COM0015 – Blog 1 – Social Media Tools and Sources For Success

The world of social media is changing every minute and it is hard not to get overwhelmed. With advances in technology and a new trend appearing what feels like every second, it is impossible for a business – big and small – to keep track. Luckily I have found a few helpful tools that I think any small business should adapt into their social media kit.

@CBSAllAccess on Giphy

#1 Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a very important tool and should be used far and wide. Google Alerts sends new information on specific topics, keywords, trends or ideas, straight to you. I utilize this wonderful free service through the use of a RSS reader, specifically Feeder. I spent some time coming up with and researching keywords that are specific to my business, such as competitors, specific market keywords, and words directly used on my website. I then put these individual words into Google Alerts, and copy the link to my Feeder account. On Feeder, I have now created a dashboard that I can monitor all new Alerts on these predetermined keywords.

Why is Google Alerts Superior?

To start, Google Alerts and RSS feeders like Feeder, are completely free. You have access to all the trends, new ideas, and feedback, without having to pay a cent. Does it get better than that? Of course! Google Alerts is powered by Google, the largest search engine. They can provide the best, most up to date information that can ultimately help any business. The greatest factor about Google Alerts, is the ability to control how often these reports come in. I personally get overwhelmed very quickly when monitoring. Google Alerts helps to cycle this overwhelming information.

@MillMotion on Giphy

#2 Brand 24

Brand 24 is an awesome tool for brand listening and monitoring. Brand 24 gives users instant access to their brand mentions across all aspects of the internet. Brand 24 collects information from blogs, social networks, news, and even podcasts and videos. This information is then collected and gives you an overall breakdown on numbers of mentions, where they come from and whether they are positive or negative.

Why is Brand 24 Superior?

Brand 24 has been the easiest listening tool I have come across. The user friendly dashboard, makes the entire task easier and stress-free. I absolutely love the fact that mentions can be placed into positive, negative or neutral categories. This feature makes the task of listening and responding simpler and easier to do.

@ramseysolutions on Giphy

Best Sources of News

The world is constantly changing, and keeping up with the news is harder and harder to do. Gone are the days where you can sit down to watch the news at 6pm and hear the days stories. How do I stay up to date, especially when it comes to my business?

#1 Twitter

Yes, we all know Twitter is a wealth of information, but did you know how great it is for businesses? Twitter has adapted so many tools for business to stay up to date on the newest trends, news and mentions that are business specific. I love Twitter to gain insight on newest social trends, as Twitter is always the first to share the information.

@nbc on Giphy
#2 Buzzfeed

BuzzFeed gets a lot of hate for not being a proper news source, but I would argue against that. BuzzFeed has become one of the biggest online genuine news sources in such a short time. They cater towards Generation Z and Millennials with the use of pictures, and short snips of the news. I find BuzzFeed extremely helpful when looking for and staying on top of trends and news. As they are geared towards my business’ ideal market, their news is best suited for me. Their reports are also straight to the point and short – the best for absorbing lots (and I mean lots!) of useful information!

@friends on Giphy

Social media shouldn’t have to be scary for any business. Staying on top of current news and trends can push you further, set you apart and keep you successful. Try out these tools to see where socials can take your business!

Am I missing something? Do you know a social tool that I should be using? Let me know!


COM0014 – Blog #1: My Last Vacation Before Covid

It’s hard to imagine a world without Covid-19 restrictions and face masks. A world where we could visit and hug our friends, have a party or travel freely. It is hard to think that I had traveled to Universal Studios Orlando this past February – feels like years ago!

Before the doom of Covid-19 hit North America, my dad, sister and I decided to take a last-minute trip to Universal Orlando. My sister is the biggest Harry Potter fan and we wanted to check out all the newest attractions at Hogwarts and Diagon Alley. (and boy, were they amazing!!)

Talking around Universal Studios, makes you feel like you’re walking around the world. You started our days in Florida but were quickly transported to England and the Harry Potter world, to Jurassic Park, to Springfield where we shared a gigantic donut with Chief Wiggum, to Kong Island, and finally over to New York where we raced Jimmy Kimmel through the streets of the Big Apple.

We spent 4 days at Universal Orlando, enjoying all the rides, all the food and having lots of covid-free fun! I remember at the airports, we saw some passengers wearing masks, and we thought they were being way over cautious! Little did we know…. We were glad to have gone on our trip when we did, because only two weeks after we returned home, everything started to shutdown and proceed into a lockdown.

It was nice to enjoy a last minute, carefree trip with my family. It was a huge relief to know we got to see some pretty magical places before we only got to see our home for the next few months! I think vacations are going to start looking a lot different after all of this.

So tell me, what was your last vacation before Covid?

Your Guide To Shopping Small This Holiday Season

Photo by from Pexels

This year has been crazy for everyone and will, no doubt, continue to be just as crazy through the holiday season. We all just experienced a quiet and socially distanced Thanksgiving, something I personally have not experienced before.

