COM0014 – Blog post #7: Personal Reflection

Storytelling is by no means a new method or form of communication, but the medium we use to tell our stories continues to evolve. As we’ve learned in this course, storytelling dates back to hieroglyphics and oral communication, long before the printing press was created. In this day and age, digital storytelling has become a valuable approach because it grants people the platform to personalize their stories and in turn, adds character, depth, encourages interaction, and holds great potential to build long-lasting relationships between the storyteller and their audience.

Prior to this course, I never really considered myself a storyteller (or at least, I didn’t think of myself as someone who had stories worth telling). Now, I write and prepare content that is, for starters, guided or influenced by the narrative I wish to convey, and one that also reflects my personal brand. I appreciate stories and messages shared online much more than before. There is a reason or purpose behind every post; a reason why some stories become viral and captivate the attention of millions at a time. It takes courage to tell a story in a digital age, because we never know the true power our words or online actions have until we hit “publish”.

I’m not quite sure what kind of stories I want to tell moving forward, but I do know that I want them to be authentic and a reflection of who I am, not who I want to be portrayed as to my followers. I guess to start, I think it would be valuable for my upcoming stories to stem from personal experiences – whether that’s travelling the world, reviewing an overpriced coffee that I purchased while waiting for the bus, going to concerts or going shopping, taking long walks (outside, to/from my fridge – where ever my heart/stomach takes me, that’s up to me, and that’s pretty rad).

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