COM0014 Post 6 – Entrepreneurial Fear


Owning a business can give even the strongest person anxiety beyond belief. The only way to describe being an entrepreneur is being on a rollercoaster. One day you’re on a high, one day you bank account is empty and then you have a good day again. Some days you wonder if you should close your doors and the self-doubt comes in. Can I do this? Did I make the right decision? Am I good enough? Should my business be just a hobby?

My life is a little different to most. I’m an Aussie that immigrated to Canada to be with the love of my life. 13 years, 3 kids later he’s still the love of my life. The reality is that although I am well educated and have held some pretty amazing jobs, due to my husband’s military career we move every few years. Each move, I have to look for work, start from the beginning and then finally I reach a career high then… a posting message comes in.

I finally decided that I was going to take the bull by the horns and look at my work life at a different angle. Like most people I want work life balance, I want to be at the Christmas concert, be the pizza mom and still make a business meeting. I needed to find a career that I loved, was flexible and I wouldn’t have to always start from scratch. So, where was this magical career I was seeking? I decided that I would start my own path.


Fear has always held me back from starting a business and I didn’t think I could. During our posting to Ottawa I have met some of the most influential people in my life. People that have believed and championed me on this journey and I am excited and fearful to start. I think some days they believe more than I even do.

Anyone will tell you the first five years of business is hard, the first year in particular will be the hardest. Everyone that has owned a business feels the fear, the feel the ups, the downs and the self doubt. I am excited to start and I hope that I can breathe through the ups and downs, hang on and enjoy the ride.