How To Gain Clients Through Social Media Platforms For Your Law Firm.

Through social media law firms are able to connect with the industry while also connecting with clients and prospective clients.  Click on the link and take a look at how each unique firm uses a social network platform to market their firm.

Photo by Mconnors from Morguefile

What Social Media Platforms To Use?


Twitter is one of many social networks platforms you can use as a means of marketing. You need to ensure the law firm is tweeting every couple hours or 3 to 10 times per day to engage in communication with your followers, clients, and prospective clients.


Facebook is another social network platform that is good way to promote your law firm and to get all the content you want our there. Ensure you are posting 1 to 2 times per day and make sure you follow Facebook protocol for example adding links. 


LinkedIn is also another social network platform. It is more designed for career opportunities. A place where you can connect with people who can be helpful to you maybe in job searching or to advance yourself in your career. You should be posting 1 to 2 times per week. 

Can you guys help me think of any other platforms that may work well for a law firm that I may have missed? 

How To Ensure All Your Social Media Platforms Being Used Are Appealing?

Ensure you keep content always up to date and have a strategic plan in place, such a content calendar. Use different types of media, images, GIFS, polls, videos, podcasts, and live videos. I think by using all the aforementioned will get you the followers you want and which will lead you to gaining business with your law firm. 

You guys think that there is one better than the other? Or all forms are equally good?  

Why is Facebook and twitter both appropriate social network platforms for law firms. Click her to find out why.

Social media and law firms #law#lawfirmmarketing.

One thought on “How To Gain Clients Through Social Media Platforms For Your Law Firm.

  1. Hi! I really appreciate how direct your advice is in this piece. I think the points you made are clear and easy to understand. I’m not sure if there’s one form that is better than others. I think managing each is important to having a well-rounded approach to social media. Thanks for sharing!

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