How to keep on top of your customers/followers through social media.

Know Your Audience – Interaction Is KEY!

The 5 W’s
Here is a video on youtube I found interesting. It talks about how marketing changed from the 4 P’s to the 5 W’s by Randall-Reilly.

Let me know if he is on point in relation to how marketing has transitioned.

1. WHO- who are your followers, who are their followers. This allows you not only to see who is saying what about your brand but how far the message in going. Communication and conversation is important.

2. WHAT- what are people saying. This I feel is most important. You may think one thing but others may think something else. Here is where you need to correct anything that may be misleading or untrue, again communication and conversation is key.

3. WHERE- where are the conversations taking place. On what social networks ?

4. WHEN- when are these conversations taking place. When are your followers online. Keep track.

4. WHY- why are you showing the things you are showing.

I am stuck on they WHY? anyone else? HELP!

Engage With Your Followers

Engage, engage, engage!

Dependant on what your brand is ensure you are always engaging with your followers on a regular basis.

If your brand allows you to have contests, HAVE THEM! You will not only profit by them but you will get more exposure and you will attract a lot more individuals. Also, who does not like getting rewarded with prizes?. Doing this will motivate your followers and have them support you more. Have give-aways, if your brand allows you to it will get you the exposure you want as well.

Although, I do think some might just follow you for that reason.. the give-away and then they just don’t care anymore.

How can we change that? IDEAS?

Educate your followers.

Let your followers see HOW you do things. For me I love cooking and doing DIY’s, especially for kids birthdays.

Maybe I can post some recipes? and some DIY’s that I loved doing.

Have your followers ASK YOU questions. This all goes back to communication, conversations, and engagement.

Photo by ME! Homemade Pasta!
1. 400 Grams -Flour (I use a little Semolina)
2. 4 Eggs
Click here for the instructions.

Click here to see why we should interact, communicate, and educate our audience.

staying on top of your followers. #5w’s#communicate#engage#contesttime

3 thoughts on “How to keep on top of your customers/followers through social media.

  1. I think the why refers to why your followers are behaving or acting in the way they are. It could be influenced by multiple factors. Everything from what’s currently trending in the news to the level of customer service you provide can impact the reason why customers/followers will choose to interact with you.

  2. The 5 W’s are a very important steps to follow when working with customers. Great Blog and I like how you said to engage with your follower. It is very important to educate your followers. Great Blog.

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