COM0014 – Blog 4: The B2C Case Study of Wendy’s 

Wendy’s is a business that performs transactions to consumers, which is also known as a business to consumer (B2C) transaction. They sell food and drink products to consumers, who then become their customers. Wendy’s also has a presence on different social media platforms. They use social media to talk about and promote their products. They are on Facebook, X, Reddit, TikTok, and Instagram.


Wendy’s has an online presence on Facebook. They have about 8.4 million likes on their Facebook Page. They post about a couple of times a month. They usually post videos about their products, but they also post pictures, and they ask their community about their products. While it doesn’t seem likely they reply to every post, they do reply if someone has a problem or feedback about their products. 

Wendy’s Facebook Page

An example of a post by Wendy’s on Facebook is this post below made by them. It is a video of a product that they have at Wendy’s for a limited time. In the comment section, Wendy’s has replied to some of the comments. 

Post Made By Wendy’s Via Facebook

As you can see, this is a comment made in the post above. While Wendy’s doesn’t comment often, they will comment if there is a problem with their product. In the post above, Wendy’s has replied on 4 people’s comment.

X Or Twitter 

Wendy’s has presence online on X as well. They have about 3.8 million followers on their X. They post about the same number of posts as Facebook, a couple of times a month. They post similar content to Facebook, like videos and pictures of their products and they also ask the community about their products. It seems like they have more of a presence on X, since they reply to more comments on their posts. 

Wendy’s X page
Post Made by Wendy’s Via X

Above is an example of a post by Wendy’s on X account. It is a picture of a new product that they have at Wendy’s for a limited time. Unlike Facebook, Wendy’s has replied to more people in the comment section. They have more of a presence in their X community than their Facebook Community because they reply to comments more often on X. Above, Wendy’s has replied on about eleven peoples’ comment.


While Wendy’s has a presence on other social media platforms, Facebook and X are some of their biggest social media platforms. They do have a Reddit account, but it doesn’t look as popular. They also have a TikTok, but it has only 1.8 million followers, which is less than Facebook and X. Their Instagram is even less popular at 1.1 million followers. 

Wendy’s uses social media to only make a couple of posts a month. Usually about deals, special offers or new products. They do make engaging posts to the community by asking them questions. It also seems like they do not comment on every post. They comment more often on X, but it seems like they will always comment if there is a problem with their products. 

Have you ever commented on a B2C company’s social Media? If so, why did you comment? Or Have you ever commented on a Wendy’s post?

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