Comm0015- Event Participation!

To be honest throughout the whole semester because i come from a small town it does not post major events till the summer. So i want to talk about the even i participated in as well as volunteer every year for. This event happened at the end of August this year. So I am about a week early before this course started. Every year my friend and I volunteer for the Relay for Life Event. It is a great way to put your local business out there as well help raise awareness and money for caner research. My friend’s mother is the manager of the Scotia Bank in Pembroke at that time now has relocated to Arnprior. So it is the Scotia Bank who puts on the fundraiser every year. I chose to talk about this even because it is a very important thing in my life as my grandmother was affected by cancer. So every year I help out in memory of her. Plus it gave me an opportunity to talk to Stacy Kelly ( my friends mom) about the event itself and what it is like to have a major part of this.


Myself and my friends at the event ( we called ourselves the cure-sadors)

During the event I got to meet all type of cancer survivor’s who truly touched my heart. As well I met of  course Stacey Kelly who  I mentioned was one of the people in charge of this event. I met just local people in general and i also met people who were promoting their small businesses but taking the fund they made and donating them to this wonderful event. Talking to everyone more so about the fundraiser itself and cancer research. I learn’t that you should fight for what you believe in and be strong. Because if you are not that shows you simply have just gave up and let others win.

The ideas I have walked away with form this event if we are talking more about the business aspect. I would say i walked away with how long the process takes and how much effort and creativity goes into fundraisers. It is hard work and extreme dedication and without everyone’s help it would never of gotten this much review and these many people that attended.

6989204992_e5478e0180_bPicture taken at the start of the evening.

I was not able to get a full on quote from the event in August. But the verse we all say is:


For the attending  part I do this event every year ever since i started high school. It is a great way to spend time with family and friends, but also to help raise money. It is an extremely good cause and i recommend anyone who has not attended and event like this to  attend. You wont regret it I promise!


Comm 0015-Out of the Box

During this semester in Social Media I have got the opportunity to learn about all different kinds of marketing and online social media choices that businesses all over the world have gotten the privilege to use for promoting their specific type business or corporation. Online social media is a fantastic place for business men or women to take their imagination and bring them to life the way they see it. Based on all the applications we have learned about there were a few i never even knew existed and I personally feel would help a business a lot because these social networks are not national wide but globally wide.

I always thought that Facebook or Google would be the best way to help promote an ideal business but turns out i stand corrected. Although Facebook and Google are excellent sources you cannot always get the best feedback as possible.


Twitter although i have heard of  but never used I found was a great place to promote oneself with anything because it is a site that you can post instantaneously about what just occurred in your life.  A lot of my friends have twitter and when talking to them about this assignment one day and what i have been learning about they had great comments about Twitter and believe that this social networking site is a great way to so everyone what you can do, what you want to do, what you just did.


Linkedin I never heard about in my whole life. When the professor first said we had to create an account on Linkedin I was like ” what in the world is this Linkedin, is it some type of thing Algonquin College uses now?” All types of things came into my mind was it like Facebook, Google, blog posts etc. When going on to Linkedin I was first confused as this was a new site that i have never been on before and had no clue on how it works. But as the days went by and i had the time to sit down and go through this whole site. I found out that this site is a great way to get yourself out there, to show people who you are, what you are thinking etc.index

The last application I learn’ t about throughout this semester that seems to be the latest thing as my 5 year old niece is also on this through her teacher is WordPress the blogging site.I knew blog sites existed i just never considered being apart of one as truth was i never saw my self as a “blogger.” But turns out as the semester went on and i got more comfortable with this site i actually had a lot of fun reading what everyone had to say on certain things whether it was restaurant, careers, life etc. A lot of people may think blogging can cause trouble based on what people say, but truth is i think blogging now is a good thing as you get feedback which you will want as a business and whether is is good or bad it will end up making you more stronger in the end.


Social media can be bad at times but can also be good because most people around the world have a computer and are constantly on the internet checking out what is new and for businesses the best way to put yourself out there is to make yourself become noticed and what better way to get noticed than the internet and social media website.

