COM0014 – Blog # 7 – Personal Reflection

I have been on Facebook for 16 years, on Instagram and Twitter for 8 years, LinkedIn for 2 years, and on Tik Tok for 1 year. At first impression, you would think that I am well versed in the social media world by using the major platforms that are currently performing well. You would not be further from the truth.

Credit by Tracy LeBlanc

Three years ago, social media for me was a medium to openly speak my mind online. I thought that I was doing a pretty good job at it too until I found myself doing it as a job. Prior to taking this course, I thought that I could apply the same tactics that I was using privately to a business. Nothing could have been further from the truth!

I came to realize that when someone is using their personal social media accounts to express themselves, they are less restricted to choosing their words because they are interacting with their followers whom are usually their friends. So if I am pissed about something and I start ranting about it on my Facebook page, I will always get sympathetic (even supportive) responses.

Social media for a business is, like for personal accounts, an extension of themselves, but that is where the similarities end. It is my job to be online to monitor the reaction of our followers and provide the best response that reflects the values of my employer, even if that response goes against my own views.

The Social Media courses have greatly helped me improve my social media abilities to become an expert and really use each platform in more efficient ways. I am now able to better advise others and even improve the way that I even use my personal accounts.

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