Being Influenced to purchase online. The Positive and Negative of Social Media Influencers.

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Have you ever been influenced to purchase a product online? I’m sure most of us in this day and age have. I have always been interested in this topic. I love to learn about different fads that are going on online and to see the funny ways people will push a product. It amazes me some things people will buy that honestly look like complete scams to me. Being an influencer online or even a business we can use social media to market products that even they know aren’t good. Unfortunately, nowadays some people don’t have the same morals as maybe a few decades ago.

Positive Influences

Clootrack states “Consumers are more likely to buy when they get recommendations from a person they trust. Celebrities and popular people inspire their audience and influence their buying behavior.” This is statement is so true, especially in 2022. We rely on influencers and celebrities to help us when purchasing products. I love it when I can purchase a product and an influencer recommends and I love it. It builds trust between me and the influencer that is promoting the product.

Since 2016 I have been really into makeup. I learned how to do makeup from Youtube beauty gurus. This can be an amazing place for people to learn more about your skin type and tips and tricks on how to improve your makeup skills. Although there can be many negative impacts in the beauty world I want to focus on influencers that I have always looked up to. Her name is Samantha Ravandahl, she is a Canadian Beauty Youtuber and has been online for many years. Her whole brand is about self-confidence and self-image. She struggles with acne as do I. I have learned a lot about skincare specifically through her videos. I admire the way she reviews products and never endorses a product that she would not use herself.

Now, should you believe everything you hear from one person? You should always take everything with a grain of salt. Remembering that everyone is different and every product whether it be beauty or otherwise should always be tested by you with an open mind it might not work for you.

According to an article I found called “How social media influence 71% of consumer buying decisions” they said that “Due to the rise of online shopping and the amount of time people spend on social media, social media impacts consumer buying decisions.” Everyday influencers are pushing products and that can only be a good thing until someone is only in it for the money and not the well-being of the consumers.

Negative Influences

Does anyone recall the recent pink sauce that was going viral? This is a great example of an influencer that does not care about consumer needs. Or at least was careless enough to not put enough detail and attention into her product causing some of her consumers to get sick. A woman named Chef Pii was going viral a couple of months ago using a homemade vibrant pink sauce on any type of food. I mean any type of food tacos, burgers, fried chicken you name it. Undoubtedly this sauce went viral in no time. I mean come on bright pink sauce?

After some time had passed Chef Pii decided to sell this pink sauce to consumers. Being a small business I don’t think she knew the ins and out’s of the food industry. Unfortunately, the bottles were sent out in the middle of July with no way to preserve them. Customers were receiving exploded packages due to carelessness. Chef Pii wanted to get her product out to consumers as fast as she could. Working with food you have to be extremely careful and follow all necessary guidelines and standardization tests which she ignored.

Even after complaints, Chef Pii did not address them right away and even went after some customers online in a negative way. I’m almost certain that Chef Pii has lost the trust of a lot of people. I wouldn’t want to repurchase a bottle after receiving one.

Always remember to keep your mind open when purchasing things online. Use your best judgment before making any purchases. Do you have any tips on how to avoid false advertisements?

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