COM0014 – Blog 5: My Own Personal Branding  

I haven’t really thought about or tried to describe my own personal branding before. Personal branding would be like your qualities, characteristics, and experiences. Basically, what makes you well you. To describe your own personal branding, you would have to describe yourself.  

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Qualities and Characteristics  

One of the first things about myself is my qualities and characteristics. For my own personal brand, I would have to choose the qualities and characteristics that I believe define me or describe most of myself. Two of the qualities that I believe describe me are friendliness and kindliness.  

Both qualities are almost on the same side of the coin. When one person is being friendly, they usually act kind. When one person is being kind, they are usually friendly. It is possible to be one without the other, but they both usually come as one. At least that is my opinion.  

I am both friendly and kind. A lot of people I know usually tell me that I have these qualities. I like to help people I know when they need help, and I am not usually rude to people. Out of my siblings, I am known as the friendliest and kindest. In my own personal branding, these qualities are the most likely to show.  

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Standing Out

For personal branding, another way to show your branding is to have something that you have done recently to make yourself stand out. This event can help describe your own personal brand or be something that you can write about in your own personal brand. It can help describe your own personal brand because it can show off your personality.  

One thing that I have done recently is that I volunteer at a food bank. This event helps me with my personal brand because it helps prove my two qualities mentioned above and any other qualities that I might have.  

Other Opinions  

Everything mentioned above is what I have said about myself and my qualities. Sometimes you might need another person’s opinions to find out what traits you should add to your own personal branding.  

An example of this is my trait of being hard-working. My colleagues at the food bank would say that my best trait is that I am hard-working. Since I do a lot of good work at the food bank, I am always on time, and I don’t fall behind in work.  

Photo taken by Ann H via


To describe my own personal brand, it would be something that shows off my best qualities and traits. Something that would show that I am friendly, kind, and hard-working. Something that shows off the best parts of who I am while not being fake about everything else. My own personal branding would be who I am.  

Have you ever described your own personal brand before? What are your best qualities and traits? 

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