COM0015 – Blog #3: Networking now and in the future

Building an extensive network is crucial for a number of reasons. A lot of the time, we pair networking with professional success (and to an extent, that’s true – we can pursue new job opportunities, advance in our careers, explore a new field, etc.), but networking is also important for personal success and development as well. Meeting new people and selling yourself can be a very daunting task for many. But just think – you’ve gotten where you are today by being uniquely you, and knowing who you know today. Plus, great things never came from comfort zones, after all!

What is your parent strategy for developing your professional network online and in person?

Before the pandemic, when we were able to develop and expand our professional networks in-person, I would say my overall strategy was to partcipate in, and attend, networking events and training workshops/conventions, when applicable. Doing so allowed for me to meet with professionals in various industries, as well as other Communications professionals from other departments in Ottawa.

In online settings, I would say my strategy/approach to networking has not changed; I continue to attend training sessions and workshops, even in a remote setting. Participating in networking activities and sessions online, from home, actually holds me accountable to participate – I feel more “pressure” to stand out and make a strong impression since we cannot meet and greet face-to-face at this time.

What activities and commitments are you making in the next 6-12 months to continue the development of your networks?

Currently, I’m applying for/pursuing other opportunities within my department at work to explore other areas of Communications/Marketing. I hope that in the next 6-12 months I am able to take on various assignments that will expand my skillset and grant me the opportunity to work with new teams/professionals in my branch.

I think it’s important to continue pursuing education as well. From being enrolled in this program alone, I’ve had the privilege to expand my network and communicate with numerous individuals with diverse professional backgrounds and interests. I’m planning on continuing my education at Algonquin in some capacity (likely another online, part-time, self-paced diploma program) to challenge myself, meet new people, and apply what I’ve learned to my career and everyday life.

COM0015: Blog post #2 – Strong and Weak Organizations

Having a social media strategy prepared, and subsequently put into action, will help to ensure that a business or brand’s social media efforts are cohesive with their business goals and marketing objectives. Trying to establish a brand on social media with no game plan is counterproductive and leaves little to no opportunity for exposure, growth, consistency, and a business’s overall success online.

Below I have selected three businesses/brands – two of which have a very successful online presence and are reflections of an in-depth social media strategy in action; the third, an organization that needs to adopt (or at least consider) a more refined social media strategy.

Memorable for a brand with no name

One of the more successful/social media-savvy organizations that I’ve chosen to highlight is Loblaw’s No Name brand. I’ve followed the No Name brand on Twitter for a couple of years, and as long as they remain consistent in their approach, I will remain a loyal follower and supporter of the brand. Here’s why:

  • Their branding is cohesive, simplistic, and immediately recognizable – black font on a yellow background, lowercase sentencing, and a single font
  • They effectively demonstrate how affordable their products are and why consumers should purchase their products
  • They’re concise in their messaging. In a nutshell, they convey, “here’s the product. Here’s what it does. This is why you need it. We’re affordable, and you like saving money.”
  • Their content is humourous/cheeky, which is memorable to the consumer, and this approach is consistent across all of their posts

#NoDigitalDistortion by Dove

As part of Dove’s mission to build confidence, celebrate authenticity, and boost the self-esteem of girls/women of all ages, Dove launched their #NoDigitalDistortion social media campaign in their efforts to create a more inclusive definition of beauty and to mitigate the pressures of perfection on social media with the use of filters and image-editing apps on selfies. Here’s why the campaign is successful:

  • They’ve created a campaign-specific hashtag that allows for greater reach, exposure, and opens the floor to conversations and sharing across all of their platforms (for example, social media users are using TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter to post selfies or videos of their natural/authentic selves, using the hashtag, and often accompanied by words of positivity and encouragement)
  • Dove is acknowledging the harmful impact of social media and supporting a more body-positive, inclusive, confident space – without needing to advertise any specific product. Their content is not a sales pitch by any means, but rather, authentic in their efforts to address a very real issue in a digital-first era
  • Their outreach efforts consist of multiple platforms (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok)
  • They provide a multitude of resources for youth and parents (i.e.: how to create a more positive social media feed, having the “selfie talk”)
  • Their campaign features “real” women of different demographics, as well as body-positive celebrities like Lizzo
  • Call-to-action: they ask people to take the pledge (on their website) to lead by example and post more unretouched photos online, have conversations with youth about social media and selfies, and to advocate for more inclusion as we define beauty online

GoodFood, UnderwhelmingOnlinePresence

On the contrary, one organization that could benefit from having a more widespread social media strategy is GoodFood, a meal delivery subscription service in Canada.

