COM0014 – Blog 5 – Personal Branding

Starting off, I think my biggest quality is my work ethic. No matter what I do, whether it’s a major essay, a work report, or even just cooking a meal, I always put my all into it and try my best. Adding to that, I love to take initiative and surprise people, either by doing things they wouldn’t expect me to do, by trying new things, or even just by going the extra mile in the things I do.

Recently, I told my director that I wanted to help boost our office’s social media (even though that’s not my team’s domain), and my director liked my initiative so she opened the door for me to meet the communications team and try it out. Now I get to do our social media posts and media monitoring in addition to the work I was already doing with my main team. Even though it’s a fair amount of additional work, I enjoy what I do, and I like helping my colleagues.

I think my colleagues would say that my best trait is my imagination. I really enjoy coming up with solutions to problems or new ways to do tasks. I also organize a weekly team-bonding meeting every Friday where we all answer the same question anonymously, and try to guess who gave each answer. It’s a lot of fun getting to know my teammates on a personal level.

Overall, I think I’m most proud of who I am as a colleague. I really try to prioritize people when I’m in a work environment, and I like making people smile, giving them an ear to be heard by, or just help them with their workload. While I do ensure that all of my work gets completed at a high standard and in quick order, I love being someone that people feel they can approach, whether it’s a personal or professional environment.

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