for teenagers, there are some direct negatives to it. Online Bullying is now easier than ever because of social media. Cyberbullying  can reach a larger audience with shared context, the target might be a stranger or a known acquaintance. Cyberbullying is a faceless act and can be many forms like harassment, text wars, flaming and spreading rumors to name a few. Cyberbullying has many effects on youth, from depression to avoidance of social activities to violence (Willard & Harris, 2019).

Teenagers can be pressured into constantly using Social Media to share events in their everyday life (CBC News, 2004). This pressure can negatively affect body image in teens, especially girls (Dove, n.d.). Teenagers receive many messages by movies, websites, commercials all with beautiful people portrayed as ideal. Young women trying to be the perfect model try dangerous diets and spend hours trying to capture the perfect picture to post on instagram. They want instant feedback from friends and count the number of likes they receive. Young men try diets and exercise to imitate the body image of superheros and action figures. Many of these actions lead to mental health problems and can also lead to rude comments and cyberbullying (Morin, 2020).

Family Members and Friends should have a discussion about the positives and negatives regarding social media so teenagers can have the best tools to have a positive experience and not a negative one. Parents should encourage their teenagers to be social and creative but also have an open discussion on the effects of bullying and body image. 


What are some other positive and negative Social Media impacts on teenagers?

Should teenagers have unlimited access to Social Media?

Should parents be involved in Social Media with their teenagers? How?

Should social media be regulated to protect teens?

Media Content:

Facebook Promo Post

Do you know the Positives and Negatives of Social Media Use on Teenagers?

Twitter Promo Post

Do you know the Positives and Negatives of Social Media Use on Teenagers? #becreative #besafe


CBC News (Director). (2004). How social media is affecting teens [Film].

Dove. (n.d.). Positive body confidence – how social media can affect body image. Dove. Retrieved 5 24, 2021, from

Ehmke, R. (n.d.). How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers. Child Mind. Retrieved 5 25, 2021, from (n.d.). Social media benefits. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from

Knorr, C. (2018, march 19). Five ways social can be good for teens. Washington Post. Retrieved may 25, 2021, from

Morin, A. (2020, June 29). very well family. Retrieved may 25, 2021, from

O’Conner, C. (2017, December 20). Forbes. Forbes Top Influencers: Meet The Kids Making Millions Reviewing Toys, Rapping And More. Retrieved May 24, 2021, from (n.d.). Media influence on teenagers: social media, movies, YouTube and apps. Retrieved May 24, 2021, from

Willard, N., & Harris, N. (2019, july 29). Explore Parents. Retrieved may 25, 2021, from