After glancing at their social media channels – Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook – I’ve come to find that they lack consistency across their platforms. Their branding and social media efforts are heavily focused on Instagram and Facebook (which, to be fair, might be a decent approach if this is where their target audience resides); however, my perception of a brand is affected when they fail to maintain the same presence and efforts across all platforms.

On Twitter in particular, it seems as though GoodFood uses the platform as a customer service hub (responding to complaints from customers) or as a space to gloat about their service by retweeting testimonials, rather than being informative about how their service works and communicating their efforts to enhance the customer’s experience. People want to know why a service is worth the praise, what problem the business/brand is solving for them, and what makes GoodFood unique and the optimal choice compared to its competitors (i.e.: Hello Fresh), etc. and these questions are only being answered or addressed on Instagram and Facebook, at a glance.

In addition, there is a lack of frequency in their posts. For example, GoodFood’s last two tweets were issued on March 25th and January 25th, which is simply not enough content to establish and sustain a loyal following. Twitter is used as a space to provide updates in real-time; a space for individuals to go when they want information and they want it now. Being inactive makes the company look disengaged and out of the loop.

Next steps…

  • GoodFood should have a “one size fits all” approach to their content – whatever messaging is published on one platform, such as Instagram, should also be published on Facebook and Twitter (perhaps with modifications tailored to specific platforms)
  • More visuals – on Facebook and Instagram in particular, we see alot of bright colours, catchy graphics, GIFs, videos, etc. These elements should be maintained/implemented on Twitter as well
  • Make use of Twitter and/or reassess the purpose of having an account – posting a tweet every 1-2 months is not effective in social media marketing. Social media is an all-or-nothing tool that must be taken seriously. GoodFood should take advantage of the platform, perhaps reevaluate why they have an account and how else they can use it, or simply not use it at all.

COM0015 – Blog #1: Social Tools

One of my favourite listening/monitoring tools for social media is Hootsuite. I find Hootsuite to be very user-friendly, easy to use, popular in the social community, and you can tailor your dashboard to provide specific information that is of interest to you and/or your business (i.e.: following certain accounts, specific hashtags, mentions, topics). I also appreciate the free training services that Hootsuite offers, which isn’t solely focused on how to better use their interface/platform. Hootsuite provides training that helps the user better understand topics, such as gathering and analyzing social media metrics or best practices (for consideration) to boost performance on specific platforms. Lastly, Hootsuite is a platform that allows the user to monitor/listen across various platforms and generate analytical reports in one place.

Another listening/monitoring tool that I favour may not be considered an actual “tool”, but rather, a platform – TikTok. I find TikTok is the birthplace of trends – whether it’s fashion, affordable Amazon finds, recipes, or “life hacks”, if a topic blows up on TikTok, we all hear about it – and very quickly. Not only does the content inform users of what’s trending or relevant, but we can also observe what is being said in the comments section of each video among users (and sometimes, the conversations themselves go viral).

In terms of news sources or where I gather updates, I rely heavily on my Apple News app, and shockingly, Instagram.

I receive Apple News notifications to my phone daily on emerging stories/issues (within Canada/Ottawa and internationally) so I can stay in the loop on current events. The notifications are concise, yet informative, and the app serves as a “hub” where I can access various articles from a multitude of sources.

As of recent, I’ve found Instagram to be a useful tool for staying informed as well. For example, when news broke out about abortion rights (or lack thereof) in the U.S., many of my female followers were sharing infographics, screenshots of news articles, and their own personal opinions on their Instagram stories. People are becoming more opinionated and comfortable speaking out about issues that matter to them on their platforms, which I can appreciate; Instagram is no longer serving as a platform where everyone’s lives are “picture perfect”.

COM0014 – Blog post #7: Personal Reflection

Storytelling is by no means a new method or form of communication, but the medium we use to tell our stories continues to evolve. As we’ve learned in this course, storytelling dates back to hieroglyphics and oral communication, long before the printing press was created. In this day and age, digital storytelling has become a valuable approach because it grants people the platform to personalize their stories and in turn, adds character, depth, encourages interaction, and holds great potential to build long-lasting relationships between the storyteller and their audience.

