COM0015 – Blog # 4 – Out of the Box

One of the big problems that occur when you work for a museum is to think outside of the box. By box, I mean the actual museum. Their business model is derived from getting people to come to them and not the other way around.

Prior to the pandemic, there were very little efforts to develop outreach campaigns geared to keep us relevant to our visitors and members. With no other option but to close down for an extended period of time, our upper management realized that we had to “get with the program” and create virtual activities, webinars, and virtual camps.

Fast forward one year, we have now been able to create a stronger bond with our visitors and members by remaining relevant to them. We even received praises for our social media efforts and the quality of our virtual activities. We have demonstrated our resilience and our ability to look for the positive in less than ideal circumstances.

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