Running Unfiltered: Embracing Authenticity in the Running Community

In today’s age of social media, our screens overflow with the highlight reels of people’s lives, leaving many of us feeling inadequate in comparison. I’ve recently found myself contemplating the darker side of social media, particularly its role in shaping unrealistic expectations within the running community.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

The recent Tamarack Race Weekend in Ottawa served as a backdrop for these reflections. While I cheered on friends virtually as they tackled their running goals, I couldn’t shake off the FOMO for not being there to chase my own aspirations. Amidst the flood of posts celebrating victories, PRs, and weight loss tales, there was an absence of the struggles, setbacks, and failures that often precede such achievements.

This experience led me to stumble upon an article titled: Real Running Versus the Social Media Highlight Reel which dives into the research on social media’s impact on performance. One quote resonated deeply: “…the use of social media is highly individualized and requires real self-awareness and self-reflection to decide how it works for and against you and your unique situation.” The author also described the distinction between Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation, a concept I hadn’t truly considered before.

It’s vital to acknowledge that what we witness on social media is often meticulously curated, edited, and filtered. We’re presented with a flawless narrative, carefully crafted to depict an ideal image. However, behind every celebratory post lies a journey fraught with challenges—physical, mental, and emotional. Yet, these struggles often remain concealed, perpetuating a culture of comparison and unrealistic standards.

So, how can we counteract these negative perceptions and foster a more balanced and healthy mindset within the running community?

  1. Embrace the Reality: Acknowledge that running, much like life, comprises highs and lows, victories and defeats. It’s about celebrating the journey, not just the destination. By sharing our unfiltered experiences—the humorous, the messy, the imperfect—we not only humanize ourselves but also create a more authentic and relatable narrative.
  2. Champion Diversity: Advocate for body positivity and self-acceptance in online spaces by diversifying the stories we tell and the images we share. Let’s celebrate the beauty of all bodies, irrespective of size, shape, or speed. Let’s amplify voices that challenge conventional notions of success and redefine what it means to be a “successful” runner.

As I reflect on the significance of authenticity and transparency in the running community, several individuals exemplify these values wholeheartedly. Among them, two are personal friends!

@mamakris_ is a runner who embodies these values wholeheartedly. I deeply admire her realness and vulnerability. Her journey into running mirrors my own in many ways. Like me, Kris didn’t grow up as a runner; it wasn’t until after motherhood that she discovered her passion for the sport. And, much like myself, she’s not a naturally gifted runner – every run, every workout, every stride is a result of mindful dedication and hard work. What sets her apart is her willingness to share not only her successes but also her struggles openly. She isn’t afraid to confront the prevailing stereotypes and misconceptions within the running community. In one particular post, she recounted an incident where she was body-checked at a race and was questioned about her running habits. Undeterred, she eloquently asserted, “Every body is a runner’s body,” challenging the narrow definition of what a “runner” looks like and advocating for inclusivity and acceptance.

@the.realistic.runner is another passionate advocate for body positivity and inclusivity within the running community. Through her posts, she challenges stereotypes by showcasing the diversity of runners’ bodies and welcoming individuals of all paces and abilities. Sharing her personal journey, she bravely discusses overcoming insecurities to run in only a sports bra, encouraging others to embrace their bodies while running. Critiquing the pressure and expectations placed on runners regarding pace and distance, she emphasizes that success in running isn’t solely defined by these metrics. Despite identifying as a “slower runner,” she leads by example, promoting inclusivity and support, and highlighting that leadership can come from any position in the pack.

@runningwithrichelle is a prominent figure in the Ottawa running scene, renowned as both a physiotherapist specializing in running and a running coach. Through her platform, she offers valuable insights and exercises to support runners in their training and running goals. With a podcast dedicated to realistic strategies for enhancing running performance, she provides practical advice grounded in her expertise. Notably, she shares candid race recaps where she reflects on successes, setbacks, and lessons learned, demonstrating vulnerability and transparency. Her willingness to embrace authenticity, even when it diverges from conventional standards of “running sexy,” earns admiration for her genuine approach to the sport.

In a world inundated with carefully curated images and edited stories, these running accounts inspire authenticity, reminding us that the real magic happens not in the flawless moments but in the messy, imperfect ones where growth and resilience truly flourish.

In conclusion, let’s leverage our platforms to highlight our achievements and uplift and inspire others by sharing our authentic selves. By embracing vulnerability, fostering inclusivity, and promoting self-acceptance, we can create a more supportive and compassionate running community both online and offline. Let’s stride forward together, embracing the real and celebrating every step of the journey.


🌟 Embrace the Real!

