Back to the future with Social Media!

Let’s Look Back…

All or most of the above social media platforms were being used for interactions between friends, family that are living a distance away.

Those were the good old days…RIGHT?

Loss of Human Interaction

When social media became a “HIT”. I think we lost all face-to-face interaction with our family, friends, clients, and many more.

I did not really enjoy this part, I like talking to people face to face. You get see facial expressions for both happy and sad moments.

We lost all of human interactions.

As we know social media has changed from communicating with long lost family and friends to something that is literally attached to us…it is like WE NEED IT TO SURVIVE…. I guess.

Postive VS. Negative

Does it help us improve our everyday lifestyle? our memory? MAYBE. I know for me I will look at pictures of a friend on Instagram, in their pictures maybe they have a friend or cousin who I see walking in the mall or down the street and a light bulb goes off. Hmm… I think I may know that person… or is it just my memory.

A little stalkerish…. don’t you think? aha

Addicted yet?

I think I am… ARE YOU?

It is an addiction I think. I love seeing what is going on and who is posting what.

I know it is my way of being a private investigator.

I also enjoy seeing when people click on “LIKE” photo, gives you a sense that people are part of your life. Or if someone does not comment on your IG video story or doe not like your picture.. doesn’t that angry you? because you know for sure they saw it.

This all messes with your head.. like an addiction. It is rotting your brain according to Alan Scarpa.

Y’all addicted yet? No judgment here.

Social Media to The Future

Maybe we all need a break from social media before we enter the future of social media.

Or maybe the future of social media will be different?

More privacy and less fake.

Those are things that I hope for. It is exhausting seeing individuals looking so perfect when LIFE is not perfect.

How is social media affecting you, are you addicted. Copy and paste to find out if I am…

Twitter: #addictedtosocialmedia#socialmedia#tothefuture.

One thought on “Back to the future with Social Media!

  1. I wouldn’t say I am addicted, but I think I have a deep respect for how social media connects us! I agree that there can be a lack of human interaction, but I have found that in this season where COVID has kept us isolated, social media has increased our ability to interact with our loved ones!! So while there are worries, there are also a lot of benefits!

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