Social Media and Reality

As I click on many Instagram Profiles of Social Media influencers, I feel envious of their life, their perfect body and perfect relationships.

Anyone else feel the same?

Photo by Adrienn from Pexels

How It Affects Us, The Good And The Bad

Social media allows us to connect with people on a personal level or a business level. It allows for individuals to teach us things maybe we don’t know. An example can be learning about a disease that we never knew about or maybe getting ideas for DIYS. I love social media because it fills in the blanks for what I am searching for. 

Individuals can also use it as a way to escape from their real-life problems and live in utopia world, a world where everything looks so perfect, what they want, posting places maybe they want to be but are not able to travel due to health or financial problems. 

But reality is, social media has some negative effects on us too. The picture-perfect photos, and videos are mentally affecting us. We want what maybe we can’t have or maybe it isn’t possible because it is not real. 

The Truth Behind The Perfect Picture

We need to see more of the real and not that picture-perfect photo. I hope we begin to see more flaws, more unusual pictures, things that are not so put together properly. Not everyone is perfect, we all do not have the perfect size lips, long luscious hair, and the perfect type of body. But each of us is perfect in our own special way. Take a look at this article Picture-Perfect by Karen Sullivan.

We can look at all of these pictures as an INSPO, but I think that it all we should look at it as. 

I know it affected me earlier this year after having my daughter. I would see women get their pre-baby body back the next day they had their child. That is not reality and the TRUTH is that it takes time and everyone is different. 

Picture via Pinterest


We need to start posting not only the good but the bad. If we continue to only post positive, we are painting a picture that life has no faults and everything will go smoothly. Reality is, IT IS NOT THAT. If we post the good through Social Media, we need to make sure we post the BAD. 

Just like the above picture the two children seem to be siblings and in the left picture they are loving, hugging each other portraying a picture that it is that easy for to children to take a picture. But the reality behind this picture is in the right is they are fighting, can’t get them to stay still. I can relate to the picture on the left. #instavsreality 

Why is social media getting to our heads? Time to separate real vs. fake. Watch this link to see the real vs. fake.

Why is social media messing with our head…#instavsreality.