COM0014 – Blog 6: My Storytelling of a Grilled Cheese Sandwich 

For this week’s blog, I have to choose one of the questions in this article and then answer the question as if I was telling a story. While thinking about a story I could write, I couldn’t think of a topic to write about. The question I chose to answer was “What experiences can I share that will help my audience?”. 

I must have been hungry while thinking because I chose to write about my experiences with grilled cheese sandwiches. Grilled cheese sandwiches are one of my favorite foods of all time. It’s tasty, easy to cook and easy to clean up afterwards. 

The Beginning

I can’t remember my first time having a grilled cheese sandwich. When I was young, I would have a grilled cheese sandwiches often to eat. I usually eat them at my grandparents’ house when I visit, but I have them sometimes at my own house. 

Photo taken by Polina Tankilevitch via

My first time making my own grilled cheese sandwich was when I was old enough to use a stove top. I was somewhere around 11 to 13 years old. Around that time, I was in Scouts Canada. I was at a camp, and I had to learn about stove safety to get a stove permit to be able to use the stove at future camps. 

I first had to learn about how dangerous a stove was and then how to use one. To test my knowledge of the stove, I then had to cook something on the stove. The test was a grilled cheese sandwich. 

The Creation

The first thing I had to do was get all the ingredients for the sandwich. Then I had to prepare the sandwich. Which was adding butter to the bread that would touch the pan. After that, I had to turn on the stove. With the pan on the hot stove top, I had to add the sandwich on the pan one piece at a time. 

 I started with the first slice of buttered bread, then the cheese and then the last piece of buttered bread. After waiting for one side to be cooked, I would then flip it to the other side and wait for that side to be cooked. Once the last side was cooked, it was done, and I could eat the sandwich. 

Photo taken by Kampus Production via

While making the sandwich, I was a bit nervous, because I didn’t do anything like it before. But as I started to make one, I realized how easy it was. I then decided to make more of this sandwich by myself more often. 

Perfecting The Sandwich

After that camp, I started to make grilled cheese sandwiches for myself. I didn’t make them too often, but it was great that I was able to make this yummy snack myself. It wasn’t till I was in my last couple of years of high school, that I started changing the recipe for grilled cheese sandwiches. 

It all started when I ordered a sandwich from Tim Horton’s, and I decided to try something new. I ordered grilled cheese melt with bacon. As I looked at what was in that sandwich, I realized that it was a basic grilled cheese sandwich but with bacon and two different kinds of cheese. 

From there, I decided to add bacon to my own grilled cheese sandwiches at home. I got some already cooked bacon bits from a store and added them in between the cheese and a bread slice. It made my already yummy sandwich into one of the best sandwiches I ever had. 

Photo taken by NastyaSensei via

After making that sandwich a couple of times, I decided to add more cheese. I tried two different slices of cheese and even two of the same slices. Then I found my perfect grilled cheese sandwich. Buttered bread, two slices of cheese and bacon bits.  


While this is my perfect sandwich, I don’t make it as often as I would like. For one, it costs too much money to get the bacon bits and a different type of sliced cheese. I also don’t eat grilled cheese as often as I used to, so it would go bad before I finished the bacon and that different type of cheese.  

So, while I can’t make my perfect sandwich, I can make a sandwich that is close enough and still tastes good. I usually just have a grilled cheese sandwich with two of the same type of cheese. That is my experience with grilled cheese sandwiches. 

Photo taken by Aleksandar Pasaric via

I shared this store to tell people about grilled cheese sandwiches. While some people might think that this story is about change, this story is about a great tasty grilled cheese sandwich. After reading this blog, would you make and try this sandwich? 

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