Prior to this course, I never really considered myself a storyteller (or at least, I didn’t think of myself as someone who had stories worth telling). Now, I write and prepare content that is, for starters, guided or influenced by the narrative I wish to convey, and one that also reflects my personal brand. I appreciate stories and messages shared online much more than before. There is a reason or purpose behind every post; a reason why some stories become viral and captivate the attention of millions at a time. It takes courage to tell a story in a digital age, because we never know the true power our words or online actions have until we hit “publish”.

I’m not quite sure what kind of stories I want to tell moving forward, but I do know that I want them to be authentic and a reflection of who I am, not who I want to be portrayed as to my followers. I guess to start, I think it would be valuable for my upcoming stories to stem from personal experiences – whether that’s travelling the world, reviewing an overpriced coffee that I purchased while waiting for the bus, going to concerts or going shopping, taking long walks (outside, to/from my fridge – where ever my heart/stomach takes me, that’s up to me, and that’s pretty rad).

COM0014 – Blog #6: Do people know my story?

In John Jantsch’s article Do People Know Your Story, he asks a series of thought-provoking questions to help individuals get a better sense of what their personal stories are. He poses these questions in a more formal, business-oriented approach, however the questions still call on individuals to reflect about who they are as a person and how their qualities and experiences shape their business or brand’s story as well.

One of the questions that stood out to me was, “what about your childhood shaped you for this moment?” because, honestly, I don’t often associate my childhood with where I am today; I seem to credit my adolescence, and university studies and experiences with where I am. Answering this question made me realize that 20-something-year-old Maddie can’t take all the credit!

When I hear the term “business” in this particular context, I think about my full-time job and career in Communications working for the federal government (mostly because I do not own or hold the pen behind a business of my own).

What landed me here, besides my degree and credentials on my resume? If I had to guess, my love for writing, my creativity, and my willingness to try new things and think outside of the box – all of which I had developed throughout my childhood.

As soon as I could hold a pencil, from the time I learned how to navigate the challenges of using Microsoft Word, I was writing stories, poems, songs, and any other sort of material that I forced anyone to read or listen to (Mom and Dad, you’re both troopers). My imagination and love for fictional tales kept me inspired, and putting the thoughts in my head on to paper (and later, the computer) was not a chore or tedious task for me; it was a process that came naturally and one that I enjoyed.

I grew up believing that those who were frequent and strong readers were also strong writers. I was always capitvated by fictional novels, looking up what certain words meant as a way to expand my vocabulary and better understand the context of whatever book I was reading that week, and I appreciated the way a piece of writing could instill emotion in a reader. Reading more allowed for me to appreciate the ability that strong writers have in order to generate a feeling or thought from their audience, and I always knew that I wanted to have that same power some day.

In this day and age, we are all storytellers, and the label of a storyteller no longer applies to simply writing books. If there’s one thing I’ve learned since my exposure to reading, writing and maintaining a close relationship with my imagination, it’s that we have two very important tools readily available to us at all times in order to tell a strong story:

  • The pen (or in this case, the medium in which we are using to share); and,
  • A voice.

How you use these tools is up to you, and that in itself has me feeling like a kid all over again.

COM0014 – Blog #5: My Personal Brand

Can I just start off by saying this blog entry is one of the more challenging ones I’ve faced so far? Writing about why you and your personal brand are awesome is sort of…awkward. Every time I thought of something to write, a voice in my head said, “um…check yourself, Maddie.” All this to say, I think this kind of exercise is more valuable to understanding who I am and what sets me apart, more so than I had anticipated.

What are some personal qualities or characteristics that set you apart from your competitors?

I wouldn’t say I have any “competitors” per se, but after some deep reflection, some personal qualities or characteristics that I feel sets me apart are that I’m creative, witty, fluent in sarcasm, and I don’t believe there is only one way to accomplish or tackle any given thing in life – whether that’s an assignment, an exam, a job application, or how you make decisions and solve problems. I like to think outside the box and that in itself sets me apart from the people who may think in a more linear, logical way (not that there’s anything wrong with that!).

What have you done lately to make yourself stand out?

