Com0014-Blog 2

History of Storytelling


People have shared their life experiences, dreams, and reality through stories for many decades. It is a way we communicate. 

Stories can be told in a various of ways, they can be told orally, through a narrative, through music, through dance and pretty much in any form of art. 

Those are the more traditional ways of telling our story. Now as times change, the way we tell our story has changed through social media. You can now share your story all over the world. You are able to share your story with others and others can share their story with you over the web. 

It is amazing how the primitive people shared their stories. Even without the web the primitive people were able to share their story. 

Stories is a means to bring people together. Through social media there are different communities. An example for that is moms, there are so many mom groups that share their story and share what their likes and dislikes are in relation to products or other things of interest. 

Through our stories we need to ensure that we are clear and we want people to not lose interest, we want our audience to be interested and either share our profile to others or to come back for more.

Ensuring proper grammar is another important factor. You also need to talk in an active voice because it will allow you to gain more interest. 

This will not come in a day, just like anything else practice makes perfect. 

The goal with storytelling is you want others to engage in your story. I for myself know that if I were to become a mommy blogger, I would want others to engage with me in way that I will also learn from them. 

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