COM-0015 Blog#4 -Out of the Box

Image created with Canva by: Christiane Bouchard Howden

Social media is constantly changing and evolving. Back in 2007 when I signed up for my first Facebook account, I remember thinking to myself how great it was to finally have a way to connect with friends and family that were miles away. I still think that, however from a completely different perspective. Now I look at the variety of platforms available and think of the endless opportunities they present to connect with potential clients all over the globe. The ability to network, create connections and build relationships with people I wouldn’t have the chance to meet in person. Coming from a traditional marketing mindset in radio, the possibilities of digital marketing still boggle my brain! The expansion of modern day marketing tools, platforms and software is exploding in new directions everyday, and they are taking the world by storm! The key however is to know how to use these tools, that are readily accessible for just about everyone, and think outside of the box on how to create a presence and brand for yourself that stands out.

Be Bold and Try New Things

TikTok is the prime example of a platform taking the world by storm…and surprise! What was thought by many (including myself) as being an entertaining platform used mainly by Gen Z’ers, has transformed into an incredible modern marketing method. With over 500 million downloads from the Google Play Store alone, this new channel is so great because there is still so much marketing ideas to discover! It’s a personal way to brand yourself and infuse your personality to create relationships with your audience. TikTok provides a creative space for you and your business, giving ample opportunity to step outside of the box. Keeping up and staying in the know with trending apps, software, platforms is an excellent way to stay relevant in the digital marketing game.

Use What You Know-In new Ways

Facebook has been around for years and seeing ads or videos is not new. However step outside the box and figure out ways to use the tools available in new to you ways. But using tools like surveys or polls can help you build your presence and get to know your target audience in a fun way. You get to connect with new people, and create a space that is welcoming engagement and participation.

Also creating a group for your niche is a great way to network with people that are like minded and have the same interests. While it may now be a new concept, it is introducing your brand to fresh eyes that may not have heard of you before.

Measure your Success

Metrics have incredible value in the digital marketing field. It is one of the biggest advantages over traditional marketing methods. You get to see result from your efforts, almost in real time. Take advantage of this and watch those metrics closely. If you are not getting the results you want from your social media marketing, change your delivery or tone. You may just need to tweak your campaign a bit to fit your target audience better. Those metrics might even indicate you need to step outside of the box in order to get noticed more. Trust those insights-they will lead you to success!

By staying on top of trends, trying new ideas on familiar platforms and measuring your marketing efforts, you can successfully create an online presence that builds your brand in a positive and authentic way. Remember that even though you are visible online, it’s more than just that. Always strive to keep your content engaging, and relative to who you are or what you are selling.

Do you have some out of the box methods for your marketing strategies? Share the in the comments below.

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