Something I’ve done lately to make myself stand out is, probably the opposite of what one would think; I’m spending less time on my phone and online. Why would this make me stand out? Because everyone is posting, sharing, “liking”, retweeting, etc. and I feel less attached to that lifestyle (at least, for right now). I used to spend so much time consumed by technology and social media and it hurt me more than it benefitted me. I still love a good mindless scroll on Instagram, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not sharing as frequently as I used to – and that’s okay.

What would your colleagues say is your best trait?

If I had to guess what my colleagues think my best trait is, it would be my sense of humour. This is not to say that I don’t take my job or the workplace seriously, because I do! However, working for the federal government with high-profile files, work can become a stressful, high-pressure environment (whether we’re at home or at the office). I’d like to think that I can provide light in times of darkness by making people laugh and maintaining optimism to the best of my ability.

What do you do that you are most proud of?

Recently, I’ve made my overall health (phyiscal and mental) and well-being a huge priority. I attend spin and yoga classes a few nights a week; I remind myself to take breaks and go for walks while working from home; I maintain a pretty balanced diet, but don’t restrict myself from a pizza or a steak burrito either (balance is key); and I read a chapter of a self-help/personal development book every night before bed. Establishing these habits has dramatically changed my outlook on the life I’m living, I feel better equipped to handle whatever life throws at me, and taking care of myself is a rewarding and fulfilling practice that I hope will inspire others to do the same.

COM0014 – Blog Post #4: B2C case study – Glossier

B2C (business-to-consumer) companies have been using social media to increase traffic on their website and in turn, generate sales and better establish their brand – all while engaging with their target audience and provoking a sense of community. To me, B2C content is more lighthearted and engaging rather than “salesy” and is motivated by instilling emotion in potential consumers. Content must generate attention and entertain, surprise or delight a target audience to create a positive association with the brand/business.

An example of a B2C business that engages with their online audience (and does it well, I might add) is Glossier, an e-commerce skincare and make-up company. Glossier does more than just sell skincare and make-up; they focus on the values that they can provide to the buyer, which is to embrace one’s natural, exterior beauty (“skin first, make-up second” is their motto).

Glossier’s online presence expands across multiple platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and their lifestyle blog called In the Gloss. Speaking from my own experience as a female millennial on social media and a Glossier customer, I would say Instagram is the platform of choice by the company (this is where a majority of their target audience – millennials and Gen Zs – spend their time).

Referring to Glossier’s Instagam specifically, below I have provided some examples of what makes Glossier’s outreach and online presence successful:

  • They repurpose/amplify content from their followers on their Instagram stories and page (i.e.: “5 things we were tagged in this week”, which features Glossier’s top 5 favourite posts from customers across various platforms);
  • Glossier directly responds to comments/questions from followers on their posts;
  • Their content is colourful, minimalistic, tasteful, inclusive/representative of men, women, people of colour, etc., and educational (i.e.: there are reels/Instagram video tutorials from subject matter experts and employees on how they use Glossier’s products).

In summary, I think Glossier is further fueling an interest and passion about their products by being creative, witty, fun, and engaging content in an effortless manner. Glossier understands that today’s generation wants to be seen, heard and involved in more than just the products that they buy.

COM0014 – Blog Post #3: Giving a Target Audience a “Spin”

Assessing your target audience is a critical first step in designing any communications strategy (social or otherwise). It’s impossible to reach and connect with everyone at once, so it’s crucial to focus your marketing efforts on the group(s) that are most likely to be receptive of your content and ultimately, what you or your business/brand represent and its significance to the group(s) you’re targeting. Identifying and getting to understand your target audience can help you discover the various elements and tools that will not only impact how a product or service can be pitched, but the success rate of those pitches.

A hobby/interest of mine is spinning (super fast/intense indoor cycling alongside some really great music, in other words). The studio that I go to frequently is called Elevate Spin, located in Barrhaven. Elevate has a pretty strong social media presence and loyal following, so I decided to use their business as an example to identify their target audience (based on personal experience and our course content).


Demographics are the characteristics of a group of people, including age, gender, ethnicity, and marital status.


I think the typical age bracket for Elevate’s target audience are aged between 20-30 years old (millennials). This age group has a more predominant use on social media than younger or older individuals, and spinning (or fitness in general) is a common, shared hobby/interest among this age group as well.


