COM0014 – Blog Post #4: B2C case study – Glossier

B2C (business-to-consumer) companies have been using social media to increase traffic on their website and in turn, generate sales and better establish their brand – all while engaging with their target audience and provoking a sense of community. To me, B2C content is more lighthearted and engaging rather than “salesy” and is motivated by instilling emotion in potential consumers. Content must generate attention and entertain, surprise or delight a target audience to create a positive association with the brand/business.

An example of a B2C business that engages with their online audience (and does it well, I might add) is Glossier, an e-commerce skincare and make-up company. Glossier does more than just sell skincare and make-up; they focus on the values that they can provide to the buyer, which is to embrace one’s natural, exterior beauty (“skin first, make-up second” is their motto).

Glossier’s online presence expands across multiple platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and their lifestyle blog called In the Gloss. Speaking from my own experience as a female millennial on social media and a Glossier customer, I would say Instagram is the platform of choice by the company (this is where a majority of their target audience – millennials and Gen Zs – spend their time).

Referring to Glossier’s Instagam specifically, below I have provided some examples of what makes Glossier’s outreach and online presence successful:

  • They repurpose/amplify content from their followers on their Instagram stories and page (i.e.: “5 things we were tagged in this week”, which features Glossier’s top 5 favourite posts from customers across various platforms);
  • Glossier directly responds to comments/questions from followers on their posts;
  • Their content is colourful, minimalistic, tasteful, inclusive/representative of men, women, people of colour, etc., and educational (i.e.: there are reels/Instagram video tutorials from subject matter experts and employees on how they use Glossier’s products).

In summary, I think Glossier is further fueling an interest and passion about their products by being creative, witty, fun, and engaging content in an effortless manner. Glossier understands that today’s generation wants to be seen, heard and involved in more than just the products that they buy.

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