COM0014 – Blog 7: Reflection of Digital Communication And Storytelling 

This whole course was fun and interesting. The blogs we had to make were great and I learnt a lot about storytelling. I can’t believe that this is my last blog for this course. 


During this course, I loved making the blogs. While they were a bit stressful, since I usually made them close to the last day, they were interesting. While I have made four other blogs for another course before, the blogs for this course were different. 

What was different was the topics that I had to write about. They made me write about things outside of my comfort zone and topics that I have no clue how I even came up with something to write about. These blogs challenged me, and I learnt a lot from just the blogs alone. 

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For the harder blogs, I just started writing something down, and before I knew it, I had a bunch of paragraphs and was past the minimum required of words. I didn’t realize how easy it was to write and come up with content for the topics as soon as I stopped thinking too much about the topic. 

After this course, I would really like to get into blogging as a hobby. I had fun, and it was great. While I might not post content where I type I lot like these blogs, I would still be as fun as this was. I was thinking about a photography blog with pictures I post. 


Photo Taken By Vlada Karpovich Via

This course taught me a lot about storytelling. While I did know that people had posted stories online before this course, I never really thought about the storytelling in the way that this course has mentioned it. It changed a bit of the way I will view online content and the content that I will post online. 

Storytelling is important to creating great digital content because storytelling helps make great digital content. You can’t have great digital content without telling the story of that content. Stories help the content become greater. It helps them express emotion and be remembered, like how the course mentioned how legends were. 

All my future content will be guided by a story. Like I mentioned before, I would like to post pictures and talk about them. Storytelling will help guide how the blog will be formatted or what would be said. 

Photo Taken By Pixabay Via

For myself, I don’t really have any types of stories that I want to tell. I would like to blog for fun, not to get noticed, so I wouldn’t try to make legendary stories for my future blog. Great stories of course, but it would be nice to blog as a hobby and not to get my name out there. If I ever did, I would try my best to make legendary stories. 


This course has helped me find a new hobby and something to look out for in online content. It was interesting how storytelling changed on the internet. I can’t wait to see how it will change in the future and how my storytelling will change. Have you ever written a story online before? What was one of your favorite stories you have heard? 

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