From what I have seen at the studio myself, most members/participants are women. However, this is not to say that Elevate appeals or markets themselves exclusively to women. I think men or women can be included in their target audience.


I’m unsure how strong of a role ethnicity plays in identifying Elevate’s target audience, but I wouldn’t dismiss this component either. For example, some religious backgrounds could be accommodated if Elevate were to advertise women-only classes on their platforms to women within the 20-30 year-old age group.

Marital Status/Family type

Generally speaking, I think single, dating, or married individuals (without children) are most likely to attend or purchase memberships for spin classes (and let me tell you, they aren’t cheap!). These are the people who don’t have their funds tied to supporting a family and can make the commitment to attend classes and prioritize their personal health and fitness journey outside of work, their relationships, etc.


Psychographics are the attributes of a given group of people, such as interests, attitudes, opinions and values.

Overall, I would say a common interest among this target audience is taking care of themselves. Maybe you feel great about yourself and want to maintain that. Maybe you don’t and want to kickstart a new activity to get you on a better path. Whether you’re a new or seasoned spinner, if you’re in the studio, you’re taking that leap to better yourself mentally and physically.

I also think members of this target audience long to be part of a community. By attending classes, you get to meet new people and build a connection with the instructor(s). Elevate’s social media content leaves you with that “FOMO” (Fear Of Missing Out) feeling by posting engaging polls about the instructors, posting images of the instructors smiling (and sweating) after a class, announcing “theme rides” with fun and creative playlists (i.e.: 90’s music, Drake vs. Kanye, Flashback Friday) – all to show you what you’re missing. Not to mention, those who do attend classes frequently, often post about their experience on social media as well, which is subsequently shared on Elevate’s Instagram stories, further emphasizing the FOMO.


Elevate is only on Instagram, which can help or hinder the success of their online presence.

On one hand, they use one platform and they use it well, rather than having multiple channels/accounts with inconsistent or mediocre content. On the other hand, they are restricting their reach and online presence, and in a digital era, who wants that?!

Google Trends or an RSS feeder may help with determining what the people are saying and what the competition (i.e.: other local spin studios) is doing well.

COMM0014 – Blog post #2: Becoming a Digital Storyteller

What is storytelling? How has it changed?

Storytelling gives people a sense of culture and personal identity by passing on personal, cultural, and historical experiences that later become shared experiences with those who are listening.

In a world of ever-evolving digital media and tools, storytelling now extends beyond written narratives, verbal communication, music, dance, and visuals such as rudimentary drawings on the walls of caves. Following the implementation of the printing press, mass distribution of literature became possible and storytelling was no longer confined to a single community, class, culture, or geographical location. We’ve witnessed this same effect from the use of the Internet and social media for digital storytelling today. Anyone with an electronic device and Wi-Fi or a stellar data plan can instantly share a story with the possibility of reaching millions of people. Their stories are now easily accessible and there are very few, if any, restrictions (unless you have top-notch privacy/security settings, of course).

All online content – whether an Instagram story, a Facebook status accompanied by a cheeky GIF, a video on TikTok, or a 280-character tweet – not only presents itself as a story, but as an opportunity to captivate and resonate with an audience on a much more rapid, larger-scale. It’s how you choose to express your story (a.k.a. your communication style) that will determine how your story is perceived by others, and the reach/engagement that follows.

The average reader spends more time skimming and scanning online content than the time spent reading the content in its entirety. Readers now have shortened attention spans with a heightened demand for finding the information; there’s now this, “I need the information and I need it…yesterday” mentality – so how do we keep our readers interested?

One observation of mine is that digital/online storytelling is producing a “less is more” shift. For example, we can communicate and express emotion with the use of a single emoji; we can describe how our work day by finding the perfect Michael Scott GIF and sending it to our peers in our group chat – there is less of a need/desire to provide the full details; we just want those who will listen to get the point immediately.

Captivating your audience

Clarity, conciseness, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and using the “right” tone are all very important elements to engaging your audience and producing credible, professional content. However, I also think it’s important to keep the following suggestions in mind:

  • Keep your message relevant/relatable – doing so will allow for your content to resonate fully with your readers and instill an emotional and memorable experience for them;
  • Ask questions – find out what you can learn from your audience in return and make them feel valued;
  • Do your research – know who you’re targeting, what they like, find out what’s “trending” around a certain topic or subject that’s of interest to you and your online community;
  • Make your content organized and aesthetically-pleasing – use headings, images, bullet points to break up your content and stay consistent throughout your platform(s);
  • Don’t be repetetitive – keep your readers on their toes, give them something new/different each time you produce a story to motivate them to come back for more!

