COM0014 – Blog #5: My Personal Brand

Can I just start off by saying this blog entry is one of the more challenging ones I’ve faced so far? Writing about why you and your personal brand are awesome is sort of…awkward. Every time I thought of something to write, a voice in my head said, “um…check yourself, Maddie.” All this to say, I think this kind of exercise is more valuable to understanding who I am and what sets me apart, more so than I had anticipated.

What are some personal qualities or characteristics that set you apart from your competitors?

I wouldn’t say I have any “competitors” per se, but after some deep reflection, some personal qualities or characteristics that I feel sets me apart are that I’m creative, witty, fluent in sarcasm, and I don’t believe there is only one way to accomplish or tackle any given thing in life – whether that’s an assignment, an exam, a job application, or how you make decisions and solve problems. I like to think outside the box and that in itself sets me apart from the people who may think in a more linear, logical way (not that there’s anything wrong with that!).

What have you done lately to make yourself stand out?

Something I’ve done lately to make myself stand out is, probably the opposite of what one would think; I’m spending less time on my phone and online. Why would this make me stand out? Because everyone is posting, sharing, “liking”, retweeting, etc. and I feel less attached to that lifestyle (at least, for right now). I used to spend so much time consumed by technology and social media and it hurt me more than it benefitted me. I still love a good mindless scroll on Instagram, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not sharing as frequently as I used to – and that’s okay.

What would your colleagues say is your best trait?

If I had to guess what my colleagues think my best trait is, it would be my sense of humour. This is not to say that I don’t take my job or the workplace seriously, because I do! However, working for the federal government with high-profile files, work can become a stressful, high-pressure environment (whether we’re at home or at the office). I’d like to think that I can provide light in times of darkness by making people laugh and maintaining optimism to the best of my ability.

What do you do that you are most proud of?

Recently, I’ve made my overall health (phyiscal and mental) and well-being a huge priority. I attend spin and yoga classes a few nights a week; I remind myself to take breaks and go for walks while working from home; I maintain a pretty balanced diet, but don’t restrict myself from a pizza or a steak burrito either (balance is key); and I read a chapter of a self-help/personal development book every night before bed. Establishing these habits has dramatically changed my outlook on the life I’m living, I feel better equipped to handle whatever life throws at me, and taking care of myself is a rewarding and fulfilling practice that I hope will inspire others to do the same.

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