Coachella Music Festival Blog#2

By. Ashley Clymer

Coachella is it actually worth all the money

Photo by Suvan Chowdhury on

The music festival called Coachella is all fun and games but is not what it seems. The tickets are crazy expensive, also the food and drinks are not cheap either. many people can’t afford, To go to this music festival because of the prices and normally the people who can go are famous people or influencers. Influencers who go to Coachella have brands paying for the weekend and they just have to post on their social media platforms about the brand and about Coachella. In saying that the influencers who get to experience having the brand pay for everything it a free trip.

The three-day festive weekend will cost thousands of dollars. The music is amazing and you get to hear your all-time favourite singer. at the festival, You get to drink different drinks and a random variety of food it is just crazy expensive if you buy it at the festival. It is a wonderful weekend to experience and if you really want to go you can save up for it since it happens once a year.

Social Media expectations on women

By. Ashley Clymer

There are so many people in the world and each of you is different don’t let social media control that.

Be yourself you are beautiful

Do you look on social media and see a hot woman and think you want to look like her. She does not always look like social media makes you believe that you have to be one way or you won’t get likes or followers, In reality, you are beautiful no matter what and you will get likes and followers if you are yourself. You are gorgeous and social media should not be able to control how people see themselves.

The beauty standards that social media have made are crazy. Do you wear makeup or you don’t look good. Many women think if they don’t have makeup on, They won’t post anything that day. women are wearing makeup younger and younger which just goes to show how crazy social media is. How much it has a say on what people do because 10-year-olds are wearing makeup now to look older. It’s all about getting likes and the most views if they don’t have makeup on they get fewer views but when they do they get a lot of views. it crazy that our world of social media has come to that because everyone is pretty with or without makeup.