LinkedIn Providing Free Inclusivity Training

In light of recent global events, LinkedIn is taking steps to aid in inclusivity and community wellness. LinkedIn is doing their part to encourage inclusion and diversity in the workplace through offering free online courses. These courses include topics such as Confronting Bias, Skills for Inclusive Conversations, and Communicating Across Cultures.

These courses aim to encourage growth and development within the workplace. They teach about diversity, inclusion, and belonging in an environment that is free of bias. These skills will aid in allowing the workplace to be a comfortable and profitable space for everyone.

I think courses such as these are very important for individuals. As unfortunate as it is, we hear all too often about discrimination in the workplace. LinkedIn is doing their part to aid in creating an environment that is inclusive and welcoming. In addition, I think it is important for everyone to feel comfortable when discussing topics that they may feel uncomfortable with. These topics could range from cultural differences to global events. I think there is no shame in asking to be educated and keeping an open mind.

All members of organizations need to stand together in order to fight against bias in the workplace and in the world. These courses are definitely a step in the right direction.

Take a look, let me know what you think!

Do you think you could use some diversity training? LinkedIn has got you covered!

Could your workplace use some help with inclusion? Check this out #FreeLinkedInCourses

Vlogging 101

In theory, to be a vlogger, all you need is a camera and about 6 minutes to talk at it.  Here is my question for you: if I sat in front of my smartphone and recorded a video explaining what I ate for breakfast every morning, would you tune in?  Probably not.  Why?  Because, honestly, you would get bored of hearing about my bowl of scrambled eggs and tomatoes after about two days.  

Before you upload your first video to YouTube, I have a few tips. 

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To start, it is important to be passionate and create videos that share what you love.  You should focus on sharing stories.  Each story should have a beginning, middle, and end.  The beginning sets up the story, it tells what is going on and describes the mood.  The middle needs to describe the conflict.  It tells viewers what the point of the video is and describes why people should watch to the end.  Finally, the end should describe the resolution of the situation.  This allows the audience to connect emotions to what has happened.

When vlogging, it is important to make your audience feel engaged and welcomed.  Those who are watching your video want to feel like they are involved in the conversation with you.  Each video should have a topic that you are well educated on and have first-hand experience of.  In addition, it is important to stay consistent when sharing your message.  Quality, properly edited videos will speak to your target audience.

To conclude, in order to be successful when vlogging, one should tell an engaging story.   In order to keep the audience interested and engaged, share information on a topic you are knowledgeable of.

Would you consider turning your camera on and turning your thoughts into a vlog?

Want to become a YouTube star? Check out these tips
Interested in becoming a #vlogger? Check this out


5 Vlogging Tips for Beginners from Famous Bloggers

9 Vlogging Tips for Beginners to Start YouTube Vlog in 2020

Very Influential

Influencer marketing is, in my opinion, one of the greatest marketing trends to hit social media. The process of influencer marketing uses endorsements and mentions from social media influencers in order to generate leads. These very influential social media personalities usually have a dedicated following on their social networking sites. Those with less than 2,000 followers are considered micro influencers.

Many companies such as Red Bull, ACTA, and Gymshark rely on ambassador programs to encourage sales. These programs recruit influencers, offering their products at a discounted rate. They then provide said ambassadors with a discount code to offer to their followers, giving them a small discount as well. When this code is used the ambassador makes a small commission. This allows both the business and the individual to make a profit on each sale.

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The use of influencers aids in building trust and brand loyalty. Through sharing content that displays the product being offered, influencers aid in boosting organic traffic and engagement. Content created by influencers is generally viewed by consumers as unbiased and seen less like ads. This aids in a company’s ability to generate sales.

Are there any brands that you have noticed use influencers to their advantage?

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Curious about #influencermarketing ? Find out more today.

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Have you noticed brand ambassadors taking over your social media timelines? Here’s why

A Social Shift

For most of us, 2020 has not exactly gone as planned.  The COVID-19 pandemic has forced everyone to change their routines and work life may be very different than it used to be.  If you are anything like me, your new coworkers will not stop crying and chewing the television remote.  By coworkers I am talking about the children and dogs.  If your work life is anything like mine, that means you also rely heavily on your phone and laptop.  

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Social distancing has caused an increase in the need for social networking.  According to Hootsuite, there has been a 76% increase in screen time since the pandemic began.  Social media marketers need to adapt to the new digital climate.  Individuals are using social networks to maintain human interaction while businesses are having to adapt their practices in order to stay relevant and functional.  Facebook and WhatsApp recently reported that usage has more than doubled since the pandemic began.  The use of 1:1 interaction such as private messages and video chats have also increased during this time.  These interactions are replacing face to face social activities that can no longer take place.  

So, the real question is, what can businesses do to encourage sales during a global health crisis?  This time is crucial for brand managers.  It is very important to stay relevant while everyone continues to social distance.  In order for brands to succeed they must listen to the needs of their clients.  As consumers cannot go into their locations to buy, they must focus on the digital marketplace.  Many social media platforms have developed new tools for businesses in order to aid at this time.  For example, users on Instagram are now able to make sales directly from their page.  This allows for businesses to make better use of the site.  Social promotions and campaigns should be relevant and clear.  Many businesses have had to put upcoming promotions on hold because they do not make sense in the current climate.  Posts are becoming more frequent as brands are realigning their goals and adjusting to the new normal.  

Engagement rates on social networks have gone been up and down since the start of the pandemic. According to Rival IQ, social networks are starting to see some of the lowest engagement numbers to date.  In order to increase engagement, it is suggested to focus on quality of posts rather than quantity.  Additionally, make posts that are of benefit to your target market.  In other words, do not make a post just to get random content out there, it will not be of benefit.  The best way to increase engagement is to make posts that followers can relate to.

In conclusion, operating during a global health pandemic is no simple task, but it has never been easier due to the digital world we live in.  As screen time has increased, so has the need for interaction with others.  In order to remain relevant marketers must be selective about what they are posting in order to increase engagement.  Have you noticed a shift in how you use social networks since the COVID-19 pandemic began? 

How is COVID-19 affecting social media engagement? Find out!

Have you seen a shift in social media since COVID began? #wehave