Unfortunately, small businesses have been hit the hardest. To help out my fellow small business this year, I will be buying my Christmas gifts from small, local businesses. I encourage you all to ditch Amazon and other big stores this year and gift your loved ones with something local, handmade and personal. Don’t know where to start? I’ve created a guide on some of my favourite small business for everyone in your life!

For The Men In Your Life

A personalized leather wallet from Caglar Creations on Etsy, is a perfect gift for your dad, grandfather, uncle, cousin, boyfriend, husband, son, etc! Find this beautiful wallet here!

A beautifully handcrafted bar sign, made from Maison Muskoka, for your man’s man-cave. This shop even creates personalized kitchen, cottage, gym, workshop signs! Find these here.

A personalized weekender/duffle bag, so they can throw out that old gym bag they’ve been using to travel! Find this and many more awesome gifts from Gifts For Guys Co. on Etsy.

For The Women In Your Life

Putting in a little self-share here, but what is better than some hair accessories? I handmake scrunchies, headbands, masks, clips, etc! Find unique gift sets at my site here!

Beautiful jewellery goes a long way! Why spend major $$ when you can get one of a kind pieces from Honey House Thrift Co. Find these beautiful fan threader earrings here!

I don’t know any women that wouldn’t love a little bit of ‘self-care’ in a box. These unique, handcrafted gift boxes from LOVEandSHEA are a perfect gift! Find them on etsy, here!

For The Teens

A funny gaming shirt for the teen that never stops playing is a great gift, made by Unicorn Tees on Etsy. Find this tee here. Also find funny tees for the whole family from this shop too!

A personalized AirPod case for the teen that can’t hear you! Find this design and more from Boba2Go on Etsy.

For The Kids

How sweet is this Minnie Mouse Sweater from Bamboo Babies? Find sweet sweaters and outfits for kids all ages from a local mom!

What’s better than saving up your allowance in a personalized piggy bank? Nothing! Find this cute bank from HeartfeltbyHeatherDS on Etsy.

Extra Ideas

A locally made candle to bring only the best scents to the home! Find these from Porch Swing Candle Co.

A beautifully handcrafted candle holder that come in multiple stains and available with 3-9 candles! Find these beautiful pieces from Family Craft House on Etsy!

Lastly, give someone the gift of art. These pieces are all made with a handmade stamp and ink. One of a kind! Find this style and more at JLBrynes Art on Etsy.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Anything better than shopping at home, and supporting local? Nope! I hope this list gave you some ideas for the holiday season. Need more? Check out Etsy – it is full of handmade, local shops! There is something for everyone.

What are your favourite small businesses that you would love to support this year?

Becca 🙂

Facebook: Christmas is around the corner! Ditch Amazon and other big box stores by supporting local small businesses! Check out my gift guide here!

Twitter: Are you supporting local this year? Check out my holiday gift guide for some ideas!

Social Media’s Top Dogs (Literally!)

Photo by Ilargian Faus from Pexels

When you think of the most influential people and celebrities on social media, your mind might immediately think of Ariana Grande on Instagram or Cristiano Ronaldo on Facebook. But not too far behind with a large social media following and substantial influence, is our favourite furry friends! These are the most famous dogs you need to be following, now!


@Jiffpom on Instagram

Leading the pack with 10 million followers on instagram, is the adorable @jiffpom . This 10 year old Pomeranian first made headlines in 2014 when he set two world records for fastest running on hind legs and front legs. He is now the most followed dog on instagram! Follow him here!


@dougthepug on Instagram

The self-proclaimed ‘King of Pop Culture’, this pup has 4 million followers on Instagram and over 6 million on Facebook. Appearing alongside the most celebrities, attending the hottest events and even winning a Peoples Choice Award, Doug the Pug is the greatest dog to follow (in my opinion, anyways!) Follow Doug the Pug on Instagram here!


@tunameltsmyheart on Instagram

This over-bitten, Chiweenie (that’s a Chihuahua and Dachshund, by the way) was rescued after being abandoned, and his new mom thought he could use some internet love, and he got it! Basically overnight, Tuna has surpassed 2 million followers, who LOVE his over-bite! Follow him on instagram here!

Sometimes our social feeds need a break from all the same day-to-day pics. These celebrity dogs help to bring joy to the day! Looking to follow even more top dogs? Check out this article for even more cuteness!

So tell me, who is your celebrity pet?


Facebook: Are you following the top celebrity dogs? Check out my newest post on the most famous social media dogs here!

Twitter: Who are the most famous celebrity dogs? Check them out here!

5 Reasons Why Fall Is the Best Season Of Them All

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Have you noticed your social feeds are starting to look a lot more pumpkin-y lately? Warmer colours and maybe a pic of friends who have gone apple picking showing up on your feed?

It is finally fall! Cooler weather is in the air, the leaves are starting to change and we can finally start wearing our favourite sweaters and boots. If you’re anything like me, you wait all year for fall because you know it is the best season! If you’re not like me and thinking I’m crazy for loving fall, let me show you my point of view.

