COM0014 – Blog 1: A dream come true in Punta Cana

My last vacation was not what you would expect. I went to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic from August 27, 2023, to September 10, 2023. Sure, you could say it was a typical Punta Cana trip at a resort, with the unlimited food, booze, sun and pools, but this time (unlike other times), there was a little bit of magic mixed in.

The reason? I got MARRIED! That’s right, ya girl went and got hitched in another country! My HUSBAND (not used to that yet) and I decided that a wedding in Ottawa seemed a bit too cliché, and let’s be honest: we had just gotten a house. How in the world were we going to be able to afford a wedding with 300-some people in attendance? Me being Lebanese, it was a given that my own family would make up at least 200 of those people. So, we decided to save some money AND have a week with our closest loved ones in a hot sunny climate, where we had no worries, no plans the next day, and no time limit on our celebration.

It was a magical day, and a magical trip to say the least. We had over 60 people join us in Punta Cana, and we got to spend so much time with everyone. It really felt like a full week of celebration with all of our closest family and friends. I felt like a princess surrounded by those she loves!

After the beautiful ceremony, first dances, and food, I decided to leave my own reception for about an hour. When I came back, I had a different dress AND I cut my hair! Perks of having your mother as your hairdresser, amirite?

Basically, ceremony and part 1 of my reception: long hair, long dress. Part 2 of my reception (including dancing and oh-so-much drinking): short hair, short dress. Was it worth it? AB-SO-LUTE-LY. The look of shock on my friends’ faces was an experience I wish to relive!

That first week of my last vacation was the best week of my life. That was, until the second week of that trip, where my husband (still not used to it) and I decided to splurge on a fancier resort in the area for our honeymoon week! I mean, who wouldn’t want to wake up and walk up a couple steps to a private pool ON THE BEACH?

All in all, it was a fantastic trip. It was filled with love, laughter, joy, and new experiences, and I wouldn’t trade this feeling for the world.

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