COM0014 – Blog 6 – My Story

Who am I and what do I do? Well first off, I am a 22-year-old student from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, now living in Ottawa. This fall, I am entering my last semester in the Joint Honors Political Science and Communications program at the University of Ottawa; and next week I will be finishing up this social media certificate at Algonquin College. As a student, I’m very Type A and always strive to do my best and achieve high grades. As I’m sure other Type A-ers can relate to, I sometimes struggle to balance school and life because I aspire to excel in everything. 

Outside of school, I am a Brownie Guider (Brownies is the younger version of Girl Guides). I love working with young girls each week, teaching them life skills, playing games, and seeing them grow and mature each year. Each Brownie Guider has an owl name, so my girls call me Campfire Owl. I love camping and sitting around the campfire, especially when it’s quiet enough to hear the crackles of the wood burning. 

Besides Brownies, I am also an avid athlete, and play soccer each week, and curling during the winter. Sports have always been part of my life, and I don’t know where I’d be without them. I love being around others, getting exercise, and feeling the adrenaline of a breakaway or big strategic play. 

When I’m not in school or at one of my extra-curriculars, I am usually working at a CO-OP job, since it’s part of my program at UOttawa. I am currently working in the Office of the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman, creating educational products for social media. I really like my job, but I like the people I work with even more. I feel like working with people you like makes every job that much better. 

Given that in just five months, I’ll have a break from school for the first time in 18 years, I guess the question of “what I do” will soon be changed. To be honest, I’m just trying to take each day as it comes and remain open to any opportunities that come my way. That said, I do hope to do some travelling next year to check some places off my bucketlist, explore the world, and experience a different reality than what I’ve had before. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m excited for whatever is to come! 

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