📸 Tag your unfiltered running moments and stories with #RealRunnersUnite to celebrate the beauty of every stride, whether it’s a victory lap or a stumble. Let’s break free from the highlight reel and embrace the messy, imperfect and wonderfully real journey of running together!

💬 Share your struggles, triumphs, and everything in between. Let’s champion diversity, body positivity, and inclusivity, one post at a time. Because every runner’s journey is unique and deserves to be celebrated!

🚀 Join the movement and let’s stride forward together, empowering each other to be our authentic selves on and off the pavement. Are you ready to join the #RealRunnersUnite community? Lace up and let’s hit the ground running! 🌟👟

Link in bio!

#AuthenticRunners #EmbraceTheReal #UnfilteredRun #RunnersOfInstagram


🌟 Calling all runners! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Are you ready to share your running journey with the world? 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner, a beginner tackling your first 5K, or somewhere in between, we want to hear from you!

Running isn’t just about miles logged or PRs achieved; it’s about the moments in between—the struggles, the victories, the lessons learned. Your story is unique and inspiring, and we want to help you share it with the world.

Head over to our blog to read more about why your story matters and how you can contribute.

Together, let’s inspire and uplift each other through the power of storytelling. 📖✨ Share your journey, support fellow runners, and let’s celebrate the incredible diversity and resilience of the running community!

#ShareYourStory #RealRunnersUnite #EmbraceTheReal


🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Ready to lace up and share your running journey with the world? 🌟 Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, your story matters! Join us in celebrating the highs, lows, and everything in between. Let’s inspire each other one stride at a time! Check out our blog to learn more. #RealRunnersUnite #EmbraceTheReal

Finding My Tribe: How Social Media Forged Lifelong Bonds Among 8 Mother Runners

In the vast world of social media, where hashtags lead to stories and photos bridge distances, I stumbled upon a connection that would redefine my understanding of friendship. It wasn’t about likes or follows; it was about finding my tribe.

Let me take you back to a time when I felt adrift, lost in the whirlwind of motherhood and longing for a sense of belonging. It was in motherhood’s chaos that running became my sanctuary. It was a solitary escape, where each step brought solace and strength. Yet, despite the joy it brought, I couldn’t shake the loneliness that lingered. Amidst the rhythm of my feet against the pavement, I craved connection—a tribe to share in the highs and lows of the journey.

Photo by Frank Cone

Social Media’s Surprising Gift

In 2019 I decided to register for the Lululemon 10K in Toronto. It was then that I discovered the power of social media to foster connections. It began with a simple hashtag search after completing the race. It was there, among the sea of photos, I found an image of a woman at the same race as me wearing the same shoes as me. I took the leap and left a comment on @littlerunnermom’s post. This small interaction marked the beginning of a profound friendship.

From Virtual Connection to Lifelong Friendship

A comment led to a follow, and soon, our virtual connection blossomed into a real-life friendship. Despite living hours apart, our shared experiences of motherhood and running created an instant bond. Little did we know, this connection would be the foundation of something extraordinary.

As the pandemic swept across the world, our virtual bond became a lifeline. We supported each other through the uncertainty, sharing miles and moments of triumph and despair. What started as a duo expanded into a tight-knit group of moms, spanning from Kingston to Ottawa, united by our love for running.

The Joy of Meeting in Person

Finally, in August 2020, we gathered for the first time, running a virtual half marathon in Ottawa. The miles we ran together solidified our bond, and since then, we’ve made it a tradition to meet 2-3 times a year, celebrating milestones and supporting each other through life’s ups and downs.

Beyond Running: Embracing the Essence of True Friendship

What started as a chance encounter on social media has blossomed into the most authentic and fulfilling friendship I’ve ever known. We’ve laughed, cried, and grown together, supporting each other through thick and thin. Our connection goes beyond running; it’s about showing up for each other, whether in person or virtually, and knowing that we’re never alone.

Share Your Social Media Friendship Stories

In a world where social media is often criticized for fostering shallow connections, our story stands as a testament to its power to bring people together. Through hashtags and photos, we found our tribe, and for that, I’ll forever be grateful.

What’s your experience with forming meaningful connections through social media? Share your stories below and join the conversation!

Facebook Post: Check out my latest blog post “Finding My Tribe: How Social Media Forged Lifelong Bonds Among 8 Mother Runners”, where I share my journey from solitary runs to a tight-knit group of running moms who have become my closest friends. Dive into our story of virtual connections turned real-life friendships.

Join the conversation and share your experiences with forming meaningful connections through social media in the comments below.

Instagram Post: From hashtags to lifelong bonds, discover how social media brought 8 mother runners together. Read our journey on The Everyday Stride blog #ChicksWithKicks #SocialMediaConnections #MotherRunners