Most importantly, though, be yourself. After all, no one can tell your own story better than you can!

COM0014 – Blog #1: Not so much bitten by the travel bug, but rather, a puppy

From stockpiling/panic-buying toilet paper to baking sourdough bread, tie-dyeing our wardrobe and learning the latest TikTok trends, it goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial influence on how Canadians spend their time (and money) while staying at home.

One “trend” that I’ve become particularly interested in is far more adorable and exciting than bringing home a value-sized pack of Charmin from Costco – puppies!

Approximately 3% of Canada’s population – a whopping 900,000 people – were reported to have gotten a pet over the course of the pandemic (and yes, I am one of them).

Why a puppy? Why now?

I suppose, like many, I felt a need for companionship, but ultimately, I had always longed for a dog of my own at some point in my adult life, being the dog person that I am. I had just gotten out of a four-year relationship, moved back home with my parents, and was in the midst of transitioning from an office setting to a virtual/digital environment. Lots of change was happening in my life, so naturally, my response was to throw an adorable corgi puppy into the mix (and with open arms nonetheless).

I know it sounds like getting a puppy was a rash decision on my end, but rest assured, this was a decision I had been ruminating on for years prior. I always knew I wanted a round, fluffy corgi butt in my life and I thought to myself, “if not now, then when?” (or #YOLO as the kids used to say – do people still say that??).


After months of searching, I had discovered a reputable breeder who had a few tri-coloured corgi puppies available. We set up a meeting over Zoom so I could assess their temperament/personalities, ask questions, and to ensure I was a good fit. Needless to say, all went well and I ended up calling “dibs” on a sweet little boy, who I have since named “Norman”, and one week later I brought him home!

Lessons learned; memories made

To say that becoming a dog owner over the course of a pandemic is time consuming, challenging, and sometimes, downright stressful is a bit of an understatement. In the past year I have…

  • sacrificed a lot of sleep
  • said goodbye to countless pairs of underwear, shoes and furniture (R.I.P)
  • gone through bottles of stain remover and carpet cleaners
  • lost my train of thought mid-Zoom-meeting on account of barking in the background
  • learned to repair baseboards (not well, I might add) that had fallen victim to a teething puppy
  • and succumbed to being a chew toy to a teething puppy as well
An artist and his artwork

However, all challenges aside, having Norman in my life has also been one of the most rewarding, life changing experiences that I will probably ever have. I cannot imagine a life without him!

Norman on his first birthday in July, 2021

I start and end each day with a sense of purpose and pride knowing that I am responsible for this living being and that I play a pivotal role in his happiness and overall well-being.

My priorities have shifted, and for the better. Many, if not all, of the decisions I make are no longer about me, but rather, about Norman. This is not to say that I don’t do anything for myself anymore or no longer have needs to fulfill, like maintaining a (socially distanced) social life, but I am better able to assess what is truly important to me and be more cognizant of how I spend my time and energy.

Norman makes me laugh, smile, always greets me with kisses and a wagging tail when I walk through the front door, and he beats any alarm clock I’ve ever had by waking me with a morning snuggle.

I feed off the excitement and commentary from strangers who see Norman, whether it be on our daily walks, at the dog park, or local, dog-friendly trails.

“Oh my gosh!! A corgi!!!”

“He’s such a fast runner for a dog with small legs!”

“Norman?! That is THE perfect name!”

I guess, in summary, a lot of my time spent throughout the pandemic has been tailored to being the best dog mom I can be. Throughout the process, though, I also happened to learn a lot about myself, my needs, my priorities, and how to foster independence for both myself and Norman when required.

If there’s one thing that becoming a dog owner has taught me, pandemic or not, it’s simply: dogs are not our whole life, but they certainly make our lives whole.

Shameless plug

To those on Instagram who enjoy puppy content, I encourage you to follow Norman’s Instagram (I may be biased, but you won’t be disappointed): @norm.the.corgi