Why I Use Facebook Marketplace, And Why You Should Too

Before I go on about why Facebook Marketplace is such a great asset, let me explain what it is. Facebook Marketplace is the part of Facebook where you can sell or buy items locally or shipped. For instance, you could sell that old coffee table, or you could buy an air fryer that you have always wanted. That is just one example of what Marketplace has to offer. 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska via pexels.com

Buying On Facebook Marketplace

The first thing you would most likely do on Marketplace is to buy an item. It is very easy to buy an item on Marketplace.  Marketplace offers categories, a search and filters for its catalog of items to help you narrow down what you are looking for. Categories help you narrow down the item type like toys or furniture. Filters can help you narrow down where the item is located and how much it costs. There are even images of the item for sale. 

Once you find the item you are looking for, you will direct message or DM the buyer using Facebook Messenger. You will discuss availability of the item, location, time, and method of payment (such as cash or Venmo). The price can even be haggled. Then you will meet up and buy your item.  

I have used Marketplace to buy items myself since it is very easy to use. I once found this listing of two stuffed panda toys. It didn’t cost that much, and I didn’t have those two toys in my collection of panda themed items, so I bought it. The Buyer was very friendly, and I was able to pick the items up as soon as we were both free.  

Picture was taken by Kelsey Leonhard

Selling On Facebook Marketplace

Now, the other half of Marketplace is selling. You yourself can sell that dusty old coffee table for some extra cash instead of throwing it in the trash. The first thing to do to sell an item is to take pictures of said item. These photos will show the item and its condition to the seller. Then you go to Marketplace and create a listing. Here you will upload the image(s) and fill out the rest of the listing. You fill out information such as the title, price, description, category, and condition of the item. 

After filling out that information and posting the listing, a buyer or buyers will contact you. As I said above, you will discuss location, time, and method of payment on DM. Once you have an agreement with a buyer, you will meet to sell the item. The best thing yet, Facebook will not take a cut of your profit. It is 100% yours. 

Of course, I have sold items on Marketplace. I once had two Snoopy Christmas themed items in my house. I didn’t need them, and they were taking up space, so I decided to sell it. I quickly made a listing and waited for a couple of days. Someone contacted me, so I was able to sell those items and make some quick cash.  

Picture taken by Kelsey Leonhard

Why So You Use Facebook Marketplace? 

Marketplace is a place to buy items you want locally. Since it uses location, you will be able to see where the item is located. Items that are closer to you usually pop up first on the search results, so you are more likely to buy locally. The search function also allows you to search for anything you want, even if it is more of a niche item that is hard to find. If someone is selling it, you will see the listing. 

Wherever you choose to sell or buy an item on Marketplace, you are keeping it out of the trash. If you are selling an item, you don’t want that item. And when you don’t want an item, you throw it away. So, if you use Marketplace, you are keeping useable items out of the trash. 

Photo by Tom Fisk via pexels.com

Therefore, when you look at that old coffee table and think that you need a new one, look no further. Marketplace is the place to get rid of that coffee table while buying a new one at the same time. So, will you use Facebook Marketplace the next time you want to buy or sell an item? Have you already used Marketplace to buy or sell an item? If so, do you like using it or did you have a bad experience? 


Looking for a place to buy and replace that old coffee table with something new? https://bit.ly/46xoTIX


The next Marketplace to use for buying and selling any item! https://bit.ly/46xoTIX

3 thoughts on “Why I Use Facebook Marketplace, And Why You Should Too

  1. Awesome post! I love using facebook marketplace! I have both sold and purchased items from it. So far all of my experiences both buying ad selling have been awesome! 

  2. Facebook Market is a great tool to buy or sell anything we want. In my personal experience when I have bought or sold something it has been very simple, I highly recommend it.

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