Comm0015 : Professional Networking now and in the future!!!

Throughout my life as a student so far. I have noticed that i have a passion for the culinary arts. I am food lover you could say. I love to cook, experiment with flavours and make my imagination come to life. Developing a professional network through technology and in person is a lot of work there are so many things that you have to look at before putting yourself completely out there. You have to look at advertisement costs, and find out how to promote yourself ( such as what will capture the audiences attention. is is colour, cost, etc.) You must take all of these things into consideration when developing your professional network. I would say i am a people person, and i like to use my creativity in a variety of ways to help get my product out there.

I do not want to say i have a full 100% strategy for developing my network but i can say i have ideas to help move forward and advertise myself and the passion i have. Because i come from a small town outside of Ottawa i would find it more easier to promote myself as there is small groups within Facebook that i can advertise, i know people who already own their business that would help me promote this passion of mine. So in my eyes at the moment i think living in a small town may put me ahead of the game.

Within a year i plan to take a variety of cooking classes my town has to offer and see where i stand and see what type of culinary i like more. I tend to hopefully find various job opportunities at perhaps the restaurants we have here to allow me to gain more experience. A lot of people on the group we have on Facebook have baked various treats and have sold them on this group to see what people thought of their cooking skills. I think that could be another idea so that way i am able to get feedback instantly.


Blog Post 2 – Strong and Weak Organizations COM0015

While learning a lot about the varieties of organizations that have great social media strategies to make their products stand out more and learning about others that well.. need a kick in the pants to get them going. Here is what i have found out.

By choosing two organizations that have good social media such as Roots Canada and LuLu Lemon and one that does not have as good of a strategy as they thought like the UGG show brand. These three I chose are very pricey in the clothing line industry, but have good quality and are known throughout Canada and USA. But LuLu Lemon and Roots are known more because they put themselves out there. They have commercials, Facebook, Twitter etc.

These two organizations are fabulous, they are defiantly a huge hit in the sportswear, exercise and overall comfy aspect in a persons life. These two organizations are known for great stuff and pleasing the customers. The are about promoting themselves in a fun way!

On the other hand you have UGG’s Shoe brand. One of the top sold boots for teen girls and women for winter time. A lot of women wear UGG but you never see announcements such as commercials or advertisements for them. At least not where I am located.  A lot of people do not even know what UGG is. his company should be putting themselves out in the open a lot more to become more successful financially, economically, and so forth. I personally love UGG’s I wear them all winter long but i never knew what they were until i went into one of their stores. I feel they should be trying to reach people through social media to create better business for themselves. A simple Twitter or Facebook account posts could get them started  and more promoted.

In the end it is all about getting noticed, putting your company over the edge and being creative. If not than you wont be as successful as you would like to be!!!!!

COM0011 – Blog Post 1 – My Favourite Social Media Tools

I have always been interested in social media  whether it is about new fashion and food trends or to what is happening in the world today.  You could say I am a little bit obsessed especially when it comes to FaceBook and Pinterest. SInce my recent engagement  Pinterest has become a major part of my social media life. This site is all about creativity and ideas that people from all over the world have come up with. To me i feel this is an excellent site for anyone wanting to create a business as it gives fabulous ideas on decorations, advertisements and things to incorporate into your business. This site is honestly my bible to everything in my home to my hair. I am in love with this social media site but shh do not tell my fiance haha!

Facebook has been you could say has become one of my BFF’s forever. It is a great way to advertise, keep up to date with my friends who are in school, my family all over the world, business ideas etc. It is a great way to help you learn to organize your life with the profile editor they have. But if Facebook is not your thing especially if you are more into just true facts about what is happening in today’s society and world then I would recommend Yahoo!  The news is always up to date sourcing from all over the world.  You can find everything you need to know about war, peace, religion, celebrity gossip, sports, stocks, what’s trending now and what is out.   You can connect to your mail if you have a yahoo email address.  You can check the weather and search for a cheap flight.