Creative Social Media Marketing Campaign: Rhode x Krispy Kreme

Today we will be discussing a social media marketing campaign I personally found creative and why. Hailey Beiber launched her own skincare line in June of 2022, becoming a viral success right away, most likely due to her name, but also her minimalist approach to her brand which is in season. Hailey is a trendsetter on social media, with her fashion sense, to her hair and makeup, she has been a vital part in trends online. Many women look up to her, and love the things she does, which is why it’s easy for someone like Hailey to succeed. She’s had many successful campaigns using trends that really reach her audiences. Today we will be discussing her campaign with Krispy Kreme.

Just this summer she began a campaign to launch her newest limited edition lip product with a strawberry flavoring that she said was inspired by the strawberry donuts she used to eat as a kid. As a part of the campaign she collaborated with Krispy Kreme to have a strawberry glazed donuts in their store for a limited amount of time. I think it’s cool having two totally different businesses collaborate on something, that you wouldn’t expect to see, but it works.

Another part of her strawberry campaign that also helped this succeed more, is the fact that Hailey started a makeup trend called ‘Strawberry Makeup’ where you have rosy cheeks, freckles, and minimal eye makeup. This trend went viral with many people posting their versions of the makeup, or a tutorial om how to recreate it. So with Hailey already having a trend she created around the time of her campaign really helped. As well the PR she sent out to influencers was in a strawberry shapped box, and they would film it and their reviews, and people in the comments just loved it.

It was a really cool campaign in my opinion, using a collaborative brand to recreate what she used for inspiration for the product was super creative. This way her fans and consumers could try something that she personally likes and used for inspiration to create this product.

Have You Ever Been Influenced by Social Media?

In this day technology is everywhere. From the screen you are reading this on now to the oven cooking our food. Just as technology is everywhere, so is social media. Everyone has it and everyone uses it daily. In the past few years social media has really taken a turn to where every brand and company has an account, promoting themselves and trying to stay relevant, and with anyone being able to make a career off posting online. Every corner and niche of social media has hundreds of influencer’s promoting or discussing brands, companies, products, etc. With social media influencer’s now taking over social media, meshing into brands and companies, the question is have you every been influenced by social media? Maybe it was a book you saw a pretty blonde rave about, or a drink from Starbucks that went viral that everyone is telling you you need to try, did you give in? I know I have.

I think it is very easy to be influenced now a days. I see it a lot in my job. People are always searching for the newest product that went viral or a old perfume that all the sudden resurfaced online and they say you just need to have. It’s as easy as that. We see someone online, who we may not even know, but like their personality and feel a certain amount of trust towards, so we believe in everything they say or promote. People are gullible, so it is easy for them to influence someone. It can be even the smallest things like why you should never sleep with your hair down, or why you should only wash your hair once a week. People they see something like that, run with it, and it is a way that they change their daily habits. It’s not always just buying a product or service. It’s a dangerous slope, with people out there having malicious intentions, either just money hungry or creating dangerous chanllenges to see who will fall for it.

Just like everything, there’s a very negative side to the influence social media holds now a days. People forget to think for themselves, take things into their own hands and do their own research. Like I said before people are gullible, and will believe anything they see online. I think we should always be cautious and do our own research before we make any rash decisions to do as they say online.