COMM 0015 Blog Post # 4 Out of the Box

So I admit it! I don’t get it! Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms these days, but I can’t fathom why something that disappears a few seconds after it is received, can have such wide appeal. But it does!

Old Guy in Glasses Looking at Phone Confused

Is it a fad, or is Snapchat here to stay? Well, this recent blog I read suggests it will be around for a while.

So, I wanted to know whether any colleges had figured out a way to utilize Snapchat as a recruitment tool? Most colleges are widely using social media to connect with prospective students, but how can you use a messaging system that has a shelf life of about ten seconds?

It turns out Time Magazine was also curious about the same thing. They found six American colleges and universities that were testing Snapchat as a means of letting applicants know they had been accepted into a program.

At a time when post-secondary schools are fighting to attract students, Snapchat is a good example of how some schools are thinking out of the box by connecting with students in their personal social space. With social media, that space can change in a heartbeat, and organizations that stay on top of these trends will benefit, while others will miss opportunities. With social media, there is no “box.”