Developing Your Brand

The world is changing every day and if you want to remain relevant you have to be willing to change with it. There was a time when you could go to a good school, get a good job, and as long as you were reliable and hard working you could keep that job for the rest of your life. Your job defined you and your commitment and experience was valued by your employer. What we have seen in ever increasing numbers is students graduating from good schools and not being able to find a job in their area of expertise. Feeling forced to accept a lower paying job then they had anticipated with less potential for advancement. “This has resulted in record levels of student debt. “In 2018, student debt contributed to more than 1 in 6 (17.6%) insolvencies in Ontario” (Hoyes, Michalos Bankruptcy Study). In the U.S. things are even more critical with student loan debt at 1.56 Trillion. These numbers paint a very bleak picture for an aspiring student, if the times are changing then so must you.

The Brand Called You

Tom Peters first explored the topic of personal branding in an article he wrote in 1997 titled The Brand Called You. This article was revolutionary for it’s time and one of Peter’s main points in the article is that you are not defined by where you went to school or where you work but that you yourself are your own brand and all those other things are just a part of your brand. He believes strongly that in order for you to be a successful brand you have to continue learning, continue being a student. Peter has claimed that he will never be the smartest person in the room but he will always be the most prepared. If we look at the brands that have remained successful and relevant over time they have all evolved and grown with the times continuing to improve and adapt their products and services. It makes sense then, that if you are a brand and want to continue to be successful you will also have to continue to learn and change with the times. But how do you do that without going into debt from student loans?

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There Are No Stupid Questions

Everyone has heard this saying at some point in there life “there are no stupid questions, only stupid people”. It kind of feels like a trap, like there has to be at least one stupid question. Right? However I think this statement holds a lot of wisdom especially in our time. People love to be able to share their expertise in a given field so let’s create an opportunity for them to do just that, while also developing our personal brand. Asking questions is one of the best ways to foster engagement but what if instead of asking a question on social media with only the intention of promoting yourself, you do so with the intent of learning something new. By asking the right questions in the right places you can not only continue to learn and grow as a person/brand but it’s also the perfect opportunity to develop your network and promote engagement. There is a whole world out there eager to let you know just how smart they are so let them, and over time you may realize that you have become the expert. What area do you want to be an expert in? What is the first question you would ask?

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