COM0014 – Blog #1: Not so much bitten by the travel bug, but rather, a puppy

From stockpiling/panic-buying toilet paper to baking sourdough bread, tie-dyeing our wardrobe and learning the latest TikTok trends, it goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial influence on how Canadians spend their time (and money) while staying at home.

One “trend” that I’ve become particularly interested in is far more adorable and exciting than bringing home a value-sized pack of Charmin from Costco – puppies!

Approximately 3% of Canada’s population – a whopping 900,000 people – were reported to have gotten a pet over the course of the pandemic (and yes, I am one of them).

Why a puppy? Why now?

I suppose, like many, I felt a need for companionship, but ultimately, I had always longed for a dog of my own at some point in my adult life, being the dog person that I am. I had just gotten out of a four-year relationship, moved back home with my parents, and was in the midst of transitioning from an office setting to a virtual/digital environment. Lots of change was happening in my life, so naturally, my response was to throw an adorable corgi puppy into the mix (and with open arms nonetheless).

I know it sounds like getting a puppy was a rash decision on my end, but rest assured, this was a decision I had been ruminating on for years prior. I always knew I wanted a round, fluffy corgi butt in my life and I thought to myself, “if not now, then when?” (or #YOLO as the kids used to say – do people still say that??).


After months of searching, I had discovered a reputable breeder who had a few tri-coloured corgi puppies available. We set up a meeting over Zoom so I could assess their temperament/personalities, ask questions, and to ensure I was a good fit. Needless to say, all went well and I ended up calling “dibs” on a sweet little boy, who I have since named “Norman”, and one week later I brought him home!

Lessons learned; memories made

To say that becoming a dog owner over the course of a pandemic is time consuming, challenging, and sometimes, downright stressful is a bit of an understatement. In the past year I have…

  • sacrificed a lot of sleep
  • said goodbye to countless pairs of underwear, shoes and furniture (R.I.P)
  • gone through bottles of stain remover and carpet cleaners
  • lost my train of thought mid-Zoom-meeting on account of barking in the background
  • learned to repair baseboards (not well, I might add) that had fallen victim to a teething puppy
  • and succumbed to being a chew toy to a teething puppy as well
An artist and his artwork

However, all challenges aside, having Norman in my life has also been one of the most rewarding, life changing experiences that I will probably ever have. I cannot imagine a life without him!

Norman on his first birthday in July, 2021

I start and end each day with a sense of purpose and pride knowing that I am responsible for this living being and that I play a pivotal role in his happiness and overall well-being.

My priorities have shifted, and for the better. Many, if not all, of the decisions I make are no longer about me, but rather, about Norman. This is not to say that I don’t do anything for myself anymore or no longer have needs to fulfill, like maintaining a (socially distanced) social life, but I am better able to assess what is truly important to me and be more cognizant of how I spend my time and energy.

Norman makes me laugh, smile, always greets me with kisses and a wagging tail when I walk through the front door, and he beats any alarm clock I’ve ever had by waking me with a morning snuggle.

I feed off the excitement and commentary from strangers who see Norman, whether it be on our daily walks, at the dog park, or local, dog-friendly trails.

“Oh my gosh!! A corgi!!!”

“He’s such a fast runner for a dog with small legs!”

“Norman?! That is THE perfect name!”

I guess, in summary, a lot of my time spent throughout the pandemic has been tailored to being the best dog mom I can be. Throughout the process, though, I also happened to learn a lot about myself, my needs, my priorities, and how to foster independence for both myself and Norman when required.

If there’s one thing that becoming a dog owner has taught me, pandemic or not, it’s simply: dogs are not our whole life, but they certainly make our lives whole.

Shameless plug

To those on Instagram who enjoy puppy content, I encourage you to follow Norman’s Instagram (I may be biased, but you won’t be disappointed): @norm.the.corgi

One thought on “COM0014 – Blog #1: Not so much bitten by the travel bug, but rather, a puppy

  1. Hi! I love your blog – you had me at puppies. I have been dreaming of having my own pupper for years as you described experiencing yourself. I really related to your comment about how having Norman has taught you things about yourself. When I puppy-sit for friends I realize certain personal traits (like putting the pup’s needs before my ‘wants’) that I don’t necessarily realize I have until there’s another live being who is dependent on me. P.s. I followed Norman on Instagram 🙂 Cheers! Olivia

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