COM0014 – Blog 1: Why I loved Montreal

During my last vacation, I went on a trip to Montreal. I stayed in Montreal in a hotel for five days. Throughout those five days, I explored the underground mall, tried some new food, and bought new items in Montreal. I had a great time and would like to go again.


The hotel we stayed at was called the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth. It was a more fancier hotel. Our room was okay, but it was not the best. It was a nice room with a great view. We had a good view of the the Ring, which is an art display. The only problem with our room was that it didn’t have a fridge or a microwave. Below is a picture from the hotel room.

Picture Taken By Kelsey Leonhard

Underground Mall

In Montreal, they have a big underground mall that goes on for blocks. While I was not able to walk through the whole underground mall, I was able to see half of it. We were able to enter the underground mall through the hotel we stayed at. In the basement of the hotel, it was attached to the mall. The mall had a bunch of shops and food courts.


I also went shopping during the trip and bought many different items. One type of item that I bought was cute plush toys. Some of them were pandas, which is my favorite animal, and I got a cat. There is a picture of some of the toys above. I got some new books and more panda-themed items.


During our stay in Montreal, I tried food from restaurants that I hadn’t seen before. I ate food at the food courts in the mall or other restaurants that we saw walking around. There was a burger place, an ice cream place, and a drink store. Below is a picture of some food I got in Montreal.

Picture Taken by Kelsey Leonhard

The restaurant which served burgers was called Patty Slaps. I ordered a burger called a Bacon Blaze and I rate it a 5 out of 5. Next time I go to Montreal, I will eat there again. We ate at an ice cream place in the mall. I forgot what it was called, but the ice cream there was good. I got a chocolate ice cream and a Red Bull flavor ice cream. I rate it a 3 out of 5. The restaurant that served drinks was called Presotea. I had a Japanese burned coffee slush and it was one of the best drinks I had. I rate it a 5 out of 5 and would eat there again.


This was a great trip and I had a lot of fun. While I did a lot of walking, I saw a bunch of new things. I ate a bunch of great food. In all, I have to go back again. I must go back and eat the great food again. I need to also go back and continue exploring that underground mall. Also, I need to bring a bathing suit and try out the swimming pool they have in the hotel.

Montreal isn’t a bad place to visit and I would like to visit again for another vacation. I had a great time and can’t wait to go there again. Did you every go to Montreal before, and if so, what was one thing you loved about Montreal? Or if you haven’t been to Montreal before, would you go now after reading this blog?

One thought on “COM0014 – Blog 1: Why I loved Montreal

  1. Hello Kelsey, thank you for mentioning Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth hotel! Next time you visit, you can ask us about getting a mini fridge & microwave. We can have them sent up to your room. We hope to see you soon 🙂

    Marketing Director

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