  1. The Colours
Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

There is something so beautiful about the changing colours of leaves in the fall. They create the perfect backdrop for a long hike, apple picking, walking the dog, a photoshoot or just about anything else. If you’re looking to find the best fall foliage check out some of Canada’s best spots here.

2. Fall Fashion

Fashion in the fall can look vastly different to many people. Someone might be wearing their favourite plain flannel shirt, another is wearing her oversized sweater and leggings, but there is one thing in common – they’ve waited all year to wear these fall appropriate outfits. They don’t have to worry about sweating in a long sleeve and pants, and they can show off their true signature fall style.

3. Thanksgiving

Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels

Thanksgiving – the time we get together with friend and family, and gobble till be wobble. (Gobbling our food that is!) Who can say they hate a thanksgiving feast? Turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and all the fixings!

4. Halloween

Photo by Александар Цветановић from Pexels

The spookiest season of all! Halloween was always my favourite growing up. Halloween movies, dressing up as your favourite spooky character, walking through the dried, fallen leaves at night, going door to door, and then seeing who has the best candy at the end of the night.

5. Apple and Pumpkin EVERYTHING

Photo by Ekaterina Belinskaya from Pexels

You’re either a pumpkin person, or you’re not. Lucky for me, I am obsessed with all things pumpkin and apple, and fall does not disappoint. From pie to lattes, you can’t go wrong with these flavours! If you’re looking for the best fall dessert, try my all time favourite Starbucks Pumpkin Scone Copycat Recipe here. Thank me later!

Do I have you convinced yet? Let me know what your favourite part of fall is in the comment section. Or if you absolutely hate fall, what is your favourite season and why?

Happy Fall!

– Becca


Facebook: Are you in love with fall or do you absolutely hate all things pumpkin? Check out my blog on why fall is superior to all other seasons. Check it out here!

Twitter: It’s Sweater Weather! Check out why I think Fall is the best at


BoomersPlus. (2020, 09 29). 25 Reasons Fall Is The Best Season. Retrieved from Boomers Plus:

3 Life-Saving Tips to Beat Social Media Algorithms

Love them or hate them, algorithms are now an integral part of social media.  Whether you are an individual with lots to share or a business looking to grow your social reach, it is essential to know how specific algorithms work, in order to see the best response.

What is an algorithm?

Social Spread explains it best. “Social media algorithms are a way of sorting posts in a users’ feed based on relevancy instead of publish time.” (Barnhart) Applications such as Facebook, twitter and Instagram have created a system that ultimately prioritizes which content any given user should see first from the likelihood that the user would actually want to see it.  These systems are based off of user engagement. The more you engage with a topic, brand, person, hashtag, etc., the more these algorithms will direct specific content your way.

Unfortunately, algorithms are not perfect and many businesses and individuals can find themselves lost and losing engagement on their posts.  In order to keep engagement up I’ve compiled a list of my top 3 tips to help get you noticed, and stay on top.

  1. Generate User Engagement

Any interaction you receive on posts, will automatically boost your content through the ranks. These interactions can be anything from likes, comments, shares, tags and link clicks. The more you have, the better your post will perform. The best strategy to help build performance is including a call to action in your posts.  

Photo by Saracovey on Instagram

A call to action can be anything from asking questions to your followers, asking to tag a friend or two or share your post.  As seen above, Sara Covey, on instagram, asked her followers what they are grateful for. These questions can generate the needed engagement to boost your posts.

2. Post Frequently to Stay Active

Staying active on social media is an important part of staying relevant to your users. When you’re posting on a regular basis, social media algorithms will reward you. The times you publish your posts are also something to consider.  Finding the best time to reach your clients and customers will help to improve your visibility. Businesses and individuals who only post ‘here and there’, both infrequently and at slow parts of the day/week, will dramatically see a decline in their engagement and will not be shown on users feed.

Social Media Calendar Snap Shot by Sprout Social

The smartest way to ensure your desired frequency is to set up a content calendar.  Luckily there are many different applications out there that can help you set up a strategy to ensure you’re posting the right content, at the right time.

3. Experiment with Different Types of Content

When posting, it is imperative to change up the type of content you are sharing. For example, if you posting a picture, with the same style caption, every day, you will find a drop in engagement over time. Try switching between pictures, videos and text to provide your audience with a well-rounded stream of content.

Keep in mind the following;

            Images will do better than a text post

            Long text posts will do better than short

            Providing links will do better than a post without a link

You’re the Master

When using social media, knowing how algorithms work, and how to take advantage of them will set you apart.  Focusing on what you post, when you post and how you post should be your new social media strategy. By using these tips, you will be mastering all social media algorithms, and boosting your engagement, in no time.  

What do you do that produces a boost in engagement? Share below!


Barnhart, Brent. “How to Rise Above Social Media Algorithms.” Sprout Social, 26 Mar. 2020,

Arens, Elizabeth. The Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2020. 31 Aug. 2020,