COM0014 Blog2- Storytelling

During the readings for this week, I feel that I have learned a fair bit about story telling. Making sure that your story uses the inverted triangle, seems to be very helpful and makes sense. I know firsthand that I am guilty of only scanning something I am reading for what catches my attention or feels important.

Spelling and grammar are both something that I seem to struggle with so sites like Grammerly have become a saving grace since I was introduced to them in the first course of the Social Media certificate I am working towards. I also tend to ramble on, so with a site like Grammerly it calls me out on this, and I try to keep it in check. I am a professional rambler when I write as well as when I talk.  

I never really thought about my voice when it comes to writing my social media posts before. I mean I have thought about using professional language and not using slang like I would in my personal posts, but active verse passive voices is not something I would have considered. I understand the whole “it’s not what you say, but how you say it” thing, and that tone of voice and sarcasm are hard to detect in writing.

This module taught me to really think about what I want my voice to be and how I want to interact with my target audience. Based on the company you work for, or who you are as a person, who is your target audience?

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