Comm0014 Blog 5: Personal branding

Branding yourself is critical in today’s hyper competitive market. No longer is it just simply just to send a resume, hope to get an interview, answer the “tell me a time” type of questions. No, now you must be your own “corporation.”

That is the major point from lesson 5.

Your brand is your reputation. Amazon Founder, Jeff Bezos famously said “Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.”

This is personally true for me in my values and beliefs on social media as I look towards building future opportunities. I have worked on creating a reputation politically as a politically progressive, yet pro -business person. I have been outspoken on supporting preventative climate change policy, boosting renewable energy renewable energy. I support modest economic globalization and trade. I am not pigeon holed as a radical leftist, yet I brand myself for progressive economic change. Thus, my brand appeals to those who have progressive values, but may not agree with the far left.

It’s all about having a cool niche. I hope to use this type of appeal when building future new business opportunities in writing books or policy.

Pehaps one of the best personal branders is actually not from the social media age, but from the 1980s with professional wrestling legend Ric Flair. He truly was one of the best in branding his self as a high roller. This helped him to sell his persona as one of the best professional wrestlers of all time.