Real or Fake news? All about Misinformation and Disinformation.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Have you ever scrolled through your Facebook feed and wondered if what I’m reading is correct? Or have you ever tried to do something you saw online only to find out it wasn’t true? I certainly have been a victim of many kinds of misinformation online. By the end of this piece, I hope I can open your eyes to the dangers of misinformation and some of the harmful things that can come from it.

So what is misinformation vs. disinformation?

Image by SarahCulture from Pixabay

“Misinformation is false or inaccurate information. Examples include rumors, insults, and, pranks. Disinformation is deliberate and includes malicious content such as hoaxes, spear phishing, and propaganda. It spreads fear and suspicion among the population.”  Using Social Media in Community Based Protection: A Guide So what’s worse? Should you be putting misinformation online that you are not 100% fact-checked? Sometimes being innocent in a post and trying to help can do a lot of harm to someone that listens. For example, if an anti-vaxer makes a false claim and someone follows their, advice that could cause serious harm to themselves or someone they love. Even if they didn’t know what they were putting out is false it was.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

According to WE FORUM 60 seconds on the web in 2021 consist of more than 500 hours of content uploaded on YouTube. How much of that is disinformation? Remember the tide pod challenge? Some guy on Youtube decided it was a great idea to make that a trend on his channel. In return, many people followed his actions and some people even got sick from it including children. Whether he knew what he was doing or not he put incorrect information out online.

Personally working at a pet store fact-checking can be crucial to the business. I remember one time in 2015 I had posted a video of our store pet rabbit on her back after a nail trim believing she was happy. Only to find out bunnies can go into a sort of trance-like state on their back due to stress. Immediately I had comments coming in letting me know what was going on. If I had only fact-checked what was possibly going on with the rabbit I could have avoided the negative feedback.

Nowadays we have to be researching and fact-checking the information we put out there, But how do we know what is real and what is fake? You can use a fact checker like Google Fact Checker.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“Critical Thinking isn’t about doubting everything: it’s about learning how to find out what is true. Because only truth can Break the Fake.” Media Smarts (part of the break the fake campaign) I love this statement because it truly makes you realize that you need to think before believing what you see but not to doubt everything you see at first.

So I ask you what are your thoughts on misinformation. Have you been a victim of wrong information online? Also, what are other ways you can look out for misinformation online?

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One thought on “Real or Fake news? All about Misinformation and Disinformation.

  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog. I, as well have been tricked into believing things that aren’t true and understand the importance of fact checking what you see online. I also liked the examples you provided.

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